and many more……

Sheng Minglin stood up and paced back and forth in the room.

At that time, Taoist Ye was in a hurry and once said, "The essence of the root is actually a kind of insect. This kind of insect seems to be able to make a unique sound to summon the energy of the five elements."

The conditions for raising this thing are so harsh. No matter what, it is impossible for him to fight anywhere. It is impossible to understand human speech. Even if he can be driven, his method must be very single.

A small insect that can summon the energy of the five elements.


Therefore, the most likely thing that can make this demon attack the carriage is "breath"! !

Seeing that it was not too late, Sheng Minglin immediately called Shen Lingjue over and asked him to ask Zhou Qingshi where he could get the breath.

For example, will the scattered pen and ink do it?Then you need to check the people who have interacted with you before.

For example, would it be possible for close-fitting clothing and accessories?Then start checking at home.

What about places where people pass by?A gift to give?People you’ve been in contact with?

Shen Lingjue took a trip by himself and came back soon, saying: "Daozhang Zhou said that the pen and ink that spread out cannot be used because pens, inks, and paper have a lot of breath in them, and they are very mixed. A certain person It cannot be extracted when the breath is added...Similarly, it cannot be extracted from the places it passes through. It can be extracted from close-fitting clothes. It is difficult to extract it when worn and washed, but if it has been worn for a long time, it can be extracted even if it is washed. "

"But the easiest way to extract breath is from accessories, because most of the accessories are made of metal and jade, which usually don't contain turbidity. Therefore, it is easiest to extract breath when you wear them closely for more than three days and no one else wears them for a long time. Or you can play with them in your hands. After a long time, it was easy to extract the breath within three days.”

Zhuzhu's clothes are basically changed often and are always new. If you don't change them for a day, it will be a long time. There is no such thing as wearing them for a long time.

Sheng Minglin suddenly thought of something and became angry: "Catch Lu Wuqi!!"

So Lu Wuqi was dragged over.

It was late at night, and Lu Wuqi was very confused. Seeing Sheng Minglin's sullen face, he became even more confused.

Sheng Minglin saw at a glance that he was still wearing the button bracelet given by Zhuzhu on his wrist. He was angry and helpless for a moment and just asked him: "Have you ever gone to see Taoist Ye?"

Lu Wuqi didn't want to hide this matter, but because he didn't ask anything, he didn't come over to tell him.

When he asked me this question, I couldn't help but feel guilty, and whispered: "Been there."

Sheng Minglin asked again: "Did you know that at the gate of the city, our car was attacked by a monster?"

Lu Wuqi nodded: "I..."

He was about to say that I know, then he suddenly woke up and raised his head: "Is this related to me? I went to find Mr. Ye. What did Mr. Ye do? But I didn't say anything! I, I... "

Sheng Minglin said: "Let me ask you, has he ever touched your bracelet?"

Lu Wuqi was startled, and tears suddenly flowed down his face.

He nodded while crying, then sat down directly on the ground, sobbing and talking from beginning to end. The more he talked, the more annoyed he became. His whole body was about to be overwhelmed by guilt. He cried until he couldn't lift his head, while muttering vaguely: "She Still so young, woo woo, such a delicate little person like the little princess... woo woo, I really deserve to die..."

Sheng Minglin was so angry that he cried so hard that he couldn't even let out any words.After holding it in for a long time, he finally could only say: "Forget it, fortunately, there was no danger this time..."

He stepped forward and pulled him up, and warned him in a deep voice: "Wu Qi, the world is big, and there are many things we don't understand. We must be cautious and reverent about things we don't understand...Don't feel that your life is worthless." , if something happens to you, where will Changmu Feierlou go? You must remember the responsibility on your shoulders."

"This is the case again. I believe you have good intentions, are full of loyalty, and are dedicated to us. But when the situation is out of control, good intentions may also cause bad things! You must remember this lesson."

Lu Wuqi cried and nodded, and Sheng Minglin added: "Also, you have one foot in the official career now. Since you have the ambition to make progress, you must get rid of some of the problems of people in the world. For example, don't make your own decisions. , you must learn to obey...otherwise everyone will make their own decisions, and things will be in chaos here, and bad things will happen. Do you understand?"

Lu Wuqi still nodded, his big eyes were red from crying, his eyelashes were all clenched from crying, and he couldn't stop at all.

Sheng Minglin had finished speaking and could only watch him cry helplessly.

Lu Wuqi cried for a long time. His eyes were swollen from crying before he stopped himself. He lowered his head and said, "I've remembered everything. Don't worry." Then he left.

Shen Lingjue followed him secretly for a while, and then came back and said, "I cried again after I left the house. The howling sound of crying passed by me in the middle of the night, which probably scared many people. Hmm... He probably can remember this lesson."

He comforted him again: "Forget it, don't be angry. You are the one who has to take care of the children. No matter it is Qi Lang, Liu (Lu) Lang, or Wu (Wu) Lang, he will have to learn some lessons from you before he can grow up." ."

Sheng Minglin laughed angrily at him: "What about Mr. Shen?"

Shen Lingjue put her hands on her hips and chuckled: "No need for Mr. Shen, Mr. Shen is versatile, mature and perfect."

Sheng Minglin nodded and said: "Oh, I know, perfect and faceless Shen Xiaolang!"

Shen Ling never had dinner with them, so he didn't know about this new joke: "What the hell? Faceless? No face?"

Sheng Minglin didn't give him any explanation, smiled, waved his hand and went to sleep.

The next day, Sheng Minglin went to Dongyuan early in the morning, just in time for Wu Kuanli to report.

The four most useful eunuchs around the prince are Zhou Zhiwen, Wu Kuanli, Cheng Wuli, and Xu Wuao.

From: "Straight but gentle, broad but chestnut, firm but carefree, simple but without pride" ("Shang Shu Shun Dian")
The general idea is to be upright but gentle, tolerant but cautious, upright in temperament but not overbearing, and simple in attitude but not arrogant.

Zhou Zhiwen often accompanied the prince, while Wu Kuanli knew kung fu and was shrewd and capable. Last time he went on business with the seventh prince, and this time he was by Ye Daoren's side.

As soon as Wu Kuanli saw him, he stepped forward to salute and said, "Shall I report to the Crown Prince what happened to Master Ye yesterday?"

Sheng Minglin hesitated, and Wu Kuanli said with a smile on his face: "His Highness has ordered that if the Crown Prince is here, report it directly to the Crown Prince without waiting for his return."

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but smile, sat down and said, "Then tell me, I will tell your highness."

Wu Kuanli nodded repeatedly and began to speak.

The eunuch has been studying how to serve people since he was a child. Observing looks is really a housekeeping skill. Let him deal with Ye Daoren, which is simply overqualified.

In short, he came and said, "Our Highness is in urgent need of meritorious service now," "His Highness will often need talents like you in the future. As long as you have the ability, you will have a bright future." "Daochang Zhou is an honest man at first glance. He is not as good as Ye Dao." "It's easy for you to know and use." All kinds of remarks...fitted well with outsiders' imagination of the prince, and really deceived Taoist Ye.

Then Wu Kuanli talked about several people who died at the same time a while ago, saying that if their affairs could be solved, the prince could win the support of those families... It sounded reasonable, and Ye Daoren confided some things. . (End of chapter)

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