Tuanzi stared at him blankly.

When Sheng Minglin saw her like this, he knew that she was distracted, so he raised his eyebrows and did not disturb her.

Then Zhuzhu climbed off the chair and pushed open the window with all her strength, almost staggering due to the wind outside the window.

Lychee quickly stepped forward and closed the window: "Master?"

Tuanzi ran to the door to look again, ran to look here, ran to look there...

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "Have you found it?"

Tuanzi: "Huh?"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said nothing.

She wanted to go to Brother Seven and was looking for a reason!
Tuanzi finally found it, his eyes lit up, and he ran to ask Big Tiger: "You also want to mess with Qi Guo Guo Guo, right? Do you want to see him?"

Big White Tiger: "Huh?"

"Oh," Tuanzi nodded: "Okay, you want to see him."

The big white tiger said: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Then he shook his big head vigorously.

No, no, Tiger doesn't miss him. He always takes up Tiger's bed at home and always wants to ride Tiger. Tiger doesn't miss him at all!

The little Tuanzi's body froze, and he stretched out his hand, grabbed a little fur in one hand, and tried to pull it down: "No, you miss him."

Big White Tiger: "..."

It finally understood, so it nodded obediently and looked at the little master with tolerant eyes.

Tuanzi immediately turned around: "Guo Guo! Da Hua Hua wants to find Qi Guo Guo! Zhu Zhu wants to find her too!"

Okay, Sheng Minglin said with a smile: "Wait a moment, I'll ask the kitchen to prepare some things. Since we are going, we will stop by to show off the scene for Qi Guo Guo Guo."

Tuanzi didn't understand, but knew that his brother had agreed to go, so he agreed and said, "Hey!"

Over there, the seventh prince did indeed enter the capital camp.

According to Emperor Mingxi's temperament, he naturally threw himself directly into the Fifth Army Camp. When the time came to go on an expedition, he would deploy troops from here.

After all, he is a prince, and everyone keeps them at a respectful distance, but he has a naive temperament, doesn't know how to look at faces, and has a high martial arts value. He is curious about everything he sees and asks about it when he goes up. He doesn't have any image baggage, and he is very interested in learning everything in one day. After I came down, my relationship with everyone immediately improved.

It happened that many people here had heard about it, and some even saw the Immortal Tower with their own eyes. During the break, they started chatting. The Seventh Prince said that he had been there, and instantly a large number of people gathered around to listen to what he had to say.

The Seventh Prince told how he and Shen Lingjue went to break through the barrier, and they spent four hours without passing a room, and then followed Sheng Minglin, and what happened... Everyone was surprised when they heard it, and someone said: "Can you Can’t you take us to have fun?”

"Yeah, can you take us to have fun?"

The seventh prince was a little embarrassed: "Okay, I have to ask Ming Lin if you can do it. It's very difficult there."

"Who says it can't be done?" Many people were immediately unconvinced: "It's like someone who hasn't read a few books!"

At this moment, there was a report outside that the little princess came to see him.

The seventh prince ran out as fast as he could.

The wind was strong, and Tuanzi stood on the carriage, wearing a red cloak, waving with his hands, and said in a thin voice: "Qi Guo Guo!!"

The Seventh Prince carried the dumplings in his arms like a gust of wind, took away the little dumplings in one go, spun around in circles several times, and tossed them several times high: "My dear, Jewelry, Jewelry, why are you here! Father suddenly asked me to come here. , I didn’t say anything to you when I left, I felt uncomfortable!”

Tuanzi nodded, grabbed one of his ears with one hand, and said eye to eye: "You didn't say goodbye to Zhuzhu! You didn't say you wouldn't go home, Zhuzhu is worried!"

"Yes, that's right!" The seventh prince leaned forward, bumped noses with her, and then pointed to the back, "I'm here, I guess I have to stay here, tell Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu'er, don't forget me!" As a result, with his finger, the people squeezing behind him suddenly found an excuse, and all of them came out in a hurry.

This kind of place is different from the royal guards.

Most of the imperial guards are second-generation people. Even if they are roundabout, they still have some connections. There are all kinds of people in the Beijing camp, and the atmosphere is similar to that of the border army. They get along with each other on a regular basis, and they often get along with each other between superiors and subordinates.

So everyone immediately rushed forward, "Your Highness, is this the Divine Princess?"

"Hey!" The seventh prince raised his hand and carried Zhuzhu'er onto his right shoulder. He pushed her with the other hand: "Look, stay away. Don't scare my sister... Hehe, Isn’t my sister cute?”

Everyone watched with laughter, Tuanzi immediately gave the cutest smile, Maomao tilted his head, and as expected, a group of people made a fuss: "Ah! The God Princess is so beautiful! So cute!"

"Mom, she looks like a New Year painting doll! So beautiful!"

The seventh prince was so proud that he kept turning around in circles so that everyone in the surroundings could see clearly.

Sheng Minglin, who was not far away, looked at it and it was really funny.

The seventh prince with such a temperament was really at home in the military camp. After only one day, he was getting along like a brother for many years. If someone else was really shrewd, he might not be as good as him.

A group of people made a fuss for a while. The seventh prince was afraid that Zhuzhu would be frozen, so he started to drive them away: "Okay, okay, don't look at it. My sister is still young and she will catch a cold if the wind blows."

Everyone reluctantly separated, and Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "Brother Qi, I brought some food for everyone to eat."

The Seventh Prince had just arrived and didn't understand the unspoken rules here, but these people understood, and there was a burst of cheers.

Sheng Minglin smiled and motioned for the boys to move down, while smiling and handing over to everyone: "My seventh brother is honest and straightforward. I'm new here. Could you please take care of me and give me some advice if I need anything. Thank you very much."

He didn't even mention his identity.

There is no need to mention identity in front of people with identity, and there is no need to mention it in front of people without identity.

The more unidentified people are, the more sensitive they are to these things. They may not feel anything if you use your power, but they will be easily moved if you don't use your power.

Therefore, the more important a person is, the more humble he is to the people. Only those who have no background and no brains will show off to the people.

Sure enough, after Sheng Minglin finished speaking, everyone became more comfortable in their movements, their smiles were very enthusiastic, and one person said: "I will help you give a copy to Mr. Qianhu!"

Sheng Minglin smiled broadly and thanked him repeatedly.

In the military camp, whoever brings food will be given to the brothers. If they can afford it, they will definitely be given to the superior.

Because Zhuzhu was in a hurry, she only brought four cans of chicken soup to the kitchen. Sheng Minglin brought a few more people with him and bought some food from the restaurant along the way. There were soups, water, and pasta. These people could find a place to sit down. It’s time for a full meal.

There was so much delicious food that these people were too embarrassed to mention the matter of the Immortal Tower. However, the Seventh Prince himself did not forget and asked.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "Okay. If you want to come, let me know in advance. You can come at night."

The seventh prince had no idea that he was not allowed to go home easily before he entered the military camp, so he actually went to ask.

There was an older man who accompanied him there carrying chicken soup.

The seventh prince really opened his mouth to ask, but Shangguan was too embarrassed to say not to let him go, so he had to agree. Then the people with him laughed and said, "Sir, please ask Brother Ping'an to come and have fun too!"

The Ping An he was talking about was Shangguan's son. As he spoke, he pinched the seventh prince, who quickly said: "Yes, yes!"

Shangguan was immediately happy and thanked him.

This man took the Seventh Prince with him to speak to Qianhu down below, and also took Qianhu's younger brother with him.

Relationships are inevitable in any place, so if you do this, everything will be perfect immediately. (End of chapter)

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