When the divine princess traveled, a divine tiger opened the way, and a divine eagle walked behind. A large number of guards accompanied her, which attracted the attention of the people. In line with the previous rumors about the Immortal Tower, everyone took a big mouthful of melon with excitement, and the convoy could not be seen. Sorry, there's still a lot of discussion.

Tang Shihua's Zhuangzi was further away. Zhuzhuer was taken out while sleeping. When she arrived, she woke up just in time.

After getting ready on the carriage and carrying him down, he saw many acquaintances waiting outside. Tuanzi was very happy. He picked up the ones he knew and greeted them one by one: "Sugar pot pot! Guo pot for big things, Ji Ji for small things! Sweet cakes, national Flagpole pole!”

Xu Jingyao stepped forward with a smile.

He has already figured it out. Not entering the Prince's Mansion may not be a bad thing. There is obviously a better place to go, the Princess' Mansion!

Don't say that princesses don't participate in politics. Little princesses don't have to participate in politics, and they are more powerful than participating in politics!
Still happy! !Still safe! !Is there any better place than this?No! !

Coincidentally, Xu Chen had the same idea.

He stepped forward with a smile on his face and introduced himself: "Your Highness, my name is Xu Chen, and my courtesy name is Hong Chang."

Hong Chang, the word "Hong Chang" appeared with his grandfather yesterday, has the same pronunciation as "Tu". As expected, Tuanzi's eyes lit up, and he couldn't remember his name after meeting him several times. This time he remembered it all at once: "Brown Sugar Pot" pot!"

Xu Chen smiled with big white teeth: "Hey! Here he is!"

Xu Chen is quite good-looking, with clear black and white eyes, white teeth when he smiles, and a strong youthful look. Tuanzi likes him quite a bit and praises him: "Your food is just like yours, fragrant and sweet!"

Xu Chen hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha another's children who are flying in the sky. "Young Highness, you are also so beautiful, so cute and so smart."

Tuanzi touched his little head sheepishly.

The few people behind also saluted, and then everyone walked in together. Tang Shihua smiled and said, "Should we take a rest here first, or should we go directly?"

The prince said: "Go directly."

"Okay," Tang Shihua responded, and took them over, saying: "Xing Zhou made two large, two small, and four sledges. He is an expert. I checked carefully and found that the work was better than mine. I have someone here who can pull the sledges." There are horses and dogs for the sledge, you can do whatever you want..."

Sheng Minglin was curious and asked: "Have you specially trained such horses and dogs?"

"Yes," Tang Shihua said with a smile, "My father loves to play this, and our brothers also love to play. The whole family comes here every year to play for a while, and then we have people prepare it."

Sheng Minglin nodded.

His village was empty, so the wind was strong. Sheng Minglin stopped and put a hat, mask and gloves on Zhuzhu, then let her go on her own.

As soon as Little Fatty saw her going to the ground, he followed her, and the two held hands.

Masks, hats and gloves are sold very cheaply in the mall. One point can buy a big pack, so the whole family put on gloves. Sheng Minglin was thoughtful and brought a set for Little Fatty, so he bent down and gave it to him. He put them on one by one.

Such a big child looks very cute when he puts on a hat and a mask, only two eyes are exposed, and there is a thread in the middle of the child's gloves, hanging around his neck, with four fingers together, and two stupid little paws holding each other. Looking at it, the brothers all had smiles on their faces.

Tang Shihua's Zhuangzi is obviously a place dedicated to playing sledges. After walking a few steps, we arrived. As expected, it was such a large open space that it was almost impossible to see the edge at a glance. Some places were more undulating, and some were flat.

There are many sledges placed next to them, some are small, like boats, and some are larger, looking like they can seat four or five people.

Tang Shihua said: "Your Highness, just play on the flat ground. You don't have to skate too fast. May I show you a lesson?"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "Okay, you can demonstrate."

Tang Shihua immediately said hello, asked someone to put the dog on the dog, sat up, climbed up and swooped out, rolling up a stream of snow and mist, really fast.

Tuanzi: "Wow!!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "Zhu Zhu'er, do you dare to sit?" Tuanzi hesitated a little: "Zhu Zhu'er wants to sit down, but is also afraid."

Xu Chen immediately said: "Should I take His Highness to sit here? I often play and I am very good at it!"

Tuanzi politely refused: "No, Zhuzhu has..."

Her big eyes turned on the small mask, and her eyes skipped from her brother and landed on Huo Chenzhao's face: "There are beautiful pots! The masters of beautiful pots even tie beads on them. Beautiful pots have beads." Beads sit.”

Huo Chenzhao responded with a smile.

Sheng Minglin asked with a smile: "Is this thing really not dangerous? I don't even dare to sit on it."

Xu Jingyao said: "I haven't sat on it either, it looks a bit scary."

Xu Chen smiled and said: "This is really okay. You see there are shelves on both sides. No matter how hard the dog pulls, it can't turn over. At most, the slope is steep and it can't stop. At this time, you just lean back and let it slide! It’s a specialized venue like his, so you don’t have to worry about pits or wild animals, it’ll be fine! If you don’t worry, I’ll take you skating.”

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "Okay, you can take care of me later."

Xu Chen smiled and said: "Okay."

Sheng Minglin said: "Fourth brother, can you play?"

The prince said: "I will play the biggest one with Zhuzhu later and let the Shenhu pull it."

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Shen Lingjue was standing not far away in official uniform, with a knife in one hand and an upright look on his face. He looked very reliable and dedicated to his duties. He was so calm that he didn't come up to play with him.

Sheng Minglin gave him a look, and Shen Lingjue turned around, returning the look while Zhou Luli couldn't see him.

As a result, the next moment, Tuanzi said to Xiao Pangdun: "Zhuzhu's Xingguoguo is also a master. Zhuzhu can lend him to you to play with."

Little Fatty said: "Thank you, Sister Zhuzhu..."

So Shen Lingjue came over, and Tuanzi said: "We can compete!"

Without waiting for Tang Shihua to come back, they picked two identical ones and sat on them. The servants who served them skillfully helped to harness the dogs.

Zhuzhu asked him: "There are two of us, can the dog pull us?"

The servant hurriedly said: "Go back to your highness, you can pull it! This one is for sliding on the snow, it's effortless."

Shen Lingjue saw Zhou Luli standing far away and immediately said: "The two of you are not as good as Tang Shihua alone! It doesn't matter how old you are!"

As he said that, he sat down. Tuanzi glanced at Xiaopangdun and saw that he was not looking here. Then he turned his head and whispered to Huo Chenzhao: "Beautiful Guoguo, you must hold Zhuzhu firmly!"

Huo Chenzhao also replied in a low voice: "Okay, I will hold you tight! Don't worry, Zhuzhu."

The servant held his shoulders and pushed him forward, and the dog started running wildly. Snow and frost hit his face, and Tuanzi was so frightened that he closed his eyes.

After closing her eyes for a long time, she heard Shen Lingjue's roar in her ears, and the beautiful Guoguo's arms were holding her firmly. Then she slowly opened her eyes...and then she felt like she was flying. !
It’s a completely different feeling than riding in a carriage!

Everything is running backwards, only the beads fly fast and high!
Tuanzi: "Yeah! Wow!!"

She stretched out her little arms and was so excited that she couldn't say anything: "Yeah, yeah!" (End of this chapter)

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