After my brother was reborn and turned into a black man, he was so cute with the group's favori

Chapter 539 I can’t bear it anymore and I’m going to show off my cards.

But he couldn't explain it in detail to her at the moment. Wu Anbo just yelled: "Just tell the truth! I can't care less about you!"

At the same time, he turned around and begged Bei Feihong: "Girls are timid, please make it convenient for Master Bei. Let's find a suitable place to ask. They don't dare not tell them. If they go to prison, I'm afraid they will be frightened." I’m paralyzed and can’t speak.”

Bei Feihong took into account that Emperor Mingxi still had some sympathy for him, so he nodded: "Then I'll ask you at your place."

Anyway, for them, it's the same no matter where you ask. If you ask something, you can take it away again.

The Jin Yiwei interrogating these people was just like playing. Without much effort, Madam Bo told them all.

First of all, Bai Lotus's eyes are indeed two pits full of wrinkles, which means that she is indeed a Yang Yi person.

When Jiang Mingyue was sent away because of her birthday, Mrs. Bo was heartbroken and would sometimes visit her secretly.

Later, Taoist Aunt Bai Ou came to the door and said that her daughter would have great fortune in the future.

At that time, Mrs. Bo was also half-believing, but then Taoist Aunt Bai Ou told a few things about her. Everything she said was correct, and Mrs. Bo believed [-]% of it.

Later Taoist Aunt Bai Ou gave her advice and asked Jiang Mingyue to go out alone at a certain time, so that she could meet the Grand Ancestor, and maybe a great fortune would come to her.

Mrs. Bo gave it a try and came back with the title of princess.

From then on, Madam Uncle had no doubts about her. Bai Lotus asked her to take her into the house and not tell anyone else. Madam Uncle followed her instructions one by one. Bai Lotus would occasionally comply with her request and take action against anyone, but it was invisible. Without a trace, the person died suddenly and inexplicably, and she trusted her even more.

But she really didn't know about Yaoyai.

She also refused to believe that Jiang Mingyue was not her daughter.

All in all, her confession was of little use, and only a few secrets about the back home were revealed.

Bei Feihong asked someone to take her down, and then brought Jiang Mingyue for interrogation. At the same time, he asked, "Have you found the female Taoist priest?"

The subordinate replied: "Not yet."

Bei Feihong could see that the prince valued Zhou Qingshi, and asked again: "What did Master Zhou say?"

The subordinate said: "Daozhang Zhou said that it was right where he was, not out of the courtyard, but the courtyard of Princess Yongping. However, my subordinates searched around and couldn't find it. The underground walls have been knocked, and there is indeed no secret passage."

Bei Feihong frowned and said, "Look again. Look carefully in her yard."

If Zhou Qingshi was a liar, he wouldn't be able to tell lies that could be detected immediately, so what he said must be true.

While talking, Jiang Mingyue was also brought over.

Bei Feihong went back in and glanced at her. Jiang Mingyue lowered her head.

Bei Feihong said directly: "Tell me, who are you and why are you pretending to be Princess Yongping?"

Jiang Mingyue lowered her head and said: "I am not pretending, I am Jiang Mingyue! I am the princess of Yongping!"

Bei Feihong sneered: "Whose birth date is it?"

Jiang Mingyue said: "I don't know!"

Bei Feihong raised his eyebrows: "Is the demon who attacked the God Princess at the gate of the city related to you? Even the God Princess dared to attack, so you are brave!"

Jiang Mingyue said: "I don't know about this!"

Bei Feihong smiled.

Although he is young, he has interrogated countless people and is very aware of Jiang Mingyue's state... Jiang Mingyue obviously thinks that he can't do anything to her, so although he is afraid, he still has confidence.

He just looked at her and said nothing for a long time.

When Jiang Mingyue raised her head, she saw his interested expression.Jiang Mingyue was born beautiful, and she had been used to seeing this look since she was a child. She immediately felt more at ease, with a bit of coquettishness on her face, and her kneeling posture became more graceful.

Then Bei Feihong met her shy eyes and said with a smile: "Come here, cut off the princess's finger to tell her to wake up."

Jiang Mingyue was stunned, thinking that she heard wrongly, she suddenly raised her head and said sharply: "How dare you!"

Bei Feihong smiled and said nothing.

He is one year younger than Qin Jiangbai, but he became a member of Jinyiwei earlier than him. He has always been a bit crazy. Now he is only [-]% sure that Jiang Mingyue's birth date is wrong, but he dares to bet even [-]%.

So Jin Yiwei dragged the person down and neatly chopped off a finger without bandaging it. He dragged it back directly and poured a ladle of cold water on it. Jiang Mingyue woke up screaming and saw that there was really no finger left. Fingers, not a dream, he rolled his eyes and was about to faint again.

Bei Feihong said directly: "Still not awake? Then chop another one."

Jiang Mingyue had an idea and suddenly woke up from shock.

Then she looked like "I can't bear it anymore and I'm going to show off my cards", and said hoarsely: "You can't do this to me!! How dare you do this to me!! I was born to be a phoenix! I want to marry into the royal family! Xiangrui is just My nourishment! I am vital to Dasheng! Indispensable!!"

Bei Feihong spurted out.

Little princess, that is the person who is at the very heart of the emperor!Is it your nourishment?
It's also vital and indispensable, and it's a destiny... How stupid are the royal people to marry a daughter-in-law whose birthday is the sacrifice of the former prince?
This is embarrassing no matter what!

Jiang Mingyue was irritated by his attitude. She even forgot about the pain. She straightened her body and said loudly: "Do you dare to believe me?"

Bei Feihong smiled and nodded: "Dare you!"

"You!!" Jiang Mingyue was trembling with anger: "You will get retribution, don't regret it! Don't regret it! I am a born phoenix, and I am loved by heaven and earth! Those who hurt me... will definitely not end well. !”

As she spoke, she sneered, looked at him like an ant, and said word by word: "Since the Sheng family doesn't want to sit in this world, then don't sit there!!"

Even Bei Feihong was a little frightened by her: "..."

Jiang Mingyue smiled proudly, turned around, and straightened her neck, looking confident.

Bei Feihong narrowed his eyes.

But seeing that arrogant back, there was a sudden convulsion.

Then, as if she had no bones in her body, she twitched and fell on her back. Her hair quickly turned white, wrinkles appeared on her face, and her skin quickly turned gray. In the blink of an eye, she changed from a flowery beauty to a chicken-like skin and black hair.

Bei Feihong just watched helplessly, without moving. Then he slowly stepped forward step by step, looked down at her, and said very gently: "Miss Fengming? Are you okay?"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a scream from outside.

Just the moment before.

Sheng Minglin in the palace, the seventh prince in the military camp outside the city, Shen Lingjue and Huo Chenzhao in Prince Duan's Mansion, including Zhuzhu herself, all felt that the amulet was burning at the same time.

Tuanzi had just woken up and was having breakfast. The child was frightened when the meat was tender. The little spoon accidentally fell into the soup. Tuanzi became frightened and shouted: "Guo Guo! Guo Guo!"

Huo Chenzhao also noticed it, quickly stepped forward to hug Zhuzhu, and then let out a long roar outside.

Before the whistling stopped, Shen Lingjue had already rushed over. He held the window with one hand and said, "Mine is also burning, so is yours?"

Huo Chenzhao said anxiously: "Yes, Zhuzhu's ones are also hot!"

Shen Lingjue said: "Ask Da Huahua to deliver a message to the palace! I'll ask someone to come here to protect Zhuzhu!"

"Don't!" Huo Chenzhao said: "Don't call people. This kind of thing is uncontrollable when there are many people. You come in first!"

Shen Lingjue turned over first, and then the two of them wrote a note and asked Shanda Huahua to send it to the palace. (End of chapter)

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