Sheng Minglin picked up his sister and pushed open the small door to the microphone: "What's wrong?"

Tuanzi’s little face leaned over and said, “Beautiful Guoguo!”

"Hey! Zhuzhu." Huo Chenzhao agreed, and then said: "Minglin, it's already Youzheng (18 o'clock), do you want to finish it?"

Even Sheng Minglin was surprised, Youzheng?
He looked at the window and then up. This was the first time he had enough time to hold the lamp.

I didn't look up and didn't pay attention. When I looked up, I realized that the entire roof here was made of stones similar to the bright stone. It was not visible during the day. But now I saw that the entire roof was glowing. If I hadn't looked out the window, it would have been dark. It almost didn't feel like it was night time.

Sheng Minglin asked, "Where are Jing Yao and the others?"

"He hasn't come out yet," Huo Chenzhao said: "Listening to the voice, it seems that he is in the ninth room."

Sheng Minglin thought for a while and said, "You will ask them later if they want to finish the break. If they want to finish the break, eat something first."

He turned back and asked, "Feng Zhang, where are we?"

Wang Fengzhang asked: "Can I get out without breaking through?"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "Okay."

Wang Fengzhang and the others were obviously very addicted to playing, but good people are very good at controlling their desires. Knowing that Zhuzhu couldn't hold on for so long, Wang Fengzhang immediately said: "My head hurts thinking about it, how about we continue tomorrow?"

Others joined in.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "How about this? After we finish this level, we enter the seventh room, stop to eat and take a rest, and then I will send Zhuzhu back. You guys try to finish it? There are twelve rooms in total. ,dare?"

Wang Fengzhang smiled and said, "What's wrong with that?"

Sheng Minglin asked Cheng Chongjin again: "When does Xiaoyi usually go to bed? Do you want to go out with me?"

"No need," Cheng Chongjin said with a smile: "He went to bed later than me, let's finish it together."

So it was agreed upon.

Huo Chenzhao told him again after a while, and Xu Jingyao and the others also decided to finish their break and said they would have dinner in the tenth room.

Sheng Minglin said: "Tell someone to tell the people they brought. It will take Jing Yao two hours to return. Feng Zhang and the others are afraid it will be even later. If it is too late, they can just stay here for the night." .”

Huo Chenzhao responded.

There is a curfew now, and you are not allowed to walk freely on the street from the first to the fifth watch (19:5-[-]:[-]), but for people like them, it is okay once in a while.

And in order to make things happen here, Princess Duan bought an inn diagonally opposite. Although the appearance is unremarkable, all the furnishings inside have been changed, and you can also stay overnight.

Everyone became active, broke through the sixth room, and entered the seventh room to eat.

After experiencing it several times, I also made some improvements. I made a square plate that can be stacked to hold dishes and be brought out for everyone to eat together.

Zhuzhu didn't take a nap today. She didn't know if she was overly sleepy. She was quite energetic while eating. Wang Fengzhang was still thinking about the clues just now while eating. He took a few mouthfuls of rice and put down the bowl in a hurry. If you are busy, try it.

As a result, Zhuzhu saw that there was still a small mouthful of rice in his bowl, and immediately pointed at his bowl and said to him: "Fengfeng Guoguo, Li Li!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and translated for her: "It's hard work! Finish your meal quickly before you go."

Wang Fengzhang was suddenly enlightened. He hurried back and picked up every particle of rice. He said with a grateful face: "Thank you, Your Highness, for teaching me, otherwise I would have made a mistake."

Tuanzi nodded: "You're welcome, we are good friends, Zhuzhu will remind you."

Wang Fengzhang smiled and said: "Your Highness is so kind. I like Your Highness the most."

Little Fatty was a little hungry. He had just finished a bowl of rice and asked, "What's so hard about it?" The dumpling paused and blinked.

Cheng Chongjin thought that she meant that he could not recite the whole poem, so he said: "This is a poem called pity the farmers. It is noon on the day of hoeing, and sweat drips from the soil. Who knows that every grain of food on the plate is hard work?" .”

Then he explained what he meant.

Little Fatty was a little puzzled: "Then why doesn't he hoe again in the morning? Otherwise, he won't sweat?"

Cheng Chongjin was about to speak when Zhuzhu suddenly thought of something and stood up suddenly, her voice shrilling with excitement: "Zhuzhu, how about Zhuzhu! What about Zhuzhu!"

"Well," Cheng Chongjin said quickly, "then your highness said."

Tuanzi stood on the stool and said loudly: "As soon as we get used to weeding, the grass grows and the roots under the ground come out. The sun is very harmful, firewood can wash the roots, and the grass will not grow again! We need to tie the sun If it doesn't get wet, or if it snows, the grass will grow into the soil again if we are not careful, and it will compete with the food! We will have no rice to eat, and we will be hungry!"

Everyone was stunned.

Even Sheng Minglin had never considered this. Is that so?

Cheng Chongjin asked after a long while: "Excuse me, Your Highness, who taught you this?"

"Daddy!" Tuanzi said: "Zhuzhu learned from Li Li's poems. If he couldn't figure it out, dad took Zhuzhu out to see him! Dad also taught Zhuzhu to face the loess and turn his back to the sky..."

Compared with the others, Zhuzhu recited this sentence with perfect pronunciation. This is a common saying among the people, but everyone here is a noble man, and there are really many who have never heard of it.

The little dumplings measured it with their hands, and said in a sweet voice: "Old lady, I have carried a mountain of grass bigger than her! Then..."

She got off her brother's lap, made a very deep bend with her back, stood up and said: "It's too heavy, the old woman's face is facing the loess, back." She turned her hands around and knocked. Knocking on his back: "It's facing the sky! Daddy took a very small pile of grass and gave it to Zhuzhu to carry, but Zhuzhu couldn't carry it."

She tried hard to express her meaning clearly: "If Zhuzhu can't carry it on his back, he can't have a beautiful elbow. He can bend his head with his face to the loess and his back to the sky!"

Several people were shocked and speechless because of this simple yet heart-shaking picture.

Xiaotuanzi frowned vigorously, obviously imitating Prince Duan's expression at that time.

She doesn't really understand this, but a lot of learning in this world starts with imitation.

She really doesn't understand now, but in the future, when she sees a similar situation and thinks of that time, she will suddenly understand.

Wang Fengzhang murmured: "Now I know why Xiangrui is in your house... Prince Duan is the only person in the entire capital who would hold his two or three-year-old daughter to see it with his own eyes after reading about pity for the peasants." "

Seeing that everyone was listening attentively, Tuanzi felt quite proud, and continued: "When Zhuzhu came home, her hands were all bruised, her face was sore from the sun, and her body ached. My mother was crying and beaten. Daddy, Daddy was beaten and made to cry, so he gave Zhuzhu medicine while crying."

She said very proudly: "Zhuzhu didn't cry, Zhuzhu even coaxed her parents to have sex! Zhuzhu will be fine in three days!"

She gestured with three fingers.

Sheng Minglin was a little dumbfounded.

Yes, it is true that not many people can do this kind of thing with their little girl who is over two years old and try it out on her own.

After finishing the meal, Zhuzhu started to yawn, and Sheng Minglin talked to Huo Chenzhao through the microphone.

Huo Chenzhao notified Xu Jingyao and then pulled the emergency button.

Every door opened, and Sheng Minglin came out with Zhuzhu in his arms, handed Zhuzhu to Huo Chenzhao, and then went back.

After all, working together until late at night is a rare experience. It is a good thing that a person with a gray beard will recall from time to time. He never hung out with these people when he was young, so he made up for it by this. (End of chapter)

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