After my brother was reborn and turned into a black man, he was so cute with the group's favori

Chapter 545: The baby is so disgusted that it harms the beautiful and perfect baby

Someone outside said: "Qianqian!"

A hint of impatience flashed across the woman's face, and she remained sullen and did not respond.

Princess Xiang had already opened the door and came in, and said anxiously: "Qianqian, why did you go out again? We are going to enter the palace tomorrow, and you entered the city without permission. If others find out, it is another piece of trouble!"

When the vassal prince returns to the capital, he must go to see the emperor as soon as possible. Because his daughter was ill and was delayed for a few days, the emperor allowed them to go to the nearby hot spring village to recuperate. This is already extremely lenient, but going out for fun is not the same. Now, let people know that you don’t even enter the palace when you go out to play?So are you really sick and faking it?Doesn’t this make people suspicious for nothing?

Sheng Qianqian said: "Didn't I let no one discover it? When Sheng Zhenzhen gets sick, I have to stay with her and not go out. Why? You are just partial!"

Princess Xiang said helplessly: "Since when are you not allowed to go out at home? But now in Beijing, we must be careful in our words and deeds, and we must not let others take advantage of us. Otherwise, if the news reaches the ears of the emperor, we will not be able to take advantage of it." Let’s go…”

Sheng Qianqian said: "I know, I know, don't worry, I won't cause trouble!"

She pushed her shoulder and pushed her out of the door, and said delicately: "Okay, okay, go and accompany your precious daughter, I will definitely be careful!"

Princess Xiang was pushed out of the door and sighed deeply.

In her entire life, she had only given birth to this pair of daughters, but she was always worried about them.

People say that twins are connected in spirit and have similar looks, but this pair of girls in her family not only look different, but also have completely different temperaments.

The eldest daughter Qianqian is pretty and talkative since she was a child. She has big ideas and refuses to listen to advice. She is really afraid that she will cause some trouble.

The youngest daughter, Zhen Zhen, has a gentle temperament, loves reading and painting, and is well-behaved. However, she is not in good health. She gets sick every three days. She has consulted countless doctors and said everything, but she never gets better.

Now they are almost [-] years old and they are not married yet. When she came to Beijing this time, she heard about the name of the miracle doctor Huo Chenzhao and wanted to ask him to show it to her younger daughter. However, her eldest daughter insisted on coming, so she came again. disobedient……

Princess Xiang left in tears.

the other side.

Bei Feihong finished interrogating Zhu Hong and found nothing. Shen Lingjue and the others consulted Bei Feihong before returning to Prince Duan's Mansion.

After telling Sheng Minglin, Sheng Minglin hurriedly said: "Ling Jue, send two people to invite Dao Zhang back and ask him to hold the guy who drew the talisman. Send two more people to Dongyuan to get the jade plate back. "

Shen Lingjue hurried away, and Sheng Minglin explained: "Since Xiangrui and Yaoyuan are hostile, I'm afraid it's not just Ye Laodao who want to attack Zhuzhu, but there may be others in the future. However, they probably won’t take action for the time being, so we should quickly ask Daozhang Zhou to draw a peace talisman, and we can add the backlash to the jade talisman first, so we can feel more at ease later.”

Several people nodded.

Shen Lingjue complained: "That Mr. Bei was cold and cold, answering every question, and looked very difficult to get along with. It would have been better if Jiang Bai had been allowed to go."

Qin Jiangbai smiled and said nothing.

Tuanzi raised his head and said, "No way! Baby is very good! Baby is like a chestnut, with a hard skin and a soft core!"

"Really?" Shen Lingjue said with a smile, "Then I'll bite the skin first next time."

Everyone was inexplicably amused. Tuanzi didn't understand the adult's laughter at all and said, "Master Baobao's surname is really nice. Zhuzhu also wants to be named Baobao!"

She thought for a moment: "Zhuzhu will be called Baobei Da Chongming Xiao Nisha from now on! Guo Guo will be called Baobao Da Chong Ming Da Wen! Qin Guo Guo will be called Baobei Da Nihai Xiao Tiantian! Xingxing Guo Guo will be called Baobao Da You’re so cute, you’re so cute! If you’re pretty, you’re called my baby, you’re so cute, so beautiful, so perfect!”

As Tuanzi spoke, her brothers were laughing. Until she finished the last sentence, everyone's smiles moved to Huo Chenzhao's face.

Shen Lingjue was the first to say: "Why is Huo Chenzhao only three words? Why is he so perfect? ​​I think I am pretty perfect too!"

Tuanzi said seriously: "But you don't know how to treat illnesses!"

Shen Lingjue covered her chest: "But he is not as smart as your brother!"

"That's right!" Tuanzi said very rigorously, "That's why the name of Beautiful Guoguo doesn't have Da Chongming in it!"

Shen Lingjue: "..." He took out the sword and made a gesture: "Ah, I can't bear it anymore! Draw the sword! Baby Dali harms Dali!!"

Sheng Minglin and others almost died from laughter, and Huo Chenzhao also fell down laughing. Only Tuanzi grabbed his lapel and added loudly: "It's leaked! You leaked it! It's so beautiful!"

Several people:"……"

Several people shook their knives at Huo Chenzhao. Huo Chenzhao smiled happily and pretended not to see it.

Sheng Minglin changed the topic maturely: "You guys think, if I hang a basket around Shanda Huahua's neck and let Zhuzhu sit in it, will it be more convenient when I go out? It will also be safe, and Zhuzhu can see it."

Shen Lingjue said: "How about getting a hat and letting her sit on the tiger's head. How majestic would it be?"

He compared it: "It's similar to the Wusha hat, Yishan crown, Yuanyou crown, etc. Tie it under the neck and put a small chair on top. The big flower head is so big and the top is very wide, even without a hat. Not easy to fall off.”

He directly grabbed Sheng Minglin with one hand, jumped to the roof and hung him on it, letting him take a look.

Shanda Huahua’s head is big and round, and the fur is thick. It feels like it won’t fall off easily once you sit on it.

Sheng Minglin hesitated: "But I think it's good to hang it under your neck so you can still see it while walking."

"But it's so frustrating..." After Shen Lingjue finished speaking, he suddenly paused: "Oh, I understand, my dear, smart brother, you can't replace your eyes with your ears. If you can't see you, you won't feel at ease, right? No need. Worry, the powerful people will protect Zhuzhu!"

Sheng Minglin raised his hand and struck, while Shen Ling Jue Fei seemed to avoid it.

Qin Jiangbai smiled and said: "Just do both, you are not so poor."

So I called the dressmaker to come and measure the big tiger's head and neck. Then I could do both.

Just as he was thinking about it, Shanda Mingfeng came back. When he saw this posture, he was afraid that the big tiger would eat alone, so he thrust his wings into the arms of the dressmaker, which scared her so much that she almost cried.

There was a lot of excitement in the room for a while, and Sheng Minglin could only go back and forth to comfort and mediate, and it took more than a quarter of an hour to coax Shan Sheng Weifeng back.

As soon as the tailor left, Zhou Qingshi came.

Sheng Minglin took him aside and expressed his thoughts.

Zhou Qingshi said: "It's okay to draw an ordinary one, but I'm just learning to draw people like you. If I'm tricked by others, I'll get hot... I just have a little idea. I wanted to draw the talisman after I've learned it."

Stop being so competitive at times like this, okay?
Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "What the Taoist Master painted can also be resisted, right?"

Zhou Qingshi said: "Naturally."

"What will happen if someone plots that long painting?"

Zhou Qingshi said: "Just like ordinary talismans and seals, they will burn half or all."

Sheng Minglin asked: "Will it burn the skin?"

"No," Zhou Qingshi said, "It is not an open fire and will not burn anyone."

Sheng Minglin decided: "Then I want this kind of thing! Please paint it now, Taoist Priest!"

Zhou Qingshi began to draw. After a while, the jade plate was brought over, and he was very interested. He raised his head and took a look, and the talisman and seal under his hand were immediately useless.

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Why does the strongest Taoist priest given by the system seem a bit unreliable?
Just when he was thinking this, he saw Zhou Qingshi put down his pen and walked over. He glanced at Qin Jiangbai's face and was suddenly stunned. (End of chapter)

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