Tuanzi was anxious at that time: "No! If Zhuzhu doesn't go, we won't be able to help!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "What should we do? Zhu Zhu'er won't take a nap?"

Tuanzi wiped his eyes with his hands and nodded firmly: "I'm not going to sleep. I don't feel sleepy even if the beads are reduced!"

That's alright. Sheng Minglin hugged his sister and rocked her for a while, but didn't stop her. He only secretly signaled to Lychee to prepare the quilt.

They waited for a while, and then Xu Jingyao and the others entered the third room. Sheng Minglin entered the control room and said a few words to them and asked someone to bring food to them.

Calculating that it took them more than two hours to pass these two levels.

This is the lowest level of difficulty. Huo Chenzhao mentioned the heights of adults and children in his letter, and they should have made some guesses. They shouldn't have delayed for so long. This only proves that they haven't gotten along well yet.

Xu Jingyao has a good family background, but he is too modest, too cautious, and unwilling to take the initiative. Although he is willing, it also means that his leadership ability is relatively weak, or he has no intention in this regard.

Tian Gang, who has a bad family background, doesn't dare to speak up, so it's hard to steal their limelight, so the speed will naturally slow down after going back and forth.

Sheng Minglin told them to wait for Xu Jingyao to come out and talk to him before leaving the control room. Several of them had already started setting up in front of the tower door.

I still chose my friend in the front, and my brother and brother in the back... The box where I wrote my name at the end is actually a lot of very thin poles, a bit like a huge handful of dragon whiskers, but thinner and more, and there is no suffocation when pressed. It feels very smooth and I can write several words easily.

Sheng Minglin saw that Tang Shihua had finished writing the words "princess", so he reminded him: "Write Zhuzhu and Xiaoyi."

Cheng Chongjin said: "No, there is a difference between superiority and inferiority, just write about princess."

"Why not?" Sheng Minglin said half-jokingly: "Regardless of your status today, this is the Cubs Adventure House. Two children have to write two names. You don't think it's important, but maybe Xiaoyi thinks it is important?"

He learned this skill from his sister. After he finished speaking seemingly casually, looking at Cheng Chongjin's eyes, he knew that this sentence had captured people's hearts.

Sure enough, the golden sayings of later generations are very classic, and sincerity is the eternal must-win.

Well, my sister is really sincere and he is just pretending.

Huo Chenzhao did not go in this time and waited outside to avoid being left unattended when Xu Jingyao and his party came out. Sheng Minglin and Qin Jiangbai both went in together.

This was the first time that two teams had entered a level at the same time, but Sheng Minglin believed that the Adventure House could handle it. Sure enough, after entering, the names Zhuzhu and Xiaoyi appeared above.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Okay, you guys work hard, I'll watch the fun later."

He meant that he had already broken through, so he would not help. Several people understood and responded, and started looking for clues everywhere with great interest.

Today, Sheng Minglin adjusted another scene. There were three scenes and three difficulties, and he happened to experience them all.

Zhuzhu had the self-consciousness of a young lady. She dragged Little Fatty around and explained to him in a coquettish voice: "In Jieli, anything that requires university education is not under our control, because we don't have a university." Knowledge! But we are only small, we can find short places! We can also climb small holes! We are very important!"

Little Fatty nodded obediently: "Oh!"

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but laugh when he saw it.

He is chubby and looks a bit different from his brother. His facial features are all small and his stature is two times bigger than Zhuzhu. But his temperament is a bit dull and timid. I don’t know why he admires Zhuzhu very much. He is very obedient. She said it was great that Zhuzhu had such a playmate.

I saw Zhuzhu and her little brother, searching everywhere. They actually pulled out a wooden strip from the wall. After searching everywhere for a long time, they finally found a suitable place and inserted it. A drawer popped out from the wall. .

So Team Zaizai actually became the second one to discover clues.

Wang Fengzhang was shocked: "Wow!! Your Highness, Xiao Yi, you two are so awesome!" Tuanzi was already a mature Tuanzi, and he only nodded reservedly: "Yes, Zhuzhu and Xiao Yi Jiji are both very powerful. "

Almost at the same time as Zhuzhu nodded, Xiaopangdun replied: "No, it's just a coincidence."

After a meal, Tuanzi looked at him with wide eyes: "This, how can this be a coincidence? We worked hard to find it!"

Little Fatty was a little confused: "This, this is humility, my brother said, be humble..."

Tuanzi thought blankly for a while.

She had been exposed to the concept of modesty, but in her family, neither Princess Duan nor Sheng Minglin ever asked her to do so.

So Tuanzi immediately retorted: "No, if you are humble, what will happen if others accidentally believe you!"

Little Fatty was stunned and thought for a while: "What should we do?"

Tuanzi also thought about it seriously, and taught her like a sister: "Well, then you can just tell him the debt after you say it."

Little Fatty nodded convinced, and then told Wang Fengzhang again: "I said it was a coincidence, but I was being modest. Don't believe me."

Wang Fengzhang suppressed a smile: "Okay, I understand, I definitely don't believe it."

Cheng Chongjin watched from a distance and kept laughing, and Sheng Minglin couldn't help but laugh.

So everyone continued to pass the level.

Half of Sheng Minglin's mind was taking care of his sister, and the other half was observing these people.

He found that Wang Fengzhang was really smart.

He looks lively and lively, but in fact he has a really smart mind, quick thinking and quick reactions.

The same goes for Cheng Chongjin, who has a really smart mind and won't be shackled by routines at all.

Tang Shihua was obviously inferior to them in terms of talent, knowledge, and resourcefulness, but Tang Shihua was a bit like a fool, and he was very lucky, and sometimes he could break the situation by accident.

He Xingzhou is thoughtful, gentle, and considerate of everything, but he doesn't seem to be good at this, and he doesn't seem to have solved any puzzles before everyone else.

As for Xu Wengong, he seems to be mediocre in all aspects. At present, Sheng Minglin has not seen any bright spots in his talents. Well, he is probably one of the more tolerant people?
Finally, there is Qin Jiangbai.

He is already an official and does not steal the limelight from them, but looking at his expression, you can tell that he has actually seen a lot of things. If he occasionally speaks, the timing is just right, and everyone will listen.

However, it seems that he does not consider the opportunity to find the most suitable moment and say the most suitable words... but relies on instinct and experience to find the most suitable moment.

To put it simply, he has leadership skills, but it is not the same path for someone like him.

In short, everyone has their own characteristics, which is very interesting to think about.

The group was not slow and had just guessed the sixth room when Huo Chenzhao's voice came through the microphone, saying: "Minglin! Minglin!"

Tuanzi: "Hey!" (End of this chapter)

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