After Sheng Minglin returned, Huo Chenzhao closed the door, came out, wrapped Zhuzhu tightly, and sent her home.

Xu Jingyao and his party had just broken into the tenth room at this time, and it would take an hour at the fastest for them to come out, so after Huo Chenzhao sent Zhuzhu back, he played with her for a while and waited for her to fall asleep before coming back.

It was already the curfew time, so Huo Chenzhao didn't ride a horse when he came back, he just walked back.

As a result, the lights of the Adventure House were seen from a distance, shining from countless windows.

Because the windows of the adventure house are originally integrated with the title, they are not neat, but are well-proportioned in size and shape. The lights draw vague beams of light, making it even more mysterious and beautiful.

From the window, you can still vaguely see the furnishings inside, and occasionally you can see people walking around. In this situation, let alone others, even he, who is well aware of the inside story, feels that the Immortal Tower is worthy of its name.

Huo Chenzhao walked in and saw Manager Lu standing in the courtyard, looking up at the building.

Huo Chenzhao asked: "Was it like this before?"

Manager Lu was startled, and quickly turned around to salute, while saying: "Back to Lord Marquis, it's not that there were no lights at night before, nothing so bright."

Huo Chenzhao nodded.

He sat for another hour before he heard a ding, the lights on the elevator side flickered, and then a transparent box carrying everyone swooped down... With his good ears, he even heard something coming from a distance, More than one gasping gasp.

Huo Chenzhao greeted him with a smile.

Xu Jingyao and the others were really tired after a long day's work, so they went into the room and sat for a while, and Huo Chenzhao proposed to send them to rest.

When he comes forward now, he represents Zhuzhu. Xu Jingyao and the others will not be rude if they don't wait for Sheng Minglin.

So Huo Chenzhao sent them there.

Then he went into the control room and listened. Sheng Minglin also started to participate now, and he went to the tenth room to listen to the sound.

Huo Chenzhao confessed and went out to take a look.

He mainly wanted to see where he could see this building and if anyone had anything to say.

As a result, after walking around for a while, I discovered that... it can be seen from most of the capital city. It is high, bright, and very conspicuous. And the farther away you are, the more hazy and fairy-like you look.

This time, it was really unintentional.

When Sheng Minglin and his party came out, it was already past Haizheng (22 o'clock). After a brief chat, they were sent to rest.

Qin Jiangbai was here, but Huo Chenzhao was not here to accompany him and only said a few words to him.

Sheng Minglin raised his eyebrows: "Okay, then let's invite people to play in the past few days, and we can play all night when the decree is issued."

Qin Jiangbai smiled and said: "The Immortal Tower appears and disappears as soon as possible. Is there any need to stay up all night?"

Sheng Minglin said: "That's another family's immortal, this is our Dasheng's immortal, how can it be the same? Only if everyone can see and touch it, then the implementation of civil decrees will be smoother."

Everyone joked for a while and dispersed.

Sure enough, on the second day, everyone from the court to the people was talking about this. More than ten people said with certainty that they had seen gods descending to earth, more than once!
When Xu Jingyao and others came out, they saw someone talking about the young master yesterday. He was wearing purple clothes and a gold belt, and he looked exactly like Erlang Shen in the portrait of the immortal. He also had an eye on his head!

Xu Jingyao, the purple-clothed young man: "..."

The voice of a person next to him was very loud: "Those fairies in childhood are so beautiful! There was a tall fairy in a blue shirt. She waved her sleeves, and clouds whizzed out from her shoulders!!"

Tall fairy Qin Jiangbai: "..."

Several people looked at each other while suppressing laughter.Then Wang Fengzhang smiled and said to Sheng Minglin: "When it snows and you go out to play, don't forget to call me!"

Sheng Minglin agreed with a smile.

When he returned to his residence, he went to see Princess Duan first, and talked about her reaching out to Jiang Mingyue for a quarter of an hour.

Princess Duan listened to his serious analysis and couldn't help but laugh: "You smart people just think too much! If you ask me, Jiang Mingyue is really not that smart. She is beautiful, so she thinks she doesn't care what she does. She is lovable in the eyes of others, and she usually doesn't hang out with people like you. She is used to standing there, and the teenagers will come around to show their attentiveness. How did she know that all of you are so sober? "

Sheng Minglin said: "But mother, four people died all at once, and I still don't know how they died. If Jiang Mingyue targeted her, was that the reason for their death? Maybe she ran to our place, Is it just for our fate or luck or something? Who knows whether such a goal can be divided into men, women, old or young? So it’s better to be careful.”

Princess Duan also frowned a little after what he said: "I, I see that Mrs. Uncle is very angry. I think she will be punished severely. She won't be able to come out for a while."

She touched her neck: "Besides, don't we have amulets?"

Sheng Minglin said: "Although there is an amulet, you still have to be careful."

Princess Duan was silent for a long time: "I understand."

Sheng Minglin then walked away with confidence. After walking a few steps, Princess Duan caught up with her again and asked in a low voice: "How much does that amulet cost? How much does Zhuzhu have?"

Sheng Minglin whispered, and Princess Duan said in a low voice: "I'm going to discuss it with Zhuzhu. My father, my brother, and the others have to wear one too. It's too scary. I don't worry. They are all stupid..."

The two chatted and went to Yueyuan together.

Zhuzhu had just finished breakfast, and Huo Chenzhao was pointing at the weather column to explain to her which day it would snow.

As soon as the two of them entered, the dumplings immediately showed up and sold them, "Mom! Guo Guo, look, I told you, it will snow the day after tomorrow! It will snow for two days! It must be very big!"

Princess Duan smiled and agreed, holding her hand and starting to discuss with her.

Tuanzi nodded generously and agreed: "Yes! Zhuzhu also wants her grandpa and uncle to protect her!"

After she finished speaking, she realized something was wrong and changed her words: "Zhuzhu also wants the Ping An Pot to protect my grandpa, aunt, and cousin!"

So Princess Duan counted the heads, bought a dozen more, and sent them to the General's Mansion herself.

Over there, Zhuzhu looked around and suddenly discovered a problem: "Where are Qi Guo Guo and Xing Guo Guo?"

Sheng Minglin said: "Brother Xingxing, didn't he go to the guardhouse to help Zhuzhu choose guards?"

Tuanzi was not taken away: "What about Qi Guo Guo?"

Sheng Minglin coughed: "Early yesterday morning, someone came from the palace to ask Brother Seven to come into the palace. Zhu Zhu'er hadn't woken up yet, so I couldn't tell Zhu Zhu'er."

Tuanzi opened his eyes wide: "Didn't you come back to sleep at night?

Sheng Minglin had no choice but to say: "According to my guess, Uncle Huang may take the seventh brother to fight, so he has to go to the military school to learn something."

Tuanzi was surprised: "It can be tied to Qiguoguo... Qiguoguo..."

Halfway through her words, she thought to herself: "Will you also be with Mr. Wang?"

"No, there is no Mr. Wang this time," Sheng Minglin said: "With my uncle, and later Uncle Huang, they all have a lot of wisdom. Zhuzhu doesn't have to worry, we just need to buy him a suit when we go on an expedition in the future. Armor will do.”

Tuanzi said: "Current debt..."

Sheng Minglin said: "If you don't buy it now, there will be no place to put it if you buy it now." (End of Chapter)

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