Sheng Minglin interrupted with a smile: "Actually, I was wondering if we could use bamboo to divert water into various courtyards. It would be convenient for washing hands, face and bathing. As long as the water is not stored in the house, it will not be too humid."

"It's true." Prince Duan was half-serious and half-cooperating. He smiled and said, "It's indeed possible! Let the craftsman try it later!"

The adults were talking, and there were already a long line of dumplings. When I lifted them up and looked at them, I felt that they were extremely beautiful, so I quietly moved the stool to the side of my brother, and sat down with my back to him, with big eyes. He secretly winked at his brother.

Sheng Minglin knew his sister well and understood immediately. He extended a hand to his sister and continued: "What should I do about the Taoist priest?"

Tuanzi thought that his small body could block it and was safe, so he lowered his head and made a fuss about tying the bracelet for his brother.

All the adults looked at her silently, and Prince Duan continued casually: "Why don't I use your name? It's not good to use the names of the emperor and the prince."

Sheng Minglin said: "In my name? Is this appropriate?"

The prince said: "It's not appropriate for Ming Lin to come forward. I'll let Feng Zhang come forward. It won't be directly in the name of the prince, but there is no need to be too evasive when there are demons and demons. It will be solved."

They kept talking, the dumplings were being tied, tied, and tied.

Afraid of not being able to tie it tightly, Tuanzi exerted all his strength to suck the breast, even using his teeth. He stepped on his stool with his two little feet and pulled the thread with both hands. The whole Tuanzi leaned back hard. His posture was like murdering a relative. elder brother.

Sheng Minglin frowned in pain.

But this kind of rope is a bit slippery, and knotting is still difficult for a three-year-old baby. Tuanzi tried hard to make two circles with his chubby hands, but accidentally slipped his hand, and the rope slipped. Shake it, with a crash, the buttons are scattered all over the floor.

Tuanzi was shocked at that time: "..."

She looked at the buttons on the ground, then turned around and looked at the people in the room. The dumplings with a bowl of water left unleveled were completely frozen, her eyes were wide open, and she didn't know how to explain it.

Sheng Minglin immediately said: "Did Zhuzhu accidentally knock over the dustpan?"

Tuanzi nodded immediately: "I did it, I did it accidentally."

She felt so guilty that she didn't dare to look at her noisy father. She squatted down to pick up the buttons, moving her little body sideways and not daring to look back. Zheng Zhongshun hurried over to help pick them up.

The adults all pretended to have been deceived and were very tolerant and didn't ask any more questions...

The main reason is that none of us are ordinary people, and we still want to be proud. We don’t want to wear a messy button bracelet. It’s better to let Tuanzi’s brother take on such an important task!
But after Tuanzi made a mistake once, he didn't dare to tie it for his brother anymore. He tied all the buttons on the button in a long string, then ran over and tied it on the tassel of the royal case.

The tassels are also threads, and they can be hung by tying them randomly. After tying the dumpling, I stepped back and took a look. I clasped my hands together on the spot and was so beautiful at my work: "Wow! Uncle Huang! Look, look how beautiful you are." Table table!”

Emperor Mingxi left his seat and took a look.

The noble and solemn table suddenly looks a bit like a nouveau riche.

But the emperor still said: "It's so beautiful! Zhuzhu'er is awesome!"

Tuanzi nodded fiercely: "That's right! Zhuzhu is awesome! He turned an ugly table into a beautiful one! Turned it into a very smart one!"

Emperor Mingxi could only say: "I thank you."

Tuanzi: "You're welcome! This Zhuzhu series should be done! It's not hard for Zhuzhu!"

She happily held up the dustpan and went to find her brother: "I don't mess with my eyes."

There are only small pieces of buttons in the dustpan that cannot be stringed together.Sheng Minglin held up the dustpan and said, "Fourth brother, all the buttons are in your guest room in Dongyuan. Can you ask someone to bring another dustpan?"

The prince asked: "Many?"

"There are always hundreds of pieces of each kind. These small things are very cheap." Sheng Minglin said: "Otherwise, you can ask someone to grab two handfuls and keep them for your nephews and nieces in the future, and then use the rest. Take it all."

The prince didn't know what to say for a moment, so he silently pointed to the door and asked him to give instructions.

Sheng Minglin went out to give instructions to Zhou Zhiwen.

The family had lunch together. Emperor Mingxi had to discuss matters today, so Zhuzhu couldn't take a nap in the imperial study, so after dinner, Sheng Minglin carried her back to the house.

Before leaving, Sheng Minglin remembered it again and said to the prince: "Fourth brother, it is expected to snow tomorrow, and it will snow for two days. We had made an appointment to wait for the snow to go to Zhuangzi to have fun."

The prince nodded: "I understand."

Of course, it is inconvenient for these people to take leave when they first arrive in the East Palace, but while the prince is getting used to these people, it is good to go out and have fun together, and sharpen the knife while chopping wood, so just let the prince pass on a message.

Sheng Minglin and his party returned to the house, and Zhuzhu fell asleep on the way. Sheng Minglin called Lu Wuqi to first let out the news that the prince's disciples were looking for the Taoist priest.

As a result, Lu Wuqi said: "There is a ready-made one!"

Sheng Minglin asked curiously: "Ready-made?"

"That's right!" Lu Wuqi said: "Two days ago, a Taoist came to the capital. He called himself Ye. According to him, he was over sixty years old, but he looked like he was only in his thirties. It was said that he usually traveled around the world. , Acting chivalrously and righteously? This time I came to Beijing only after hearing about Yao Wei."

"By the way, I heard that this person has written a lot of story books, such as Huzhou's Legend of Catching Monsters, Ye's Story of the Creation and Destruction of Monsters, etc. He is quite famous. I even asked someone to go to the bookstore to ask, and he said It’s his book of stories, which has been on sale more than ten years ago. Usually one book is published every one or two years, and the sales have always been very good, so when he came, many people even posted for him and invited him to dinner.”

Sheng Minglin asked: "Does the script belong to a Taoist named Ye?"

Lu Wuqi said: "Hey, how did you know? Yes, it's Taoist Ye."

Really, is it the Taoist Ye that his father likes?

Sheng Minglin turned around and ordered: "If you ask me, go to the bookstore and buy one copy of each of Taoist Ye's words. No, buy two copies. Send one copy to Dongyuan. Tell them when you send it. One word, saying that this person is in the capital."

When asked, the answer came.

Sheng Minglin asked: "What does this person look like?"

"I haven't seen it with my own eyes," Lu Wuqi said, "but I heard from people below that he looks very... His original words were that he looked very much like a god. I also asked at the time, what is the description of "like a god"? Is it good-looking, or... It’s not good-looking, he said, it’s quite good-looking, but it’s not as good-looking as ordinary people like us, or it’s like a fairy.”

Sheng Minglin twitched the corner of his mouth, and then he remembered the appearance of a Taoist priest who was called ugly by Zhuzhu.

Her long eyebrows are flying sideways, and her posture is quite chic. She does look a bit fairy-like.

Eh, wait! !
At this moment, Sheng Minglin suddenly remembered something big! !

Make up the 14th.A conscientious writer must pay all his debts! !You must have been moved by my hard work and sincerity, right? (End of chapter)

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