Ye Daoren whispered.

Bei Feihong asked: "Where is her 'bridge'?"

Ye Daoren lowered his head and said, "Be with her too."

Bei Feihong asked again: "Where did Jiang Mingyue come from? Why did you change children? How did you change them?"

Ye Daoren raised his head in shock, then seemed to think of something, lowered his head slumped, and said in a squeaky voice: "That's it... that's it..."

Bei Feihong raised his hand: "Come here and be punished!"

"Don't! Don't!" Ye Daoren said urgently: "Don't use torture, I say, I say!"

He paused and said: "At that time, Bai Ou's 'bridge' died unexpectedly, and she was anxious to find a new 'bridge'... Yi Niang can feel the bridge, and bridges are all children born with excellent luck. She was at her best when she was young, but she couldn't be more than one year old at most. At that time, Bai Lotus had a feeling in her heart and came to their house, but after some calculations, they gave birth to a male fetus. "

"When Ai Niang chooses a 'bridge', she usually chooses a woman, because men are not easy to contact for a long time, it is inconvenient to use, and it is troublesome to draw luck, so we bribed Po Wen and changed to a girl at that time, but Unexpectedly, due to bad timing, the child was given away right after birth. We simply replaced her with an older child, and then let her borrow that child's identity, so that she could inherit [-]% to [-]% of the original child's energy. transport."

Bei Feihong frowned and looked at Zhou Qingshi.

Zhou Qingshi said: "It can indeed be done, but the child whose identity was stolen must live."

He explained: "A person's luck in this life is not destined at birth, nor is it used up at birth. Therefore, when the person who steals grows up, the person who was stolen also grows up. Luck Talents are endless, and there is a trade-off relationship between the two, that is, when one party's luck increases, the other party's luck will be suppressed."

Shen Lingjue couldn't help but interject: "So, that person must live and have a difficult life. This is what they want, right?"

Zhou Qingshi said: "Theoretically, this is the case."

Huo Chenzhao said: "In order to ensure these two points, they are not far away from this person."

Bei Feihong looked at Daoren Ye coldly.

Ye Daoren smiled bitterly and said: "That man's name is He Xingzhou. He has been under pressure for several years, but his luck has greatly improved recently. Otherwise, Jiang Mingyue wouldn't be so unlucky..."

Shen Lingjue lost her voice: "He Xingzhou!!"

Bei Feihong calmly continued the interrogation: "How far apart can a thief and a bridge be? How far apart can a thief and the original owner be?"

Taoist Ye lowered his head and said: "The farthest..."

Bei Feihong tapped the knife lightly, and Taoist Ye shuddered, and said quickly: "Yiniang and Qiao cannot stay away from each other, and they cannot be separated for a long time. The furthest distance is only half a mile, and the longest distance cannot exceed three days, but It's not very precise, but it's almost like this... The thief, that's it, the thief and the original owner, there are actually no restrictions, it doesn't matter how far away they are, if they are close, it's just for the convenience of watching at any time."

Bei Feihong said: "He Xingzhou's father is a sixth-rank official? Why did he come to the He family?"

Ye Daoren smiled bitterly: "His luck was very good. Our original intention was just to keep him alive and eventually become a slave, so he was sent to the dental shop. But who knew that he would be adopted as soon as he was sent to the dental shop? . It is said that Mr. He's concubine died after giving birth to a son. Because of her weak nature, Mr. He was afraid that she would not be able to bear the blow, so he sent someone to find a child and lied to her that it was his biological son. At that time, he did not want to find a son, but only thought about having a son. It’s okay to have a daughter, who knows, I just happened to meet...I heard that Mrs. He also knew about this matter."

Bei Feihong lowered his eyes.

Ye Daoren acted too cowardly, unlike an old Jianghu. He couldn't hear any problems in his answer, but he was instinctively suspicious.

Over there, Zhou Qingshi sat cross-legged on the ground and calculated He Xingzhou's fate. He couldn't help but sigh: "This child's fate is indeed very good. If he hadn't been replaced, he would have been a young genius and prospered the family. Now, although his luck has been damaged, Fortunately, it’s not too late after receiving auspicious blessings.”

Shen Lingjue nodded silently and looked at Huo Chenzhao.But now, Wu Anbo's mansion is implicated by the fake princess, and it is impossible not to convict him, and his title may not be kept. He Xingzhou is still young, and he will still not get help from the family in the future, and he can still only rely on himself, and there are two more elders. , this is more than a little loss!The loss is huge, okay!
Several people interrogated him for a long time before ordering people to drag Taoist Ye down and start interrogating Zhu Hong.

It wasn't until Jin Yiwei left that Ye Daocai slowly breathed a sigh of relief and slumped to the ground.

As long as he passed this level, he would not be afraid of what Zhu Hong would say. Zhu Hong knew almost nothing.

Now, it all depends on you, fellow Taoist Shuihua, Sheng Qianqian, you must rescue me!
Over there, Zhuzhu and others also left the palace.

A few people didn't get on the carriage. Zhuzhu was riding a big tiger, with Qin Jiangbai and Sheng Minglin accompanying him. Although they knew it was a divine tiger, everyone looked at it in horror and couldn't bear to look at it. They all screamed and retreated. While watching from a distance.

Tuanzi was sitting on the back of the big tiger. He couldn't see the situation in front of him. He could only see the people running on both sides. He kept waving his little hands to comfort: "Don't be afraid! Shanda Huahua doesn't bite! Don't be afraid!"

Some brave ones responded: "Little princess!"

Tuanzi: "Hey!"

Suddenly everyone was saying: "Little princess!"


"The little princess is a thousand years old!"

Tuanzi was silent for a moment: "You... also live to be a hundred years old!"

The people suddenly became excited: "Ah ah ah! Thank you little princess for giving me a long life!"

Someone was about to squeeze in this way, and the guards at the back quickly stepped forward to separate the crowd. The people were still waving outside excitedly.

Sheng Minglin felt happy when he saw it. The emperor was right. Although Xiaotuanzi's knowledge was only a little, it was just right!

He and Qin Jiangbai were taking care of Tuanzi and talking at the same time.

Qin Jiangbai suddenly felt something. He looked up and saw a carriage parked not far away. The curtains of the carriage suddenly fell, as if someone was watching him there just now.

Qin Jiangbai frowned and glanced past the carriage. The carriage was very luxurious, but there was no family logo on it, so it was impossible to tell which mansion it belonged to.

He didn't care too much, he looked back and continued walking forward.

The carriage soon started moving, moving forward slowly, and soon left the city.

In the carriage, the pretty woman had a sullen face and said after a long while: "No! We can't go on like this. If Qin Jiangbai continues to be so famous, I won't be able to do anything!"

She gritted her teeth for a long time: "If those old beggars die, Qin Jiangbai will definitely be hit hard! Shadow!"

Silently, a figure in black appeared in front of him. He knelt on one knee. The woman bent down and whispered in his ear: "Tomorrow, after Qin Jiangbai leaves home, you will..."

Shadow nodded silently and retreated. (End of chapter)

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