The change of expression happened so quickly that Tuanzi was frightened by him.

Then Tuanzi quickly advised him: "Don't be angry, Guo Guo."

"Hmph!" Sheng Minglin was still very angry: "I must beat these dogs to death!"

Tuanzi was anxious and ran over, grabbed his clothes with both hands, and pulled hard: "Don't be angry, don't be angry!"

Seeing that Sheng Minglin did not agree to her, Tuanzi finally became anxious and shouted loudly: "No one of us can beat her!!"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Even the prince almost squirted.

Tuanzi was so anxious that tears were about to come out. She was so sincere that Sheng Minglin could only squat down and hug her, and promised her: "I'm not going by myself, I will call helpers. My names are Brother Beautiful and Brother Xingxing." help."

Tuanzi felt relieved and hugged his face with both hands: "Then don't forget to mess with us! You must find help before you go! Otherwise, the bad guy will beat us up before we can speak. Then, tie us up." There are too many debts, and there are so many Dachongmings, but they are all of no use."

Sheng Minglin: "..."

It's true that she is a biological sister.

He could only continue to promise: "Okay, brother understands. Let the beautiful brother go first. When he holds the person down, he will use his knowledge and wisdom to scold the bad guys to death."

Tuanzi nodded fiercely: "Yes, that's right! Brother, great."

She kissed her brother's face.

The prince laughed so hard that he hugged Zhuzhu back and signaled to start driving.

Sheng Minglin sat motionless, reviewing what had just happened in his mind, and then said to the prince with a melancholy look: "Fourth brother."


He sighed: "Fourth brother, I may not be able to be a fairy boy anymore."

Prince: "..."

The prince glanced at him and saw that he was really melancholy and not just pretending, which made him even more amused.

But it’s not surprising, who doesn’t want to be a fairy son with bright moon and clear wind?Who wants to stand here and curse?
So the prince waved, and Sheng Minglin approached him in confusion. The prince's voice was very low, and he said gently: "In the future... the fourth brother will give you a plaque."

Sheng Minglin was stunned.

These words may seem ordinary, but coming from the prince's mouth, they are unusual.

As the crown prince, the prince cannot say what will happen when I ascend the throne... Because the Zen position is rare after all, and his ascending the throne is almost equivalent to the death of Emperor Mingxi, so even if he has no other intentions, it is very important. Easily misinterpreted and taken as impatient.

The prince was also a very cautious person, so he never said anything even in private.

Now she spoke out to comfort him.

If the emperor really gave him a plaque with the meaning of "Immortal Son", then future generations would definitely know that he was an Immortal Son, even if there were many other rumors about him.

Sheng Minglin was immediately moved, "Fourth brother!"

Huo Chenzhao got a rare chance: "Fourth dad!"

Shen Lingjue heard this from outside, and maintaining a reliable look, he reached in and knocked on the window three times, which meant, "Four Ancestors."

Several people couldn't help laughing, and Tuanzi also laughed.

This has become their favorite joke.

While they were talking and laughing, there was the sound of horse hooves outside, and several people quickly stopped talking and listened.Sure enough, after a short while, I heard a few exchanges outside, and then Shen Ling reported through the window: "Your Highness, the emperor asked you to go directly to the palace, and the prince is still in the palace."

The prince responded, so the group speeded up and entered the palace directly.

Prince Duan was obviously angry, and he came out to wait for his daughter with a cold face. As soon as Tuanzi saw his father, he rushed over with his little hands open, "Daddy!"

Seeing that she was happy, Prince Duan felt relieved. He caught his daughter and patted her gently: "Baby, did you have fun today?"

"Happy!" Tuanzi nodded fiercely, "We piled up so many big snowmen, so tall! Wearing clothes, the buttons are very nice, and the candy pot has deer eyes..." She put her hand on On the eyes, slap and slap: "That's it!"

She hugged her father's face and kept talking. Prince Duan and Emperor Mingxi were preoccupied with two things, listening to the chattering of the dumplings on one side and Sheng Minglin's report on the other.

It was confirmed that Zhuzhu was not scared at all, and for her, it was obvious that what she had to do today was much more important than the matter on the way back.

The two emperors and brothers were relieved and calm down. Emperor Mingxi said: "I heard that all the Taoists have arrived. That Zhou Qingshi, and that Taoist Ye, named Ye He, Shiro turned around to have a look."

Sheng Minglin said quickly: "Uncle Huang, let me go first. My amulet seems to be better than fourth brother's."

The prince said: "My son has also blessed me. My son and Ming Lin will go together."

Before the two of them had finished discussing, Wang Fengzhang also arrived.

The prince called him in directly and explained it in detail.

Taoist Ye came to the door just after 9 o'clock today, because Wang Fengzhang had heard rumors about him and treated him very politely.

Taoist Ye has a very fairy-like appearance, and when he talks, he quotes from classics and speaks volumes.

What he does is enough to bluff people outside, because he does have something in his heart.

However, the circles are different and the feelings are different.

Wang Fengzhang has been involved in the top second-generation circles in the capital since he was a child. In this circle, being a human being is far more important than learning. Because of this detached mood, everyone has talents or other abilities. , and will not be eager to show off. This state is very subtle, but you can definitely feel it when you come into contact with it.

Therefore, Wang Fengzhang immediately felt his "showing off talent" attitude.

It's not wrong to show off one's talents, nor is it wrong to seek something. No one expects a Taoist priest to have no desires or desires.

On the contrary, for the second generation, this kind of person is more useful.

So Wang Fengzhang didn't care too much.

It wasn't until almost midnight in the afternoon that Zhou Qingshi came.

Zhou Qingshi is wearing a coarse cloth robe. He is about [-] years old. He has a handsome appearance, and his peaceful eyes and calm state of his whole person are hard to describe, but in short, as soon as he comes in, he gives people a " This is the feeling of a true Taoist priest.

At that time, Corporal Wang Fengzhang greeted him courteously, and the two walked in while chatting. When Zhou Qingshi saw Ye Daoren, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and then he began to interrogate Ye Daoren.

Whose surname is there, where did he practice Taoism, what kind of Taoism did he cultivate and so on.

Ye Daoren answered at first, but then he showed displeasure and stopped answering.

Wang Fengzhang asked Zhou Qingshi what was wrong with Master Ye, and Zhou Qingshi replied: "There is something wrong with him."

Taoist Ye was stunned for a moment, then he burst into laughter and said, "You are pretending too much! I didn't know that a mortal body could actually learn the art of looking at qi!"

Zhou Qingshi replied calmly: "I know a little bit."

Then Taoist Ye stopped laughing and stared at him for a long time before shaking his head and turning to Wang Fengzhang and said: "I don't know what you need from the Taoist sect, but no matter how serious the matter is or how anxious you are, you should still be careful. Be more cautious and be more discerning."

Then he closed his eyes and stopped talking, ignoring Zhou Qingshi. (End of chapter)

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