Ye Daoren looked serious: "What happened?"

Sheng Minglin said: "They..."

He looked like he was hesitating to speak, and changed his words: "I just want to know, if someone attacked them in weird ways that night, what was the reason? Is it harmful to them? Can you make up for it?"

Ye Daoren pondered.

Sheng Minglin waited for a short while, then immediately frowned and looked at Zhou Qingshi: "What do you think, Master Zhou?"

Zhou Qingshi said: "If there are elderly people in his family, it is possible that he is stealing his life span, but according to you, there are more than one. It cannot be such a coincidence, so I think it is possible that he is stealing his luck."

Sheng Minglin immediately adjusted his sitting posture and turned his body towards him.

Just to let Dao Ren Ye understand that they cannot take Qiao Er and that he is not their only choice.

Sheng Minglin asked Zhou Qingshi: "How to deal with this?"

Zhou Qingshi said: "We won't know until we meet, or you can give me your birthday and horoscope."

Taoist Ye pondered and said: "If it is really inconvenient to see, you can also do this. I will draw a talisman and give it to that person. If he has not been hurt, the talisman will not change. Otherwise, it will burn a little or completely." .”

Sheng Minglin immediately asked him to paint.

So Master Ye cleaned his hands, changed his clothes, and asked someone to prepare cinnabar to draw the talisman.

A talisman was completed in one go. After finishing the painting, Sheng Minglin asked Zhou Qingshi how it was, and Zhou Qingshi replied: "Not bad."

That means there is at least nothing wrong with this talisman, and Taoist Ye also has some real abilities.

So Sheng Minglin actually took it and let Shen Lingjue and Qin Jiangbai shake their hands, and it did not burn.

After the report came back, Taoist Ye said: "It seems that your friend is also helped by an expert. He must have something for self-defense."

Sheng Minglin nodded and looked relieved.

Then he asked: "About Yaoyuan, please tell us more about it."

Just as Daoren Ye was about to speak, he looked at Zhou Qingshi.

Zhou Qingshi said calmly: "My great uncle has spent half his life chasing the traces of Yao Hao, but he has only seen him three times in his life. According to him, the reason why Yao is called Yao is reasonable. The original meaning of '皚'" It is the eyes that grow white, and Yaoyi is raised in the eyes by special people. It is said that when you first raise it, it will only turn white. When it grows up, you will become blind. Therefore, if the person who raises Yaoyi sees it, it is easy to recognize. , the eyes must be two deep pits sunk in, and there will be a circle of folds like a bag tightening, so uncle Shi deduced that Yi can swallow flesh and blood and destiny."

Ye Daoren's eyelids twitched slightly.

Sheng Minglin and Sheng Minglin thought of Taoist Aunt Bai Ou at the same time!

The white lotus root they caught couldn't be fake, right?She shouldn't be blind!
Zhou Qingshi continued: "My uncle saw two people raising Yi, both women. After checking, they were both posthumous and coffin children. In other words, they were born without a father or a mother, and there were three or more in the family. My sister will die soon after the birth of Yang Yi, so my uncle guessed that Yi is Yin."

"It is said that one eye can only support one Yi, and it has to be cut through the flesh and blood before it can be taken out. After taking it out, the person who raises the Yi will seem to die. By the way, there must be a maid or a maid by the side of the person who raises the Yi. I don’t know why, but they themselves don’t seem to know the Dharma... I only know this much.”

He carefully took out a notebook from his arms: "This is the notebook of my great-uncle."

Sheng Minglin: "..."

He believed that this Taoist priest must have been stolen from another world by the system, and was definitely not manufactured by the system, otherwise it would not be possible to create it in such detail.

Someone had already come forward to take the letter and presented it to the prince.Sheng Minglin asked again: "Does Taoist Ye have anything to add?"

Taoist Ye's expression was as usual, and he thought for a while before saying: "I don't even know what Taoist friend Zhou said... I only know that Yi has roots, and the root is like a seed. If you plant it, Yi will grow." .”

Sheng Minglin frowned, seeming a little dissatisfied because he said little.

He continued: "As for the type of Yi, it seems to be determined by the fate of the person who raises Yi. If she is born with water, she can only raise black Yi, and if she is born with gold, she can only raise white Yi... Approximately That’s right. As for how to drive it, I don’t know.”

Sheng Minglin secretly let out a sigh of relief.

The angle from which one speaks is something that politicians are very concerned about and very sensitive to, but most ordinary people don't care much about it.

The simplest example is an ornament with a complicated shape. Many people see it at the same time. Some people will say it is beautiful, some people will say it is expensive, some people will say it is difficult to clean, some people will say it has nowhere to put it, and some people will say it is fragile. ...With just one simple sentence, you can tell what kind of person you have in mind.

It was the same at this time.

Zhou Qingshi's words are obviously the thinking of the person who solved the problem, but Ye Daoren's words tend to be those of the person who asked the question.

Before Sheng Minglin could speak, Zhou Qingshi asked, "How did you feel that day?"

Ye Daoren pondered for a while, but he didn't dare not say it in front of the prince, so he said: "To be honest with you fellow Taoist, although Wei has no demonic aura, it can bring about disorder of the five elements' aura. Pindao had been at the city gate before. I practice everywhere and have pasted a few talismans... I just felt that the talisman was burning, so I went over to take a look."

Sheng Minglin said: "How do you know that there will be Yi at the city gate? How do you know that Yi will disturb the energy of the five elements?"

Taoist Ye said calmly: "For people of the same religion, doors have a special meaning. They are the door to the home, the city gate, the country gate, etc. The poor Taoist can't enter the palace, so he can only visit places like the city gate. Luck. Similarly, Yao Yi can cause the Qi of the Five Elements to be disordered, which was also my guess. Fortunately, I guessed it right."

Several people chatted for a long time.

After all, the mystery of Yaoyao can be exchanged for a lottery draw!It’s worth the extra effort!
People are bumping into him, no matter what, they must hold on to his vine and pull the melon out!

The four of them even had lunch together. When they sat down to drink tea, the prince spoke and said, "Minglin, take Taoist priest Zhou down to rest first."

This seems to be the choice of Ye Daoren.

Sheng Minglin came out with Zhou Qingshi, and the prince asked: "Has the Taoist priest ever been to Dianzhou?"

Ye Daoren replied: "Pindao went there when he was young. Think about it, it has been more than ten years."

This is an answer that can be advanced or retreated. The prince was not surprised that he would answer like this, and said: "I got a secret report, that is the source of the evil spirit! There is an extremely dangerous place there, with the five colors of Qi. It’s called the sea of ​​​​皚! All monsters are actually born from that place! My father is deeply worried about this. As the heir alone, he naturally has no shirking responsibility! The Taoist priest has profound teachings, and he is willing to travel to Yunnan for me. state?"

Daoren Ye was confused at that time.

He came here because of his luck, and of course he would not want to leave the capital and go to a remote place like Dianzhou.

And he is obviously related to Yaoyai. Of course he knows better than anyone whether there is any Yaoyai over there.

But what the prince said was very straightforward. I want to strive for merit. If you do this for me, you will have the merit of following the dragon. This is another great temptation.

Or to put it bluntly, what he is facing now is whether to use his identity as a Taoist priest to take advantage of a little luck immediately, or to become his own person in the future and take advantage of his luck in the long run.

From his answer, we can tell a lot of things. (End of chapter)

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