Tuanzi turned back and looked at him with wide eyes.

Xu Jingyao was a little panicked: "Your Highness, did I say something wrong?"

Tuanzi shook his head, walked over, and held his hand. Xu Jingyao squatted down quickly, and Tuanzi came close to him with his little face, and whispered to him: "Look, were you modest before? Zhuzhu accidentally... Believe it! Don’t be so immodest in the future, you will suffer a lot if you are modest! Zhuzhu needs to have a lot of university knowledge, Zhuzhu..."

She paused, thought for a long time, and snickered sheepishly: "Zhuzhu doesn't have enough time for a meal or a meal, and no time for playing with her hands! Zhuzhu will keep talking and writing! Just... that's it. That’s cool! So, do you understand?”

Xu Jingyao couldn't help laughing and nodded: "Okay, I remember it."

Seeing his uncle's smile, Xu Chen said to Huo Chenzhao, "Your Highness is so cute! Ah, how can she be so cute!! You play with Your Highness every day, and you can still get the salary from the court, ah, I'm so envious you!!"

Huo Chenzhao smiled and said, "I also envy myself."

Several people were laughing and joking.

But Xu Chen can say it so straightforwardly, but Xu Jingyao cannot.

Because Xu Chen has never been in the prince's camp, but Xu Jingyao has participated in it, so if he said this, it would be as if he looked down on the prince and came only for the little princess.

Although the prince might not care, they themselves did not dare to say so directly.

But Xu Jingyao still hugged Xiaotuanzi gently and smiled softly: "Thank you, Your Highness. I really want to see Your Highness every day."

This can be regarded as a subtle expression of one's thoughts.

It's impossible to be that fast, but if there is a chance, it will be enough to give them priority.

It was almost time. Zhuzhu was having fun and didn't want to leave yet. Sheng Minglin squatted down and coaxed her for a long time before Tuanzi reluctantly turned around, put on her big cloak, called Shanda Huahua, and was carried away by the beautiful Guo Guo. After getting on the carriage, he kept waving to everyone, "You can play with Zhuzhu when you have time!"

Everyone was smiling and waving, thinking to themselves: Little ancestor, as long as you want to play, we are always free!
The prince still got into a carriage with them.

The two brothers seemed to be born to take care of babies. As soon as they got on the carriage, they immediately cooperated tacitly. With the prince in his arms, Sheng Minglin took off Tuanzi's wet shoes and socks.

Tuanzi closed his eyes, pinched his little nose, and reached back with one hand to cover the prince's nose, saying at the same time: "These are not Zhuzhu's feet! Zhuzhu's feet don't stink, Zhuzhu is not careful when he is strong. Got it wrong!"

"Yes," Sheng Minglin smiled and washed her feet: "These must be the feet of a puppy, not a piglet. Our Zhuzhu's feet are obviously fragrant, right?"

"That's right!" Tuanzi closed his eyes: "Oh, the puppy's feet are so smelly!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and wiped her dry, put on new socks and shoes, and changed her clothes. She held her in her arms refreshingly. The whole group felt comfortable. After drinking a cup of ginger soup, her little head tilted and she fell asleep. .

The prince hugged her, and the three of them talked in low voices.

Sheng Minglin said: "I don't know if the Taoist priest has come, and I don't know if the man named Ye has come."

The prince said quietly: "A few Taoist priests came last night. According to Feng Zhang, they were not very decent."

Sheng Minglin said: "People like Taoist priests should avoid practicing in prosperous places like the capital, so it's not surprising that there are no good Taoist priests near the capital. Don't go to see them yet. I'll go see them tomorrow morning."

The prince glanced at him: "You go to see me, I go to see you, what's the difference?"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "The prince's status is precious and he cannot be easily involved in danger. Moreover, the amulet I wear seems to be more powerful than the one you wear."

The prince nodded, but he added: "It's not necessarily a bad thing if the amulet is hot... maybe it's just a warning. Otherwise, if others harm you without you knowing, wouldn't it be very scary?" "Indeed," Sheng Minglin Said: "You said, if it is too harmful, will they know?"

"I don't think we know," the prince said: "The jade plate we were going to get later was said to be able to 'bless the protective effect and add backlash'. If we think about it backwards, our previous amulets should only have protection without backlash, so The other party should not know."

Sheng Minglin nodded: "That makes sense."

Huo Chenzhao couldn't help but interject in a low voice: "What I'm even more confused about is why they want to harm Jiang Bai."

Indeed, Sheng Minglin couldn't figure it out either.

It can be said that he harmed Shen Lingjue because of Zhuzhu, but why did the other party harm Qin Jiangbai?
If the landslide was also designed by someone, it would be equivalent to harming Qin Jiangbai twice. What is so special about Qin Jiangbai?

and many more! !
Sheng Minglin suddenly thought of something: "Do you think there is a possibility... that the people who harmed Qin Jiang, Bai Chen, and Ling Jue were not the same person, or were not the same group of people? It's just that that night and that time were special, for Taoist priests Say, is it a suitable time to harm others?"

Both of them paused and thought for a while, Huo Chenzhao said: "It's not impossible... that day is November 23?"

Sheng Minglin said: "Yes, what's so special about this day?"

He thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure it out. The prince said: "Stop guessing, you will know soon."

The return trip was quite fast, and when we arrived at the city gate, it was the peak period for entering and exiting the city.

Zhuzhu and his group traveled clearly, so of course they didn’t have to queue, so they crossed the line and moved forward slowly.

No one saw the remaining snow on the roadside, blown by the wind, and the floating snow slowly flew away, revealing a small golden dot under the snow.

It was originally just a small drop, but after being exposed to the air, it slowly grew larger and gradually condensed into a golden bead. When it was as big as a date, it faded away from the golden color and turned into white like snow.

Zhuzhu in the carriage was drowsily asleep, and suddenly she opened her eyes, startling the prince: "Zhuzhu?"

Tuanzi murmured: "Zhuzhu is afraid, Zhuzhu is afraid."

The prince asked: "Did you have a nightmare?"

Tuanzi looked around in panic: "No, it's not Mengmeng, and Zhuzhu can't do it either! Zhuzhu is scared!"

The prince and Sheng Minglin shuddered at the same time and immediately put themselves on guard.

Sheng Minglin suddenly stood up and said to the outside: "Ling Jue! Something seems wrong! Be careful!"

Shen Lingjue responded and said loudly: "Strengthen your vigilance..."

Before he finished speaking, someone suddenly heard someone shout out in surprise.

When Shen Lingjue raised his head, he saw a large cloud of white mist rushing towards the carriage.

Shen Lingjue didn't have time to think too much. He rushed forward, drew his sword and slashed. With one strike of the sword, the white mist opened from the middle, but then closed again.

Huo Chenzhao had also jumped out. When he saw the white mist, his heart skipped a beat and he quickly sent a message to Sheng Minglin: "It seems to be Yaoyao! Baiyi!"

Sheng Minglin's heart skipped a beat. (End of chapter)

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