After my brother was reborn and turned into a black man, he was so cute with the group's favori

Chapter 525 The Taoist Priest Who Walks on the Snow Without Traces

Princess Duan taught her: "A tiger girl in general is a righteous woman who is immune to all evil."

Tuanzi murmured and repeated: "With righteousness, all evil will not invade! With righteousness, all evil will not invade!"

Prince Duan hehehe: "It's useless for you to have any energy. You are just a general's tiger girl, and your uncle Huang is a general! Not only a general, but also an emperor! You don't have to wear the amulet!"

Yup! !
Sheng Minglin sighed deeply and bent down to discuss with his sister.

The real Taoist priest hasn't come yet, but Wang Fengzhang is dealing with the Taoist priest's affairs, which makes people really uneasy, so he has to buy an amulet and use it first, otherwise he will really feel bad if something happens.

Tuanzi nodded generously: "Okay! Buy it for Fengfeng Guoguo!"

So Sheng Minglin bought another one with great heartache and asked someone to deliver it to Wang Fengzhang overnight.

Prince Duan picked up his daughter and said, "Let's go, Zhuzhu is going to sleep!"

As he walked in, he remembered it again and turned to Huo Chenzhao and said, "Brother Zhao, Zhuzhu's clothes are ready. You can ask someone to go to the Ministry of Rites to pick them up tomorrow."

Huo Chenzhao responded quickly.

When I looked out the window, snow was already falling sporadically, and it gradually became heavier in the middle of the night, and it still didn't stop when I woke up in the morning. At a glance, everything was white.

Huo Chenzhao sent his two clerks to the Ministry of Etiquette to get clothes, but they didn't come back until Zhuzhu was about to get up.

Huo Chenzhao accepted the clothes inspection and asked: "Is the road difficult to walk?"

The two people quickly apologized, and Zhang Mingyuan said: "Sir, something happened on the street just now. It is said that a Taoist priest came all the way through the snow without leaving a trace, and rescued a child who was almost hit by a carriage."

Sheng Minglin and Huo Chenzhao exchanged glances: "What kind of Taoist priest is he?"

Zhang Mingyuan said: "Xiaguan and others were blocked on the road, so Xiaguan went to inquire about it. It is said that he is a very handsome Taoist priest. Others call him Taoist Master Ye."

Sheng Minglin nodded.

He had already asked everyone yesterday, and everyone said that the Taoist priest Zhou Qingshi provided by the system would go to Dongyuan to recommend himself the day after tomorrow. As for why it was so late, it was because he had to set up a credible background for this Taoist priest.

There is no nearby mountain where the Taoist priest can live in seclusion, and it would take two or three days to get to the mountain selected by the system.

Wang Fengzhang and his party have already gone to Taoist temples outside the city to find capable Taoist priests. The news has spread, so no matter what Taoist Ye is, as long as he comes, we can recruit them together and take a look.

After the clerk left, the two of them checked the clothes and found that they were indeed exquisitely embroidered. Sheng Minglin was afraid that Zhuzhu would make a fuss about wearing them now, so he asked Litchi to put them away first, and then sat down to talk to Huo Chenzhao.

Sheng Minglin complained to Huo Chenzhao: "This guy is really good at pretending! By the way, can you step on the snow without leaving a trace?"

Huo Chenzhao nodded: "Yes, so can Ling Jue, and so can my master and wife."

He glanced at him and said, "That qinggong is extremely good. If you practice it seriously for two years, you can do it."

Sheng Minglin pretended not to hear the last sentence, hummed, and said to him: "Next time Zhuzhu goes out, dress more elegantly, or wear official uniforms, in short, dress up more conspicuously."

As he was talking, he remembered that he was going out the day after tomorrow, so he simply asked the second housekeeper to come over, and asked the dressmaker in the house to measure him. He rushed out a red gown as soon as possible, and he would wear it when he went out the day after tomorrow, and then slowly did a few more Prepare a set of bright colors.

Zhuzhu is also wearing the princess's regular clothes, and he is wearing red. It matches perfectly. If there is a political need at that time, he can find an excuse to show it, lest everyone think that he is too cool to step on the snow without a trace!

At this time, outside.

Taoist Ye exchanged greetings with everyone in a personable manner and returned to his room.

Lu Wuqi stood in the crowd and stared at him until the crowd gradually dispersed, then entered the inn and went directly to find Ye Daoren.Sheng Minglin didn't let him go, purely out of concern and not deliberately playing him off. However, people in Jianghu are loyal and would put life and death aside for their friends. In addition, some people are willing to die for their confidants... so When Lu Wuqi left Prince Duan's Mansion, he decided to come and meet this Taoist Ye.

He went over and knocked on the door a few times, and the door opened. Ye Daoren looked at him with a smile.

It has to be said that this Taoist priest is indeed very good-looking. After he sat down and picked up a cup of tea, he seemed to be surrounded by clouds and mist.

Lu Wuqi is a man of the world. He has traveled all over the world since he was a child. He is not empty-handed at all. He smiles and salutes: "Taoist Master."

Taoist Ye smiled and said, "What does this layman want from me?"

Lu Wuqi shamelessly went in and sat down: "I heard that the Taoist priest came here for Yaoyai?"

Taoist Ye nodded: "Exactly."

Lu Wuqi said: "Are you going to help everyone get rid of Yaoyai?"

Taoist Ye pondered for a moment, then said with a smile: "To be honest, layman, I don't know anything about demons now, so I don't dare to say such big words. But if I have this ability, I will naturally want to get rid of it. Eliminate Demons" Defending the Tao is our duty."

Lu Wuqi looked dubious.

Then he said: "Taoist Master, don't be offended! To be honest, just... look, how do I know you really have this ability?"

Taoist Ye smiled.

Then he suddenly stood up and held his hand down with one hand.

Lu Wuqi's whole body collapsed. He felt that he was not exerting any force, so he relaxed and stared at him.

He didn't notice that he was wearing a beaded button bracelet on his hand, and Ye Daoren's hand was pressed on this bracelet.

Their eyes met, and after a few breaths, Ye Daoren suddenly turned back, turned around slowly, and using the cover of his body, he put the invisible breath caught in his hand into the small embroidered bag on his chest.

He immediately turned around and said calmly: "The situation in your family is a bit complicated... Your grandfather harmed your grandmother and killed your father, and then you turned around and killed your grandfather..."

Lu Wuqi's expression darkened.

Such a past makes people feel depressed no matter when it is brought up.

However, outsiders don't know this, so how capable is this Taoist priest?

Lu Wuqi nodded, stood up and said: "The Taoist Master is capable, but I am disrespectful. I heard that the Crown Prince has recently been summoning capable monks and Taoists from all over the world to solve the problem of Yaoyai. I will talk to the Crown Prince." I recommend you, have you lived here recently?"

Taoist Ye smiled and said, "Yes. Thank you, layman."

"You're welcome," Lu Wuqi said, "I'm doing this for myself too. If you're capable, I'll take the credit for your recommendation."

Taoist Ye smiled and saluted, and Lu Wuqi bowed his hands and retreated.

As soon as the door was closed, Taoist Ye patted his chest gently. The crane embroidered on his chest was holding a bottle in its mouth. The invisible breath was placed in the bottle that looked like an embroidery.

Ye Daoren stared at the small invisible group of breath in his palm, smiling happily, as if the world was in his palm.

He murmured silently: "Really, it took no effort at all!! A group of mortals actually want to destroy Yi... Haha! Idiots, the reason why Yi is so powerful is because it is everywhere!!" (End of Chapter)

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