After my brother was reborn and turned into a black man, he was so cute with the group's favori

Chapter 536 Civil and military officials cry and make trouble for their father

The smart brother never says no.

He said with a surprised look on his face: "Ah, Zhuzhu is so smart, can't he teach me? Then you can teach me first and let my brother see what the problem is."

Tuanzi was very obedient, nodded immediately, got off the ground, pointed at the pinyin table and started teaching seriously.

Sheng Minglin stood there, holding his elbow with one hand, and his cheek with his elbow, thinking with an extremely serious look, and then he said: "Ah! Brother knows, it's not that Zhuzhu didn't teach well, and it's not Dahuahua." If you don’t study hard, it’s the big tiger who can’t learn to speak.”

He came over seriously, signaled Dahuahua to open his mouth wide, pulled out its tongue, and showed it to Tuanzi: "Look, Zhuzhu, the tiger's tongue has many thorns, which makes it easy for air to leak when talking, and tigers have no lips. So it can’t learn to talk.”

Tuanzi stretched out his hand and touched it in surprise. It felt prickly. Tuanzi quickly retracted his hand and frowned in worry: "What should I do if it hurts?"

Sheng Minglin said: "Humans are different from tigers. Humans can talk and are very smart, but humans do not have powerful claws and are not as good at hunting as tigers. Although tigers cannot speak, they have claws and are powerful and can hunt very well." sharp."

Tuanzi said: "Dad, you are the one who ties the beads to the grand flower! If Zhuzhu doesn't teach it, won't the beads be useless?"

"No," Sheng Minglin said, "Dad has Wen Daddy and Wu Daddy. Zhuzhu can teach Dahuahua how to practice martial arts. You see Dahuahua is usually lazy, so we might as well make a rope loop and come out. Zhuzhu can teach Dahuahua how to practice martial arts every day. Watch the big flower dance ten times and let it exercise."

Tuanzi was immediately interested and nodded: "Okay!"

So Sheng Minglin asked someone to find a suitable place down below, and Huo Chenzhao took it upon himself to tie the rope loop high to the trees on both sides and wrap some cloth strips around the rope loop.

Zhuzhu can be seen from the second floor window without even leaving the door.

Then Tuanzi loudly commanded Big Tiger, "Big Huahua, come on! Jump! One!"

Da Huahua jumped over easily, and then jumped back again. The dance was completed in the blink of an eye. Da Huahua wanted to jump again, but Tuanzi quickly leaned out a little and waved his hands hard: "That's enough! Da Huahua!" I’ve danced enough today, if I dance anymore I’ll lose my count!”

The big tiger came back obediently.

Tuanzi felt that he had accomplished a great job, so he turned around happily, and then remembered to ask Sheng Minglin: "Guoguo, Zhuzhu is Wu's father, what kind of father is that father?"

Just as Sheng Minglin was about to speak, Tuanzi came to his own conclusion: "It's the baby's father, or not?"

She tilted her head and said "I'm so witty" on her face.

Sheng Minglin suppressed a smile: "Why the child's father?"

Tuanzi said: "As a father, he loves to cry, make trouble, act like a spoiled brat, and he also loves to play."

Sheng Minglin laughed out loud, but after touching his conscience, he still said: "Dad also taught Zhuzhu Wen and Wu..."

"That's right!" Tuanzi nodded, making sense: "Dad teaches literature, martial arts, and how to wear shoes. He teaches everything, and he loves to cry and make trouble, so we can't call him civil and martial arts. The rice shoes are crying for daddy, right? So... so we say that the pendulum is powerful, just like Zhuzhu is the father of Wu, the father is the father of the child!"

Sheng Minglin chuckled and said, "Then Zhuzhu will turn around and ask dad if it's right to call him that."

Tuanzi nodded: "Okay!"

So when Prince Duan came back, Zhuzhu immediately told him.

Prince Duan said happily: "Ah, Zhuzhu is a child, and dad is a child just like Zhuzhu. Daddy is really happy!"

When Tuanzi heard this, he immediately touched his little head in confusion...Looking at that little expression, he was obviously thinking that Zhuzhu is a child at such a young age, but he shouldn't be a child at his age, right?

Then Prince Duan said: "However, in this world, children are not the only ones who can cry and make trouble, adults can do it too... Otherwise, daddy is an adult daddy?"

Tuanzi was about to nod when Prince Duan said again: "My lord, dad is a bit unpleasant, isn't it? I heard that a person who is both civil and military, well-informed, knowledgeable, omniscient and omnipotent, is called perfect..." He was full of He looked at his daughter suggestively.

Tuanzi's mind immediately followed him: "Ah, it turns out that daddy is the perfect daddy!!"

"That's right!!" Prince Duan praised loudly: "Dad is a perfect father! My daughter is really good at getting up! Zhuzhu is awesome!!"

Tuanzi was so pleased that she thought she had come up with this learned title herself: "Zhuzhu is awesome! You really know how to get up!"

Princess Duan smiled at the side and said: "Zhuzhu, daddy is actually a man of majesty and exquisiteness on all sides, with a face like a crown of jade, a close relationship, and a reformed person. How many faces can you count?"

Tuanzi stretched out his little hand, Princess Duan said it again, Tuanzi said: "Five!"

"Yes," Princess Duan said, "Wuhe has no voice, so daddy is a faceless daddy."

"How many more!" Tuanzi announced loudly: "Daddy is the perfect faceless daddy!"

Prince Duan looked at his wife silently.

Sheng Minglin laughed so hard that he fell down, and Huo Chenzhao suppressed his laughter until his face turned red.

Faceless, doesn’t it mean being shameless?Princess Duan knows how to speak.

After Zhuzhu fell asleep at night, the prince sent someone to deliver the letter he had just read, with a note in it.

Zhou Qingshi's great uncle's Taoist name was Qingsong, and the writing was very complicated and messy. Fortunately, there is a bright stone now, so it is not troublesome to read it.

They previously judged that Yao Yi was a being without intelligence, so when he was in the Jinluan Palace, Yao Yi had a fixed route for his activities, and he would only follow that route regardless of whether there was anyone there or not.

But Yaoyai yesterday was obviously heading straight for the carriage.

In the middle, Huo Chenzhao once pushed the carriage back, and Yaoyuan's direction also changed slightly, which proved that it was not a fixed route, which was obviously different from the previous Yaoyuan.

There is a record in Taoist Priest Qingsong’s notebook.

He said that he learned that there was chaos in a place, so he rushed over to investigate and heard that a person was dead. After he asked to open the coffin, he found that the person's hands and face were covered with blood, and his face was withered and wrinkled. He looked like An old woman with very dark skin, but after asking others, she found out that she was just a little daughter-in-law who was less than 20 years old. It was said that she was very fair and beautiful during her lifetime.

Because the severity of this little daughter-in-law's injuries was completely different from other people's injuries, he checked it carefully.

I didn't feel anything at the time, but afterwards, after I found out who Yang Yi was, I unexpectedly learned that in the early days, when only one of his eyes was broken, he had been in contact with the husband-in-law of the little daughter-in-law, and he seemed to be very Love that person.

But that man was a handsome scholar with a bright future. Of course, it was impossible for him to fall in love with a weird blind man and marry his current wife.

Therefore, Yang Yiren should be jealous of that little daughter-in-law.

Therefore, Taoist Qingsong concluded that Yi could recognize people, but he just didn't know how to identify them.

But since this was the only one found, Taoist Master Qingsong expressed doubts about this point.

But, in Sheng Minglin's opinion, how could such a coincidence happen?
There happened to be a grudge, and she happened to be hurt the most?

So Yaoyai must be able to recognize people!
There were four people in the carriage at that time, the prince, him, Huo Chenzhao and Zhuzhu... but they should have come for Zhuzhu.

Many people should know Zhuzhu's birthday, but the time has been kept secret. Can anyone infer the date of birth through Buddhist judgments such as clairvoyance?
Or besides birthdays, is there anything else to find Zhuzhu? (End of chapter)

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