Inside, Emperor Mingxi said: "Come in and talk! Zhuzhu isn't wearing a coat! It's cold outside!"

Qin Jiangbai and Bei Feihong responded in unison and came in together.

Tuanzi was a little scared and turned to his brother's arms. The brother and sister were whispering.

Seeing that Emperor Mingxi didn't let anyone else leave, Bei Feihong started reporting without any haste.

Jiang Mingyue suddenly grew old before, and after that it was difficult for her to speak, and she seemed to be going crazy. She just kept repeating a few words over and over again, saying, "It's impossible, it's impossible, how can a bright pearl compete with the bright moon?", and What "I am obviously born with a phoenix destiny, I want to marry into the royal family, and my mother will be the king of the world."

Then he died of convulsions all over after a while.

Bei Feihong could only go to interrogate Bai Ou again.

But Bai Lotus was also dying. She clasped her hands and bowed randomly in all directions. She kept mumbling, but she couldn't hear clearly what she was saying. She seemed to be asking for forgiveness, saying that she didn't mean to harm anyone.

Bei Feihong asked someone to hold her down for interrogation. She spoke incoherently and died soon after.

After Bei Feihong finished speaking, he knelt down to apologize.

Zhou Qingshi has always been very honest, but when it came to his profession, he couldn't help but interject, "This is not unusual. This kind of backlash is not tit for tat, but once it backfires, it is almost liquidation. They have also done it before." I don’t know how many sins I have committed, but how can I survive with one life?”

Emperor Mingxi frowned.

I understand, but nothing was found in the trial, so Ye Daoren's confession is more important.

Emperor Mingxi said: "In that case, Feihong will take them two to interrogate that old Taoist! Let's eat first!"

Zheng Zhongshun had already prepared it and immediately put it up.

As a close minister of the emperor, Bei Feihong had enjoyed the treatment of leaving food. He went down to wash his hands and face before coming back to receive the food.

Prince Duan was very unhappy and complained to his brother: "The bright moon in the river is just a reflection in the water. How can it be compared with my pearls?"

Emperor Mingxi said: "A name is worthy of anger, so what if she is called Tianri?"

Tuanzi was on the other side, muttering to Sheng Minglin for a long time.

Sheng Minglin was not familiar with Bei Feihong and was a little dissatisfied with him for scaring her sister. But the problem was that Qin Jiangbai had done it before, and Huo Chenzhao and Shen Lingjue would do it before.

So he could only tell his sister, because some people are really bad. They secretly harmed Zhuzhu and harmed his brother, and harmed many people. They didn't say anything after they were arrested, so there was no way. In order to prevent more people from being harmed, The only option was to use torture. Bei Feihong and others were very sad and scared, but they had no choice. They were doing it for everyone.

Tuanzi suddenly realized.

So as soon as it was served on the table, Zhuzhu immediately used her small chopsticks to pick up a chicken drumstick, put in the effort to suck it, held it with both hands, and took it out.

In fact, such large pieces are rarely served on the imperial dining table. Such large pieces are served to make it easier for the dumplings to hold, so when she made a move, everyone stared to see who she was going to give it to.

I was about to pass the dumplings with my chopsticks when I suddenly remembered my father’s previous teachings, so I turned around halfway, leaned half of my body out, and threw the chicken legs into Emperor Mingxi’s plate. With a thud, even the chopsticks fell to the ground. I was so tired. You have to throw your hands away.

Emperor Mingxi: "..."

Tuanzi smiled toothily at him.

Okay, even though it looks rough, it can be regarded as a sign of filial piety. Emperor Mingxi nodded and said: "Be good!"

Zheng Zhongshun quickly brought another pair of small chopsticks, and Tuanzi struggled to hold up another one, tremblingly sending it down, and then, under everyone's gaze, he sent it all the way to Bei Feihong.

Bei Feihong himself was surprised. He raised his head to confirm, then hurriedly took the plate and took it. He was still a little at a loss for a moment and said: "Thank you, Your Highness."

Tuanzi waved his little hand: "No thank you."

I sat back down, took a long breath, and started eating.

Prince Duan immediately asked: "Zhuzhu knows Mr. Bei?"

Tuanzi shook his head: "I don't know you!" Prince Duan said: "So Zhuzhu'er is carrying food for adults you don't know?"

"No!" Tuanzi said: "For Zhuzhu Gangchai, I thought that the adult in front of me was a bad adult! I secretly hated him! But Guo Guo Guo said that he was also the adult in the bowl, and he was all For Zhuzhu and Guoguo, he cried, trembled and beat the bad guys at the same time, it was really difficult for him!"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

I'm talking about being sad and scared at the same time.

Although you cry when you are sad and tremble when you are scared, these two are not the same word, okay, my silly sister.

Tuanzi felt that he had made it very clear, and smiled cutely at Bei Feihong: "My dear, Zhuzhu is wrong, Zhuzhu pinched and ate it for you! Don't be angry with Zhuzhu, okay!"

Bei Feihong was stunned when he heard this, and quickly stood up and handed over his hands: "I don't dare, I don't know how, your highness doesn't need to apologize to me, I can't afford it."

"You deserve it!" Tuanzi said: "Zhuzhu is a good child who corrects his mistakes after he realizes them! You are also... a good adult who is both fierce and well-behaved!"

Bei Feihong didn't know what to say for a moment.

Emperor Mingxi smiled and said: "What I said is right? We, Zhuzhu'er, don't have much knowledge, but we are just right. This kid, Feihong, is both fierce and well-behaved!"

Bei Feihong was silent for a moment.

He is just the emperor's dog, but when he is called "good", he somehow becomes cute.

He lowered his eyelashes obediently and said, "That's what the emperor said."

After several people finished eating, Sheng Minglin and Qin Jiangbai took Zhuzhu back to their house. Bei Feihong temporarily handed over the affairs of Uncle Wu An's house to his subordinates, and took Huo Chenzhao and Shen Lingjue to interrogate Taoist Ye.

Before leaving, Emperor Mingxi said to Zhuzhu, "Zhuzhu will also come to the palace to play tomorrow."

Prince Duan explained: "You, Prince Xiang, have come to Beijing for several days. However, the two princesses fell ill again, so they stayed at the hot spring village outside the city for a few days. I sent a letter today saying that they are feeling better, and they will be there tomorrow." I will enter the palace, you can just come over and meet me in the afternoon."

Sheng Minglin responded and left with his sister, followed by a big tiger.

Over there, Bei Feihong interrogated Taoist Ye.

Ye Daoren had actually come back to his senses at this moment. He thought that Yaoyai's attack on the driver was not something that happened today. The sudden attack by the divine bird must not be related to this incident!
But now that his face was injured, it was difficult for him to cheat again. He also heard that Bai Lotus was dead, so he was depressed at that time, and then he resorted to it.

He couldn't raise Yi himself, but he went to great lengths to find two Yi mothers, that is, people to raise Yi.

One is white lotus root and the other is called vermilion.

White lotus root is the life of water and nourishes black 皚; red lotus root is the life of metal and nourishes bai 皚.

Sheng Minglin's guess was correct before.

The reason why they harmed Zhuzhu was because auspiciousness and yi were originally opposed to each other. This has been the case since ancient times. In prosperous times, it is usually difficult to breed evil spirits. In prosperous times with auspiciousness, it is difficult to raise evil spirits.

As for Yaoyui, once you raise it, you don't have to raise it if you don't want to. It will eat up your luck every day.

But raising your body also has great benefits, such as extending your life.

He said before that he was over sixty years old, which was not a lie. He was indeed over sixty years old. It was the Yaoyai that borrowed his life to look so young and handsome.

In addition, it can also perform divination, and is more suitable for doing some sinister things, such as harming people silently.

But now, in order to extend his life, Zhu Hong had used up one of his monsters. Later, when he attacked Zhuzhu, another one was used. Zhu Hong had no monster left, so he had previously thought of handing in a name certificate to the prince. Originally, I want to sacrifice Zhu Hong.

But he didn't expect that Bai Lotus Root had been exposed, so he had no money left in his hand.

Bei Feihong asked: "Where are the Zhuhong people?" (End of this chapter)

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