Sheng Minglin had also noticed it at this time.

Sheng Mingfeng was in the palace, and he had just written a note and was about to ask it to be delivered, when he saw the big tiger leaping over the palace wall and coming in.

Sheng Minglin took the note and looked at it, worried: "What's going on! I'll go back and see Zhuzhu!"

Emperor Mingxi and Prince Duan both stood up with solemn expressions. The prince took a few steps forward and said, "Come here! Go and call Zhou Qingshi back! I'll go to Prince Duan's Mansion to take Zhuzhu over!"

Prince Duan said: "I'd better go!"

He jumped directly onto Shanda Huahua's back: "Da Huahua, please!"

Sheng Minglin said anxiously: "Sheng Mingfeng, go find the blue-robed Taoist priest today, now! Hurry!"

With a grand and majestic cry, it spread its wings and went away.

In Wu Anbo's house, Zhou Qingshi was walking around with a compass when he heard an eagle cry from above. When Zhou Qingshi raised his head, he felt a gust of wind blow by, his shoulders tightened, and then he was grabbed by a grand and majestic claw, and flew back to the palace in the blink of an eye. Here, one step faster than Prince Duan.

Prince Duan returned directly to his residence. Huo Chenzhao put Zhuzhu in his arms. The father and daughter rode the divine tiger. Then Huo Chenzhao and Shen Lingjue followed him directly using Qinggong, and soon they arrived at the palace.

Until now, the amulets of several people were still hot.

In fact, the temperature was not too hot, but it was inexplicably frightening. Tuanzi didn't know why at first, but when he saw the adults' attitude, he was scared. The whole Tuanzi was in his father's arms, and his little head went straight into his neck. Regardless of the buttocks.

Prince Duan had no choice but to pull open his clothes and wrap his daughter in, hugging her tightly and patting her constantly.

Next to them, Shanda Weifeng and Shanda Huahua were also walking around, standing ready, roaring from time to time, waiting to tear the invisible enemy to pieces.

Over there, Sheng Minglin quickly explained the matter, then opened his collar and showed Zhou Qingshi the amulet.

Zhou Qingshi was very interested when he saw it and said, "Who made this amulet? Is it so clever?"

Sheng Minglin said patiently: "Our amulets are all getting hot. Is there any danger?"

"No, no!" Zhou Qingshi said: "The other party can't hurt you at all. The heat is just a warning. I have never seen such a clever jade talisman in the world."

He began to mutter, but everyone was relieved after hearing his previous words.

Zhou Qingshi turned over and over before he finished reading, and the amulet gradually became less hot. Sheng Minglin said: "Is it over? What about you?"

Everyone nodded.

Sheng Minglin quickly asked someone to ask Qin Jiangbai, and then sent someone to ask the seventh prince.

Emperor Mingxi said: "Ling Jue, go to Wu Anbo's mansion and have a look!"

Shen Lingjue responded without having to bear the grandeur and power, and just went away like a gust of wind.

Wu Anbo's mansion is in chaos.

The beautiful Jiang Mingyue turned into an old lady in the blink of an eye.

Bei Feihong asked, "Miss Fengming? Are you okay?" Jiang Mingyue's teeth were chattering, her eyes were cloudy, she was too shocked to say a word.

At this moment, several screams sounded outside.

Bei Feihong came out quickly, avoiding the sound, and saw blood blooming in the unfrozen pond. Immediately, a black mist emerged. It was obviously Yaoyui, but it was not vicious, but Floating slowly in the courtyard, Jin Yiwei was so shocked that he couldn't help but step back.

Bei Feihong looked around, pulled off a cotton robe from the servant of the uncle's house next to him, lit it with a fire stick, and after it was ignited, he threw it over, and the black mist went out with a pop.

Jin Yiwei also fished out a woman dressed as a Taoist nun from the pond. Her eyes were sunken, but there were scratches on both eyes, and one of them was still stained with blood.

Zhou Qingshi was right, she was actually in the hospital!

This small pond is just for raising koi, it is very small, who would have thought that she would actually be hiding in the water!Hidden for so long!

When Shen Lingjue came, Jin Yiwei had just rescued Taoist Aunt Bai Ou. Shen Lingjue didn't wait for him to interrogate him. He simply asked about the situation and went back to report.

Sheng Minglin was concerned and confused just now, but he really didn't expect that now that he knew the result and speculated on the reason, he suddenly remembered that Shen Lingjue's amulet had a backlash effect.

At that time, the system gave a jade plate, which could increase protection and add backlash. However, because it was later learned that Qin Jiangbai had also been attacked, the amulet did not dare to leave the body for a moment, and other people's amulets were not put up.

But at that time, Shen Lingjue, the prince, and Zhu Zhu had been there. So, could it be that the white lotus root smelly Taoist nun was fighting to the death, but was bitten back?
Zhou Qingshi looked at Zhuzhu's amulet and gave an affirmative answer: "Yes, that should be the case."

Because he was trustworthy, Sheng Minglin also told him all the things that Taoist Ye said. Zhou Qingshi was very excited and said: "That's right, she didn't harm you this time." Personally, it should be that he wanted to directly harm the little princess. You are just implicated. Unexpectedly, the backlash was huge. Even the bridge of Jiang Mingyue was destroyed, so she herself also suffered a backlash... This talisman is really too clever. Can you get it? Come down and show Pindao?"

"Sorry, we can't," Sheng Minglin refused directly: "In these troubled times, our talisman dare not leave our body, but you can look at it like this or trace it down."

Zhou Qingshi was not surprised, nodded and continued to stare.

Sheng Minglin said: "But how did they harm Zhuzhu? They couldn't possibly have Zhuzhu's blood or hair, right?"

"Birthday horoscope," Zhou Qingshi said directly: "Isn't the little princess born with supernatural powers? Isn't she born on the third day of March? I know the day and the time, and I can deduce it... The most likely ones are Wuzheng and Weizheng, no matter how detailed they are. Just do the math and you’ll be sure.”

It really is!Zhuzhu was born at noon!
Sheng Minglin was stunned and suddenly felt unsafe: "Is this easy for you?"

"That's not the case," Zhou Qingshi said: "There are many types of Taoist calculations, including facial palmistry, Qimen Dunjia, geography, Feng Shui, etc. What I am good at is Ziwei Dou Shu. I am a relatively skilled Taoist priest in this sect. It can be calculated, but there are probably very few people like me, and counting auspiciousness for no reason is of no benefit to us, and we generally don’t do it.”

Sheng Minglin was slightly relieved, but he also decided that from today on, his sister would not be able to take off the amulet even when taking a bath!
He glanced at his sister.

Zhuzhu just dared to show her little face at this moment, her little arms were still holding her father's neck tightly, her hair was messy, like a little hedgehog, with a pair of big eyes, cute and adorable.

Sure enough, I am still very angry!Damn old witch, you scared my sister!
Sheng Minglin's chest was raging with war, and his brain was doubly bright. He said: "One eye can only raise one Yi, and a person with any fate can only raise one Yi. The old witch raised a black Yi. She used one in the palace before. Just now, Bengqi was dying and used one again. Both eyes were cut open. She is not alive anymore, is she? The person who attacked us at the city gate before was Bai Wei. We don’t know where this person is yet. This person should still be there. It’s useless to have one!”

"I have an idea. Uncle Huang, Fourth Brother, and Dad, why don't we let Shanda Weifeng or Shanda Huahua clean up the dog Taoist Ye He? Just don't die. If you vent your anger, you can force him to show his trump card quickly. ! It’s time to celebrate the new year after cleaning up!”

Emperor Mingxi strongly agreed: "Okay! That's it! If you have a grudge, you must report it quickly! If you report it in the morning, we will be happy! If you report it in the evening, there will be more enemies!"

The prince's expression was serious, but he did not object. "Go to Shengweifeng. Take it easy and don't get yourself killed. I asked a few guards to follow slowly. I told them that someone was harming Zhuzhu. Shengweifeng protected the Lord. As soon as he saw the Taoist priest, he said Beat him, Daochang Zhou was also beaten."

Daozhang Zhou: "..." (End of chapter)

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