Chapter 53 Zhuzhu, don’t be afraid

At this moment, Prince Duan was still in the Yamen of the Ministry of Rites.

Although Emperor Mingxi often asked him to do temporary missions, his official position was actually the Minister of Rites.

Because a lot of time was wasted during the examination and holidays, Prince Duan also had some official work backlogged on his case. He had been busy all morning and was planning to have lunch with his colleagues.

As a result, before leaving the house, someone brought the coachman in. The coachman knelt down and kowtowed, his voice trembling: "My lord, something happened! The young master is missing."

Prince Duan's expression changed: "What?"

Soon, Prince Duan left the palace with three hundred royal guards.

As for the Xie Mansion, because of Zhuzhu's birthday, several people had taken leave in advance, and the guards of the Xie Mansion also chased after him.

The hill where Changshou Po is located belongs to the Nancheng Military and Horse Command Department. The commander's surname is Zhao, and he is only a sixth-grade official. He does not have the authority to mobilize troops, but he also came here with dozens of petty officials who were familiar with the place.

They were already close, so three groups of people arrived almost at the same time. Sheng Minglin was already waiting at the foot of the mountain. When he saw Prince Duan approaching, he rushed up: "Father!"

He quickly started talking without waiting for him to ask.

They interrogated Changshou Po, who admitted that she and her godson had set up a trap to make Zhuzhu "lost", and then her godson would find her and send Zhuzhu back so that he could get some rewards. , which also made Zhuzhu more troubled, so she could persuade Prince Duan's Mansion to allow Zhuzhu to live with her for two or three months.

It is said that the longevity woman has a way to borrow someone's life, but she must stay with the person being borrowed for 81 days... But Sheng Minglin hasn't had time to ask about this in detail.

But the key now is that Zhuzhu is gone, and so is her godson!
Originally, the two of them discussed it to scare people and not make the matter a big deal, so her godson was supposed to wait at the foot of the mountain and send the child back in less than half an hour!

But now the person is missing!
Princess Duan has sent people to guard the village where he lives, but they haven't found anyone yet.

Because the godson of Changshou Po was the one who could fill the shortage of servants given to her by the imperial court, usually only mother and son were here, so no other clues could be found at the moment.

Sheng Minglin's head was covered with sweat, his expression was anxious, and he spoke very quickly but clearly and concisely.

Even in this mood, General Xie couldn't help but take another look at him.

Prince Duan nodded, quickly turned around and ordered, "You guys, just divide into four teams according to the usual rotation, and search everywhere. Mr. Zhao, your people are familiar with the place, so let them take their time, and slowly go around and ask around to find Zhuzhu, or If you have any news, I will be very grateful."

Commander Zhao promised repeatedly and hurriedly took the people with him.

General Xie said: "I have already sent people to the city gate and asked them to conduct strict inspections."

The children of the Xie family were almost dying of anxiety. Xie Congyang said, "We'll go too! Uncle, let's go look for him too!"

"Don't worry," Prince Duan, who was also sweating on his forehead, said, "I have met her godson, but he has no experience. He can't do such a thing, and he doesn't have the courage. Something must have gone wrong, or... …being tricked into someone else’s trap,”

He paused for a moment: "You go out, don't mention your identity, don't rush around, just be patient, go to those small shops in the corners, and ask one by one. If anyone sees it, I will give you a big thank you. People around here It’s so thick that no one can see it! The key now is to find clues, they can’t run very far in such a short time!”

Several members of the Xie family responded one after another and went quickly.

General Xie and Prince Duan came up again and took a closer look at the surrounding terrain.

General Xie pulled Changshou Po over to interrogate him personally. When Prince Duan turned around to look for Sheng Minglin, he was nowhere to be seen.

Nanny Ning went up and down the mountain several times. She was exhausted and collapsed on the ground. She said to him: "Your Majesty, the young master said he was going to go out to look for her, so he took the boy with him."

The people here were on their backs, and at this moment Zhuzhu was sleeping soundly.

She rolled down the hillside and fell into the grass. Before she could get up, someone hugged her from behind and covered her face with a smelly hand.

Naituanzi was frightened and struggled desperately. After a while, he fainted and then didn't know anything.When she woke up, she opened her eyes and saw the straw roof.

Zhuzhu felt that her face hurt, and she suddenly thought of that smelly hand. Tears quickly filled her big eyes. She looked around and murmured: "Mother...Mother..."

The door opened with a creak, and a dark-skinned young man walked in quickly and said, "Hey, are you awake?"

Zhuzhu didn't recognize her at first sight, and became even more frightened, tears streaming down her face: "I want my mother! I want my mother!"

"Hey, don't cry yet!" The young man came over quickly and wanted to hug her. Zhuzhu screamed in fright and crawled into the bed. The whole group curled up in a ball: "Oh, don't kill Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu." Zhu is a good boy! Don’t kill Zhu Zhu!”

The young man had no choice but to take a few steps back and said: "Be good, don't be afraid, I'm not a bad guy! I've beaten away the bad guy who caught you. I'm really not a bad guy. Look at me, I look like a good guy." Really? I saved you."

Xiaotuanzi was panicked and frightened. He hugged his little knees and tried his best to shout, but his voice was still quite small: "Mom! Daddy! Come and save Zhuzhu! Zhuzhu is scared!"

The young man kept coaxing her, but she cried until her head was wet and she couldn't listen at all.

The young man scratched his head, simply retreated to the door, and shouted: "Shen Zhao! Shen Zhao, come quickly! This kid is afraid of me! He keeps crying! He won't listen!"

After a while, a clear young man's voice sounded, saying: "I don't know how to coax children."

"It's okay," the young man directly grabbed his arm and pulled him in: "You are good-looking, and children like good-looking things!"

The young man was pulled in by him and raised his eyes.

The young man's face is stunning and scorching like the sun. Even though he is dressed in coarse cloth, he is still so beautiful that the room is filled with radiance. Especially when there is a dark-skinned young man standing next to him, he looks even more like a pearl in the dust, surprisingly beautiful and magnificent.

Although Xiaonuituanzi couldn't speak, Xiaoxiao also thought he was good-looking. She slowly stopped crying and looked at him with wide eyes.

The young man took two steps forward and said with a smile: "Kid, what is your name?"

Naituanzi was stunned and murmured, "Zhuzhu's name is Zhuzhu."

"Well, be good, Zhuzhu," the young man said, "do you know where your home is?"

As soon as he mentioned home, Tuanzi wanted to cry again, his mouth became swollen, and he choked with sobs: "Debt Prince's Mansion."


The two young men quickly exchanged glances.

Then the young man asked: "Prince's Mansion? Is your father's surname Wang?"

Zhuzhu shook her head: "My father's surname is Sheng, Guoguo and Zhuzhu are also surnamed Sheng, and my mother's surname is Xie."

The national surname!
The young man pondered: "What's your father's name?"

Zhuzhu said without hesitation: "Prince Duan."

Both of them were startled.

Zhuzhu's tears fell down loudly: "Zhuzhu wants to find her father! Guoguo, can you help Zhuzhu find her father? Zhuzhu has money, Zhuzhu will give you money! A lot of money!"

The dark-skinned young man quickly interrupted, "Don't worry, my brother will ask someone to find out where Prince Duan's Mansion is right away... What about that, Zhuzhu, are you hungry?"

(End of this chapter)

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