My sister really loves him.

So what can he do? He can only sit down in a row with Qin Jiangbai.

Now I have found the trick to skewering dumplings, and I have learned how to tie knots. I string a long one, first hang it on the bun, and hang it down to my face; I string another long one, and hang it to the face. around the neck; then string two small strings and hang them on the wrists...

The man is already pretty good, he only wears four strings, and the big tiger even has them hanging on his tail.

Princess Duan and Prince Duan came in while talking. When they saw this posture, they both shrank their feet back.

Then Tuanzi said hello loudly: "Dad! Mother! Come quickly! Zhuzhu has been waiting for you for a long time!"

Two people: "..."

So two more people sat in a row, and finally several people were eating with their clothes hanging.

Because Zhu Zhuer was afraid that her father would make trouble, she gave Prince Duan all the ones with "big, bright and big pendants". The one on the head was too long and hung directly on his mouth. Prince Duan could only pull it while eating. , said to his son: "I'm telling you...several people said that the cement formula should be kept secret."

Pull it out: "Sometimes I really don't understand these people. They run the country one by one just like running a small workshop. Don't look at what Dasheng is like now! They know how to keep secrets secret every day..."

Pull it: "Tell me, we should call all the merchants from all over the world. Whoever builds a hundred miles of road, sell him the cement formula and make a lot of money. Even if the road is built, who will walk on the built road? Isn't it just the whole world?"

Pulling it a bit: "After you get used to walking on a good road, who wants to be dripping in mud? Who wants to be jolted to pieces? At most, like Qin Chidao, put some thought into the wheels of the carriage, and the road will gradually be built. "

Sheng Minglin felt that although his father looked dishonest, he was actually very reliable, so he nodded in agreement: "I also think this is good. There are many things that people do spontaneously, which is much better than orders from the court."

"Right!" Prince Duan slapped the table, and the skewers suddenly fell onto the table. When Prince Duan saw his daughter stop her chopsticks and look over, he quickly folded them twice more and put them back on his head.

Lu Wuqi's smile was very low. Seeing Prince Duan like this, he had been suppressing laughter until his stomach was cramping. Then he looked at Zhuzhu and said, "I heard that if you can hold chopsticks far, you will be able to marry well in the future." Far! Hahahahaha..."

Just when he was about to take the opportunity to laugh a few times, he didn't expect that when Sheng Minglin heard this, he took the chopsticks out of Zhuzhu's hand, put a piece of bone in her hand, and asked her to hold it with her little hand and chew it.

Tuanzi looked confused: "...???"

Lu Wuqi was also confused: "...???"

Sister control is too scary, I was just kidding!

Sheng Minglin said to Princess Duan: "By the way, mother, I found a little trick to make money."

Princess Duan immediately came over: "Tell me?"

Sheng Minglin said: "I found a place that sells things like this. If you spend 20 taels, you will get 30 taels off, if you spend 40 taels, you will get [-] taels off, if you spend [-] taels, you will get [-] taels off..."

Princess Duan was very transparent in this regard, and she understood immediately: "Oh? Ah! That's not bad! If in my store, a person usually buys more than ten taels of silver, I will get a discount of one for every twenty taels. Two, they will definitely give it twenty! Otherwise, they will feel that they are at a disadvantage! Not bad, not bad! I have to find a suitable store to try it!"

The two of them talked quite warmly.

Then Sheng Minglin took the opportunity to take off the button on his head: "Mother, can you sell this?"

Princess Duan immediately took it off. It was too itchy to hang on her face, and it also blocked her sight.

She held it in her hand and looked at it over and over: "It must be sold! It's so beautiful!"

Prince Duan quickly took it down and handed it over: "My string is bright! My string is carefully selected by Zhuzhu! It should be suitable for dignitaries, right?" Princess Duan still had a bit of conjugal affection, so she immediately took it: " Well, not bad, not bad!”

Tuanzi nodded: "It's so bright! It took Zhuzhu a long time to pick it!"

The rest of the people looked at each other a few times, but still didn't have the nerve to follow suit, so they could only continue to eat with the skewers.

As a result, a few people were performing, returning from the royal breeder with grandeur, and swaggering in through the exclusive small door with a loud noise.

Lu Wuqi reacted the fastest, and immediately winked at Zhuzhu, as if "I'm on the same side with you", and walked up to him: "Master Bird! Look! Your master made a beautiful string for you! I I tried it for you, it looks great!!”

Shanda Weifeng was obviously very interested. He tilted his head and stared at it with bird eyes. Then he squawked excitedly, lowered his noble head, and asked his fans to hang the skewers on him.

After hanging up, he looked at Zixiong with great majesty and spread his wings slightly.

Lu Wuqi applauded fiercely: "Master Bird is so handsome! So good-looking! He has fascinated thousands of birds in the world!!"

Huo Chenzhao and Qin Jiangbai, the only ones who were still facing the strings, looked at each other... despairing of this world where everyone is obsessed with drama.

Princess Duan was originally just acting, but if you look closely at the buttons, she is really pretty good.

So after finishing the meal, Lu Wuqi and Qin Jiangbai said goodbye and left. Princess Duan asked, "Is this expensive?"

Sheng Minglin said: "This kind of useless little thing is so cheap, one point is a big bag."

"How can you say it's useless? Can something that can make money be useless?!"

Princess Duan immediately retorted, and then lovingly discussed with her daughter: "Let's make a little and sell it, [-] points for you, [-] for me, [-] for you. You see, with this, I can't find someone to make a few pieces of ready-made clothes as a show, and then find someone else." Only by trying them on can we get the wind going, and then we can sell them easily, as well as the workers' wages and so on. These are all money. We two are not outsiders, and I won't take advantage of you. I will just share the hard-earned money..."

To Tuanzi’s ears, it’s: “&¥%…¥#…&…@…”

Tuanzi was quite energetic at first, but when she told him that he was sleepy, he blinked with big eyes: "Oh!"

Sheng Minglin couldn't stop laughing when he looked at it, and Huo Chenzhao couldn't help but feel funny. This family is all wonderful people, they are really cute.

So Princess Duan bought some goods from Tuanzi.

Sheng Minglin asked by the way if the amulet could be returned.

As a result, all the villains said: "Kiss, this won't work. When a real amulet is worn close to the body, from a metaphysical point of view, it is already a process of recognizing the owner. Wearing it for three days is considered stable, so once There is no return after sale... My dear, you have to understand that for many experts, if you buy a second-hand amulet, you can extract the breath inside, so in order to protect your safety, you cannot return it."

"By the way, don't give away your personal belongings casually. Experts can not only capture the breath of the current owner, but also follow the breath to find the previous owner. It's scary!"

Sheng Minglin thought it made sense and agreed.

Then he also shared his mental journey with Princess Duan.

When Princess Duan heard that the amulet she wore could buy [-] packs of buttons, she felt extremely distressed at that time: "[-] packs!! [-] packs of buttons!! My majestic general and tiger girl, I am upright and impervious to all evil, how could I need such a thing! If I had known, I would have changed it to a button!"

Prince Duan: "..."

Tuanzi learned a new word at that time: "She is full of righteousness! Zhuzhu is a tiger girl in the general family, she is full of righteousness! It is not easy to dig anything!" (End of this chapter)

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