Sheng Minglin originally wanted to ask Lu Wuqi to check this person, but he thought it would be unsafe for him to do so. It would be best to have an amulet, but he didn't have it at hand now.

Then he suddenly remembered that they were going to have a Taoist priest soon!

A powerful Taoist priest who stands firm and does not need to be doubted. It would not work if he were asked to draw a peace charm. If he had known better, he would not have bought it from the system mall! !

Peace Talisman is so expensive! !How many points were wasted! !
Sheng Minglin was extremely heartbroken!
The main thing is that they didn't earn these points, and they couldn't help at all. They were all earned by his precious sister who worked hard to get up early and work hard!

His sister is only three and a half years old!
My poor sister!Just thinking about it makes me so heartbroken that I can't breathe!
Lu Wuqi saw that he suddenly stopped talking, and was a little surprised: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay," Sheng Minglin waved his hand: "Wait for now, I will find the master later and draw an amulet for you, and then you can go check out that Taoist Ye."

Lu Wuqi's eyes lit up and he said, "I'll ask that Taoist Ye to draw one for me first!"

Sheng Minglin said: "No, I'm afraid you will be in danger."

"What danger could there be?" Lu Wuqi didn't care and was eager to try: "Even if he is a bad guy, he can't catch anyone and harm anyone, right? Otherwise, he can survive until now? I pretended to know that the prince wanted to find a Taoist priest News, I went to try it out, and then why couldn’t he perform one for me?”

"If he performs well, I will introduce him to you, and you will introduce him to the prince. If such a big carrot is hanging here, if he has an idea, how can he not take the bait? Even if he is really the kind of person who has the world in mind and comes here for Yaoyai, It’s impossible for him not to bite this hook, right?”

Reason, of course it is this reason, but for Taoist priests who do not understand this mysterious method, which may be related to Yaoyui, Sheng Minglin still feels that he should not take risks easily.

Lu Wuqi was very happy: "You, you are too soft-hearted to be a leader. Leaders of other families don't care about the lives of their subordinates at all!"

Sheng Minglin was delighted by his unique compliment and said with a smile: "In short, it's better to be careful. Don't go yet, wait until we are ready."

Lu Wuqi waved his hand: "Okay then."

While the two were talking, they heard someone outside reporting that Qin Jiangbai was here.

Sheng Minglin said directly: "Come in!"

Qin Jiangbai walked in quickly, nodded when he saw Lu Wuqi, and sat down without saying anything.

Lu Wuqi also knew how to look, and immediately said: "Is it okay for me to go and play with the little princess for a while?"

Sheng Minglin said: "Zhuzhu is taking a nap and Shanda Weifeng is not at home. You can go and play with Shanda Huahua for a while."

Lu Wuqi raised his hand and left.

After Qin Jiangbai heard him leave, he put down his tea cup and said to him: "Last night, just after Xuchu (19 o'clock), my amulet suddenly became hot. After a while, it was fine." He took it out Showed it to him: "I looked carefully and saw a crack."

Sheng Minglin: "!!!"

He hurriedly came up to take a look, and sure enough, it had a thin crack!
Is the person behind it so powerful?Amulets produced by the system can be affected!

They were wearing a set drawn by a lottery, maybe it was more powerful?It wasn't cracked, but this one actually cracked.

Sheng Minglin said: "Last night, around the same time, Ling Jue's peace charm was also getting hot! But it didn't crack! So, why are you two?"

Qin Jiangbai shook his head.As a worry maniac, Sheng Minglin felt that this state of being unable to make inferences because he didn't understand it was too uncomfortable. The main reason was that Qin Jiangbai was an abandoned baby, and he didn't even have an accurate birth date, so he couldn't guess even if he wanted to.

Sheng Minglin rubbed his face silently and said, "Don't worry, there will be a solution in two days."

Qin Jiangbai smiled and stuffed the amulet back: "I'm not in a hurry, and I'm not afraid either. You don't have to worry, I'm very tough."

Sheng Minglin frowned and thought for a long time, then said: "No! We'd better go and tell Fourth Brother."

If he hadn't said it, the prince would definitely have to wait until two days later, when Wang Fengzhang and the others went to hand in the state-owned documents, but now it was obvious that something might happen every day!
We must get the news out quickly and let the Taoist priest come quickly!

So the two of them entered the palace, and the prince came out of the imperial study. After listening to what he said, he said directly: "Then you go and tell Feng Zhang and let him handle this matter quickly."

He directly took off the jade pendant from his waist: "Ask Zhi Wen to come with you, and send 300 people to follow Feng Zhang to help."

Sheng Minglin asked: "Master Bei of Jinyiwei, isn't he investigating Yaoyai?"

The prince shook his head, indicating that there was no progress on his side.

Sheng Minglin agreed first, went out of the palace gate and went directly to Wang Fengzhang and told him in detail.

Wang Fengzhang was writing something at home, and unexpectedly he came to work. As the first person from the prince's camp to receive the job, Wang Fengzhang listened carefully to his words, a little excited, and a little excited. He took the jade pendant and followed Zhou Went straight away.

It's not easy to make announcements about this kind of thing, so he just takes people to visit Taoist temples to spread the news, and those who are willing to take the bait will take the bait.

Sheng Minglin was silent.

You know, the prince originally wanted Wang Fengzhang to handle the matter of the Weather Pillar. The matter of the Weather Pillar was specially made to be handled purely to show his importance. Otherwise, it would be like sending off people one by one. Just give it away... But having said that, it is mainly a symbolic meaning, so this is a big, good job that can make you famous.

Now that he had accidentally got involved, I wonder if Wang Fengzhang would be angry if he found out.

It took the two of them more than two hours to make this trip. When they returned, the sky started to become overcast and dark. The two of them entered Yueyuan. As soon as Tuanzi saw the two of them entering, his eyes immediately lit up and his voice Super big and super enthusiastic: "Guo Guo~~Qin~Guo~Guo~"

It was the first time that Qin Jiangbai was called so enthusiastically by Tuanzi. He just smiled, but froze when his eyes touched the room.

Sitting in front of Tuanzi were Huo Chenzhao, Lu Wuqi and Li Zhi, as well as a big tiger.

Everyone, including Big Tiger, had a bunch of beautiful big buttons hanging on their foreheads, wrists, and necks. They didn't dare to move their heads, but turned to look at him with a thousand words in their eyes.

Tuanzi still had a string in his hand and looked at them very excitedly: "You are here! Zhuzhu is left for you!"

Sheng Minglin said sincerely: "Qin Guoguo likes glitter the most. Qin Guoguo is so good-looking, so he is the most suitable to wear glitter. Zhuzhu, let him wear it!"

Tuanzi was convinced and nodded sharply: "Yes, yes!"

Sheng Minglin immediately smiled the most polite smile, and then Tuanzi said next: "Guo Guo also has them! All the shiny pearls are reserved for Guo Guo!"

Sheng Minglin: "..." (End of this chapter)

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