Chapter 52 Eating Bear Heart Leopard Gallbladder

Princess Duan was really worried about Zhuzhu coming to live there, and she didn't let go until the end.

Changshou Po was a little unhappy, and said with a pursed lips: "Then if something happens to her again, don't come to me! Don't regret it! Don't regret it!"

Her cloudy old eyes stared at her closely, making Princess Duan feel extremely uneasy.

After coming out, she frowned and muttered all the way, and the servants didn't dare to disturb her. Until she walked to the carriage and was about to get in, Lychee couldn't help but said, "Mother, our you want to stay here?"

Princess Duan didn't pay attention at first, but when she came to her senses, her face suddenly turned pale: "Where's Zhuzhu? Didn't Zhuzhu come down?"

Others were also frightened: "I haven't seen the little master, the little master hasn't come out yet!"

"It's impossible!" Princess Duan picked up her skirt and ran back: "It's been almost two-quarters of an hour since Zhuzhu came out!"

Everyone shouted and ran up. Sheng Minglin, who got out of the carriage a step late, was startled and asked the boy next to him urgently: "Is there another way to this mountain?"

The boy was also very anxious: "Here, there are roads everywhere in this kind of mountain!"

Sheng Minglin looked up anxiously.

This mountain is very short and small, with sparse vegetation, not to mention wild animals, and there are not many wild vegetables to pick, let alone the scenery. There should not be many people here, so Zhuzhu should be fine?
Who knew the next moment, I heard people shouting from the mountain: "Zhuzhu! Zhuzhu!!" "Little master! Where are you!!"

Sheng Minglin's heart sank, and without thinking too much, he picked up his robe and ran up the mountain.

The mountain was in chaos, with more than a dozen servants running around screaming and panicking like headless chickens.

Sheng Minglin glanced at the mountain and saw that everything was uncovered, almost at a glance, and his heart sank.

He was very alert and had a lot on his mind in one moment.

Today, it is very rare... Zhuzhu can't bring many servants, and he is in such a place of three religions and nine streams... This situation only happens once a year.

Moreover, Zhuzhu is timid, soft-tempered and well-behaved. She doesn't dare to walk around at all. Even if she comes out, she will only come to find her servants. Even if she can't find them, she will only stay in one place.

If I can't find it, I'm afraid something happened! !
He didn't care about etiquette anymore and grabbed Princess Duan: "Are you looking in the fence? Are you looking in the house too? Is there no secret passage between the walls?"

Princess Duan was already helpless. When she heard this, she kept saying: "Go quickly and find out if there is a secret passage?"

Several servants rushed over, and Sheng Minglin also rushed in to look for it himself.

But the house was very small, and even after searching around the walls and floor, there was nothing there. When I went out and looked around, there was nothing in the yard. Sheng Minglin asked Changshou Po urgently: "Are there any traps around here?"

Changshou Po looked panicked and quickly shook her head: "This, this is just a bald mountain with nothing." She lowered her head.

Sheng Minglin stared at her closely and then walked out quickly.

I saw someone asking the seventh prince, and the seventh prince said: "I haven't seen her!"

When Sheng Minglin saw his expression, he gritted his teeth and rushed up to grab him: "Have you seen me? Why don't you tell me quickly!" He asked, and his heart sank: "If Zhuzhu makes a mistake, You...I will kill you!"

The seventh prince was frightened by his expression: "What happened to Zhuzhu!"

"She's gone!" Sheng Minglin was so anxious that his voice became hoarse: "Have you seen her or not? You should tell me quickly!"

The Seventh Prince gritted his teeth and said, "When I was sitting here just now, Zhuzhu got stuck in the fence. I rescued her, and then I walked down and didn't see her."

Sheng Minglin said: "Really?"

The Seventh Prince was also anxious: "Why did I lie to you! Where did she go?"

Sheng Minglin saw that his anxious look didn't seem to be fake, so he felt relieved, let go of him, and looked for an opening in the fence.

When he found it, he called people directly: "Mother Zhou, take your brocade clothes and jade food and look for it over here; Aunt Ning, go over there with the lychees and red dates; Rongfu Ronggui, go over there and grow up." Stay here for a long time."

He was sweating profusely, but his voice was calm and clear, "Zhuzhu is very good, he can't run far, just look for this hill first, no matter whether you find it or not, you will reply to me in a quarter of an hour!" Princess Duan was already anxious. , the servants were looking for them in a completely disorganized manner, so everyone obeyed Sheng Minglin's order completely subconsciously, and then quickly divided into several groups and dispersed.

The seventh prince was also frightened.

He froze on the spot for a moment, then spread his legs and ran down the mountain as fast as he could, and started looking everywhere.

Sheng Minglin kept taking deep breaths, closing his eyes, thinking about what else he had missed.

Princess Duan couldn't wait any longer and asked from time to time: "Have you found it?"

Everyone below responded: "No!" "Not here either!"

No, it's just such a mountain. If Zhuzhu had walked on her own, she would have found it long ago.

Something must have happened.

Sheng Minglin calmed down.

He turned around and supported Princess Duan: "Mother, let's send someone to notify father first. To be on the safe side, we will also inform the Xie family and have more people come to look for her. Is it possible?"

Princess Duan's hands and feet were cold, and she gritted her teeth and said repeatedly: "Yes, yes, hurry up! Hurry up! There is also the Military and Horse Division!"

Sheng Minglin nodded, went straight down, asked the coachman to ride the horse, and went separately to notify Prince Duan, Xie Mansion, and the Nancheng Army and Horse Command Department.

Then he climbed up again, supported Princess Duan, helped her into the house slightly forcefully, and poured her a cup of hot tea.

Princess Duan's eyes widened as she tried to recall what had just happened.

But Sheng Minglin looked back and forth, picked up a kitchen knife from the side, turned around and thrust it into Changshou's face: "Where is my sister?"

Changshou Po was caught off guard and screamed in fright.

Princess Duan was also shocked. She opened her mouth to say something, but she didn't say anything and looked at Changshou Po without blinking.

In fact, Sheng Minglin just felt that something was wrong with her behavior just now and wanted to deceive her.

He was only two points sure, but he acted as if he knew everything, and said word by word: "You dare to touch the Royal Princess, you are so brave! You haven't said anything!? If you don't say it, I will kill you now." you!"

He was only eight years old and thin, but Changshou Po was just a shriveled old lady. She was so frightened by his aura that her lips trembled: "How did I know!"

"How dare you deny it!!" Sheng Minglin gritted his teeth and said: "This capital is so big, if we look for it, we will definitely find it! You can honestly say it yourself, because you are Zhuzhu's godmother. Come on, mother will intercede for you, otherwise, you will be torn into pieces! You will die without the whole body!"

The old woman was frightened, and her muddy old eyes rolled around.

When Sheng Minglin saw her like this, he felt confident. He was angry and resentful, his hands were shaking, but he suppressed his voice: "You still won't say anything!?"

Princess Duan also saw it.

Her eyes were red, but she said in a calm voice: "Since we, Zhuzhu, have recognized our godfather, we naturally treat you as our own mother, and we must do so according to our filial piety. As long as you say it, I promise I won't blame you!" "

Changshou Po trembled her lips: "I'll definitely find it in a while! Zhuzhu is blessed with great fortune..."

For a while?

Sheng Minglin's eyes sharpened, and he pushed the knife fiercely, blood spurting out: "You set up a trap to let Zhuzhu get lost?? You found someone else to take Zhuzhu away?"

Changshou Po didn't expect that he would be so sharp at such a young age, and her neck hurt, so she collapsed all of a sudden: "I was wrong, I was wrong, please spare my life! Don't kill me!!"

Princess Duan was so angry that she cut her fingernails into her palms and said angrily: "Say quickly! Where is my Zhuzhu'er!!"

(End of this chapter)

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