Shen Lingjue deliberately teased her. He suddenly raised his breath, and without the weight of a person, the sledge flew out with a swish, a long way ahead of them.

Little Fatty was startled at first, and then shouted: "Sister Zhuzhu——"

Tuanzi shouted: "Wait a minute--I'll fly over right away-"

Little Fatty: "Then - hurry up!!"

Tuanzi: "My heart - has flown to you!!"

The two little ones shouted back and forth, and the group of brothers behind them burst into laughter. Huo Chenzhao saw that Shen Lingjue was cheating, and he also cheered up. The two little sledges chased each other, and the two little ones screamed with excitement.

After running back and forth three times, the dog was exhausted and stopped. The two brothers quickly went up to pick up the baby and feed him water.

After resting for a while, Sheng Minglin and Cheng Chongjin each carried their babies onto the largest sled, followed by Tang Shihua and Xu Chen, and Huo Chenzhao and Shen Lingjue stood on both sides.

Then the servants carefully put a rope on the big tiger.

Shanda Huahua had been running along just now, and was very disdainful of the dog's speed. As soon as the rope was tied, before the servants could push it forward, the big tiger suddenly exerted force, and the big sledge was shot out in one fell swoop. : "Ahhhhh!!"

In fact, people like Tang Shihua were really startled. Only Tuanzi didn't notice anything was wrong. He thought everyone was excited and started shouting too.

Shanda Huahua was running as fast as he was flying, and it felt like he had reached the end in the blink of an eye, and then at the end, a divine tiger swung its tail, almost throwing everyone away.

Xu Chen pulled open the collar of Sheng Minglin's clothes and teased him: "Did you just say that you are an expert!!"

Xu Chen didn't wear a mask. He opened his mouth and took a mouthful of wind. He laughed and said, "But I have never ridden on a sledge pulled by a divine tiger! Ahhh! This speed is so exciting! It's so enjoyable!!"

It was really enjoyable. Seeing the two children surrounded, they were neither scared nor cold, and the brothers didn't stop them. The big tiger pulled him more than ten times in one breath, and he felt like he was being blown through by the wind with the Nuanyang Stone before he came down.

The dumplings were enough, and the excitement took a break.

She was born with a cheerful temperament. Seeing Xu Jingyao and others watching, she immediately stepped forward to encourage him: "Sugar Pot Pot, don't be afraid. Don't be scary. When you just sat down, there was a slight decrease, which was scary." , you are too scared to be in real debt, so just close your eyes for a while, but after a while, it won’t be scary anymore! Zhuzhu will help you sit up!"

Today’s theme is to play with Zhuzhu. Originally, Xu Jingyao and the others would not leave the dumplings to play, but since Zhuzhu wanted them to play, they went up. Zhuzhu even ran to the front and told the big tiger: " You can only reduce the size of the jelly pan by one step, so you can’t run too fast, just half of it is enough!”

The big white tiger nodded obediently, and then ran out with a swish.

Xu Jingyao and others: "Ahhhh!!"

The group watched for a while, then went into the house and drank several bowls of ginger tea.

Tuanzi was held in his arms the whole time. He didn't exert any effort and was quite relaxed. He sat on his brother's lap and shook his little feet, saying: "It's a pity that Xiaochuan Guoguo is not a debtor, otherwise Xiaochuan Guoguo would still be fishing."

"I can do it too!" Xu Chen focused on one activity today: "Is it ice fishing? I'm an expert!"

Tang Shihua said with a smile: "When they come back, we will go fishing and then have lunch over there. What do you think?"

Tuanzi asked: "Do you want to eat fish?"

"Okay!" Tang Shihua said with a smile: "We will eat whatever His Highness wants to eat."

Tuanzi asked: "Then if we can't catch fish, what will we eat?"

Tang Shihua said with a smile: "It's okay, even if we can't catch it, we can still eat the fish we caught before!"

After everyone calmed down, Sheng Minglin went out with Zhuzhu in his arms and stopped the big tiger. Xu Jingyao and others got down, and then everyone went to the lake.

The lake surface was completely frozen, and a thick layer of snow fell, making it extremely cold. Sheng Minglin added another cloak to Zhuzhu, which contained crushed Nuanyang stones and was sewn thinly into the clothes, making her warm.

The dumpling was wrapped so tightly that it was difficult to walk, and his voice was muffled: "Are you still going to smash holes?"

Tang Shihua said: "I'll ask someone to get it done."

They are all experienced in doing this. They just take a copper brazier and push it over with a rope to burn it. In a short time, the ice will melt.But it was probably too cold and it didn't melt for a long time. Everyone gathered together and watched the brazier burn for a long time.

Huo Chenzhao smiled and said, "I'll do it."

He jumped onto the ice, found a suitable position, stretched out his feet, and turned his body in a circle.

Tang Shihua said anxiously: "Don't! If it falls in the middle, you will fall in!"

Huo Chenzhao smiled and said, "No."

He didn't make much movement, he just drew a circle, flew back with a slight movement, and then the piece of ice shattered with a crash.

Tang Shihua silently gave him a thumbs up.

Huo Chenzhao drilled a row of holes in the ice, brought fishing rods down, and everyone sat down to try.

Tuanzi was so wrapped up by his brother that he couldn't even squat down. He could only lean on his knee and hold the rod head with one hand: "When can we catch it?"

Tang Shihua said with a smile: "You can catch fish in a while! In this winter, the fish are frozen to death, so you can catch fish as soon as you catch it!"

Before he finished speaking, the rod sank as expected. Sheng Minglin had never caught a fish before and was a little confused: "Shihua Shihua!!"

Tang Shihua stretched out his hand as if he was flying, and immediately a fish was caught, which was as long as an adult's arm.

Tuanzi exclaimed: "It's so big!"

There is a special magic in fishing. Everyone was not very interested in it at first, but when they caught fish one after another, they suddenly became more interested. One fish came after another and they couldn't stop at all.

In the end, even Xu Jingyao couldn't help complaining: "Why are your fish so easy to catch!!"

Tang Shihua laughed: "There is an auspicious sign here!!"

Everyone: "..."

Suddenly realized! !
Sheng Minglin couldn't help but laugh. Tang Shihua was really a bit wise and foolish. He was usually naive, but from time to time he would say something very appropriate and flattering.

In the end, we caught too much, so we put the small ones back and used the big ones for cooking. Then everyone shivered and went back to the house to drink ginger soup.

Tuanzi didn't feel cold at all. When he entered the room, he took off three layers of clothes. After taking off all the clothes, he felt relaxed and said, "But Zhuzhu is exhausted!"

Even the prince couldn't help complaining: "Your brother just put a quilt on you. From a distance, I just look like a cloth bun, and I can't find Zhuzhu Ren!"

Sheng Minglin disagreed: "It's better to be careful than to freeze!"

The prince smiled and said: "That's true."

While talking, the food was also served.

Everyone had been playing all morning and was so hungry that they all ate hard.

Tuanzi: "The fish caught in Guoguo is so delicious!"

Little Fatty: "My brother also caught a lot! It's delicious too!"

Xu Chen said with a smile: "So I have to take my younger siblings with me when I go out in the future? Otherwise, no one will help me show my merit! I also caught a lot!"

"Yes!" Tuanzi answered freely: "Brown Sugar Guoguo caught a big one!!"

Xu Chen: "Hey hey hey..."

The word "new" is simply the most correct decision in his life!none of them! ! (End of chapter)

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