The qi of gold generates white 皓, and among the five elements, fire overcomes gold. However, the black 炰 is born from the qi of water. Among the five elements, earth overcomes water, but it can be broken with fire!

Sheng Minglin didn't have time to think too much and said directly to Zhuzhu: "Tong! Find something that can replace the torch!"

None of the sounds can be heard by outsiders, and all are very powerful. The interface pops up quickly and a screen of products appears.

Sheng Minglin glanced at it a few times, quickly selected one, and then a red pill fell into his hand. Sheng Minglin quickly walked out of the carriage, thinking of giving the red pill to Shen Lingjue or Huo Chenzhao.

As soon as he got out of the car, he was stunned.

The prince became anxious and hid Zhuzhu behind his back. He also stood up to take a look and was also stunned.

There were screams of exclamation outside, and the scene was in chaos, but Prince Shen was very powerful at the critical moment. He slashed with the knife and found that it was not working, so he immediately grabbed a cart from the side, swung a big plank, and snapped it Shoot it.

Yaoyuan originally came straight towards the carriage, but the board was too big, and Yaoyuan fell apart as soon as he slapped it. It would take time for it to condense again.

Shen Lingjue kept snapping and snapping, which was like trapping Yao Yi in that place. One snap was so quick, but the other was so slow, and he didn't know how to change places. He didn't look very smart at all.

So Zhou Luli reacted quickly and directed the guards to separate the crowd. Huo Chenzhao also held the reins and pushed the carriage back.

At this moment, someone suddenly heard someone shouting loudly: "Isn't she a divine princess? Why would she cause disaster!!"

Another voice said, "Yao Yi is going after the God Princess! She brought this Yao Yi!"

Sheng Minglin was furious!
However, if there is chaos outside and people are screaming and neighing, saying these two sentences will indeed make people more panicked and may make Zhuzhu angry.

But now Yaoyuan was easily trapped by Shen Lingjue. Everyone stood behind the guards and looked at the strange thing. They were no longer afraid. They still thought Yaoyuan was stupid and were eager to try and take a few shots themselves...

As soon as these two sentences were spoken, they seemed very abrupt and strange.

Before Sheng Minglin could speak, he suddenly heard Tuanzi's little voice and said loudly: "No way!!"

At some point, Tuanzi squeezed out from the two of them and stood on the carriage. She didn't quite understand, but she felt the meaning, so she said loudly: "Zhuzhu is full of righteousness and is immune to all evil!"

Such a big little red dumpling, how cute and cute it is to say such a sentence!

Immediately, more than one person shouted: "Okay!!"

Someone immediately said: "The little princess is the auspicious sign of our great success!!"

"That's right! What the hell are you farting! Do you think the big monster is trying to eradicate evil? I think it just wants to swallow the little princess's auspiciousness!"

"Isn't this just a robber and bandit?! Beat it!"

The people are very enthusiastic about gods. There is a fairy tower now, which shines brightly at night. They are convinced that the little princess is auspicious.

There were quite a few people pushing forward to take action.

It's now! !
Sheng Minglin quickly stuffed the red pill into Huo Chenzhao's hand and winked.

Huo Chenzhao went over and pulled Shen Lingjue, and threw the red pill directly in. With a bang, a fire as tall as a person suddenly ignited, and the white mist disappeared with a pop.

A few people who just rushed over: "Wow!!"

Sheng Minglin said loudly: "Thank you all for joining forces to eliminate the demon! Everyone is united and the flames are high!"

No one saw Huo Chenzhao throwing the red pill, and thought it was the flame in their hearts that extinguished Yao Yan. Although they were a little confused, they still couldn't help but look proud.

Over there, Zhuzhu'er looked a little dizzy, kicking her legs backwards and wanting to jump down. The prince held Zhuzhu with one hand and gestured to Zhou Luli. In fact, he didn't need to order him. Zhou Luli had already asked someone to take those two away. The person who spoke was caught.Tuanzi was held up by the collar of Destiny's back and was dangling, still trying to shout: "Zhuzhu is full of righteousness and is immune to all evil!"

The idiot fans didn't even need to organize themselves, they all agreed in unison: "The little princess is full of righteousness and is immune to all evil!"

Prince: "..."

I really don't know what to say.

The person who ordered it is probably gone. Those two were street gangsters. They were frightened to death when they were found out. They were even more frightened when they saw Yaoyuan being destroyed with their own eyes. They hired them as soon as they asked. They only said that someone had paid. , let them yell here, they said there were several words, but they only yelled a few words, and no one dared to yell anything else!

Zhou Luli asked someone to take them back for closer examination.

Sheng Minglin took a step forward and said loudly: "You are scared!! You sneaky dogs! You are scared!"

The scene fell silent for a moment.

Sheng Minglin continued loudly: "My sister is born with auspiciousness. She turns misfortune into good luck and protects the people of Dasheng. You are afraid, created a monster, and sent people to say such nonsense, trying to destroy my sister's life." He has a good reputation, but he doesn’t know that there is a wise king above him, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is also sitting here, and the people also have a steelyard in their hearts!”

He pointed at the crowd of onlookers and said, "We Dasheng people are not so easy to fool! We have eyes to see! We have brains to think! Only fools will believe in your little tricks that are so shameless! You think this is shameless? Can you deceive us with small tricks? You want to ruin our prosperity and the good life of our people! We people will not be fooled! Bah!"

"it is good!!"

The people's blood boiled with excitement when they heard it, and they cheered loudly every time.

The prince held Zhuzhu and stood aside to support him. At the same time, he sighed in his heart again... Sheng Minglin is really a famous minister.

He is very versatile and is also a good hand in public opinion.

The words used in these words were straightforward and market-oriented, with a bit of swearing mixed in. The people could completely understand them, and they could be mobilized to be enthusiastic, and they completely brought the people to the same front as them.

From now on, harming auspiciousness is harming ourselves!Fight him!

And after Sheng Minglin finished speaking, he also gave a small thank you gift to each of the people who made the move, ten taels of silver, and a three-dimensional cloth with the character "福" that he bought from the mall.

At first glance, it looks like it is made of cloth. The characters are only the size of the palm of your hand. It has a lanyard and tassels. It is very beautiful.

It will not lead to disaster because it is too expensive, and it can also give them "evidence" in their hands, which they can brag about to the outside world. Only by passing it on to ten and ten to a hundred can they be less afraid of evil and maintain prosperity and auspiciousness.

But I didn't forget to remind them that you must use a torch to destroy the demon, and you can't just rely on righteousness... because Xiangrui is not by your side.

The common people understood this very well and responded accordingly.

In the end, of course, Sheng Minglin did not forget the political show, leading everyone to shout in unison: "Long live the emperor! Long live the prince! Live a thousand years! Princess God! May the prosperity last forever!"

"Great prosperity!!"

So, an assassination was suddenly accomplished by Sheng Minglin.

I came here only half an hour late and missed the grand ceremony that was bustling with activity: "..."

Xu Jingyao and his group were in the same mood: "..."

The gentle brother immediately changed his face as soon as he returned to the car and said angrily: "If you dare to scheme against my sister, I will kill him!!" (End of Chapter)

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