Wang Fengzhang was obviously trying to speak to the point, but he still couldn't help but add some of his own feelings. Even Tuanzi listened with interest, and urged him: "What next?"

Wang Fengzhang smiled at her, and then said: "To be honest, I was a little suspicious of him at first, but when he said this, especially when he didn't say much, I was a little confused again."

Because in the past two days, he visited Taoist temples in the capital and recruited a few Taoist priests, so he just glanced at them.

These Taoist priests often come into contact with dignitaries, and they are quite good at reading. Someone immediately stood up and said: "I have never heard that a mortal body can learn the art of looking at qi. Although there are often legends about the art of looking at qi. , but this kind of spying on the secrets of heaven is really an act against heaven, and it can be said to run counter to the practice of people like us in the Taoist sect..."

But he added another sentence: "This poor person has little knowledge, maybe there are experts, maybe."

Several Taoists had similar ideas, and Zhou Qingshi did not argue. Just as he was talking, Taoist Ye suddenly seemed to notice something, tilted his head, and then ran out. At that time, Wang Fengzhang didn't know what was going on and hurriedly called out. People chase.

Ye Daoren ran straight towards the city gate, his speed was so fast that even the guards could not catch up.

By the time they hurriedly arrived at the city gate, Zhuzhu and his party had already taken care of Yao Hao and entered the palace, and there were still many people talking about it.

The guards went to look for Taoist Ye. After searching around, they saw him in a corner. He pinched the remaining snow in the ground to smell it. He also told them, "The roots were buried here" and said, "It's a pity that there is still no trace of it. You can see it with your own eyes!'"

Then they come back.

Wang Fengzhang listened to the guard's report that Yao Yi had attacked the little princess's car. He turned around and asked Zhou Qingshi, "Didn't you notice this Yao Yi?"

Zhou Qingshi shook his head and said he had never noticed it. Wang Fengzhang asked him why. Zhou Qingshi said that he had never seen Yi with his own eyes, but he had heard that Yi was a creature without intelligence and had no demonic aura. Logically speaking, he could not detect it. Arrived.

Then he asked how Ye Daoren noticed it... Ye Daoren looked at him and did not answer.

Wang Fengzhang was a little nervous. When he said this, he took a breath and then said: "Then I will send these two people to eat with other Taoist priests, and I will go to the palace to report."

The prince pondered for a moment and asked him: "Which one of these two do you think is more trustworthy?"

Wang Fengzhang had obviously thought about this issue, so he said: "If I ask you to tell me, I think Zhou Qingshi is more credible."

He looked at the prince's expression before continuing: "Zhou Qingshi's whole state is very plain and real, and he can say whatever he wants. And Taoist Ye seems to be very useful, but... his skills are just right, it seems that he is It's as if he's here specifically for our needs, which makes people suspicious."

He paused and continued in a low voice, "After all, the people who know these things best are not us, but the people behind Yaoyai. Well... I am just conjecturing. There is no concrete evidence yet, and further investigation is needed."

Sheng Minglin smiled and said nothing.

So it is said that people among the people sometimes underestimate the people in the capital.

Even a young man like Wang Fengzhang, who is on a business trip for the first time, is not easy to deceive. They have seen too many outstanding people since they were young, and they have also seen too many people who fall in love with them. If you seek medical treatment, you will be seeking refuge in a trap.

This is not entirely because Zhou Qingshi was given by the system and is inherently trustworthy, but because there are flaws in Ye Daoren's performance.

The most obvious flaw is that his statement to the outside world is that he has never met Yi, so he heard rumors about Yi and wanted to come to Beijing to see it and see if he could help solve the problem.

But what he showed was that he seemed to know a lot about Yi, such as smelling the smell and so on... The smell couldn't be determined from the book. Since he had never seen it before, how could he find the place so quickly?How can we judge the root of something by its smell?
Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "In that case, fourth brother, there is no need to worry."

The prince nodded.

Indeed, if this is the case, it would be a good idea to let him go.

Tuanzi waited until they finished speaking before waving: "Fengfeng Guoguo, come here."

Wang Fengzhang hurried over, and Tuanzi told him in detail what she went to play today and what she felt. The snow was cold when it blew, and the fish was delicious when cooked. She even told him about Tang Shihua's cats and dogs.After finishing speaking in one breath, Tuanzi was exhausted and lay in his father's arms looking at him.

The adults had already heard it. Zhuzhu said it before, saying what came to mind, what was impressive, what was fun, but when she told Wang Fengzhang, she said it according to the time. It is difficult for this little person to remember it so clearly. .

Seeing Wang Fengzhang almost running out of words to praise, Sheng Minglin smiled and helped explain: "Zhuzhu thinks that we went out to play while you worked at home, so I will tell you about it as if you also went out to play. "

Tuanzi nodded sharply: "Yes!"

Wang Fengzhang was moved, and he did not dare to hug her in front of Duan Wang, so he squatted down and hugged her calf with both hands: "His Royal Highness is nice to me, oh, love His Royal Highness, the court's heart is very sincere. The sun can express it, and it will last forever and ever."

The group was stunned.

She often walked in and out of the palace and had seen courtiers express their loyalty more than once. She always felt that the scene before her was a bit familiar.

So she subconsciously looked at Uncle Huang and then at Zheng Zhongshun.

Neither of them spoke.

Tuanzi thought about it for a long time, and finally said: "Why don't you give your heart to Uncle Huang first? Zhuzhu hasn't grown up yet. Without Uncle Huang's big beard and fierceness, he won't He can say a series of words."

Wang Fengzhang was confused: "...Huh??"

Have I overacted?

Prince Duan did not waste much time and took his daughter back to his house early. After the morning court the next day, the prince and Sheng Minglin went to the house and met the group of Taoist priests.

After chatting for a while, they invited several Taoist priests out, leaving only Zhou Qingshi and Taoist Ye, who chatted for a few more words.

Sheng Minglin didn't hide his clumsiness, he acted very smart, and showed a little eagerness appropriately.

The prince remained calm and seemed to treat both of them equally.

When the time was almost up, Sheng Minglin asked: "I would like to ask you two, is there anything special about November 23?"

The two of them said almost in unison: "The moon moves to Zhensu, and Nandou tells his birthplace."

Sheng Minglin raised his eyebrows: "Oh?"

Ye Daoren explained.

To put it simply, this day is the time when the legendary Nandou Liusi Xingjun plays the casket of immortality.

Zhensu is one of the 28 constellations, also known as the Heavenly Carriage. It can be used to predict wars and predict disasters.

Nandou Xingjun specializes in survival. As the saying goes, Nandou is responsible for life and Beidou is responsible for death. Nandou manages all living beings in the world, including humans, demons, spirits, gods, and immortals.

Of course, these are just legends, let’s not mention them for now.

Taoist Ye only said: "If I insist on saying it, in the eyes of some evil heretics, this time is probably an opportunity to change the destiny. If you take action on this day, it will be less likely to alarm the heavens. Therefore, there are some people who practice the evil method of extending longevity. Old people often take advantage of this time to take action."

Sheng Minglin groaned inwardly, then leaned forward, seeming to be more interested in him: "So that's it? I have two friends, and something happened to them at that time..." (End of Chapter)

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