Qin Jiangbai, a martial arts student, was very sensitive to the gazes of others. He quickly raised his head and asked, "Taoist?"

Zhou Qingshi looked at him carefully: "There will be a bloody disaster in your family.

Everyone was shocked and looked at Qin Jiangbai's face.

Qin Jiangbai's smile faded, but he was still calm and said: "Please clarify, Taoist Master."

Zhou Qingshi finally showed the ability of the strongest Taoist priest. He didn't even need to ask for his birth date. He just stared at his face, calculated back and forth, and then said: "It should be your very close relative. Around [-] o'clock tomorrow... there will be at least five people in the family." Fear for one’s life.”

Qin Jiang's face turned pale, and he said anxiously: "I moved people out of the house, can I avoid them?"

Sheng Minglin patted his arm: "Don't worry. It's tomorrow's matter and we can definitely avoid it."

He asked Zhou Qingshi: "If he moves his relatives out, can he completely avoid it? Or can he avoid it temporarily?"

"If we can avoid it temporarily," Zhou Qingshi said, "it's best to deal with the person who did it."

Sheng Minglin said: "Then let's quietly bring a few uncles out, and then arrange for a few people to go in. When the other party's people come, we can catch them directly."

The grand majesty suddenly made a sound.

It couldn't fly in the house, so it took small steps all the way to Qin Jiangbai, grabbed his shoulder with one claw, and made a quacking sound.

Qin Jiangbai let out a long sigh: "You can also ask Sheng Weifeng to help in the air. I will bring my father and the others out first." He asked Zhou Qingshi: "Can you tell me where to move?"

Zhou Qingshi said: "The north is auspicious."

Sheng Minglin said: "Then move directly into our house. I will ask people to clean up a small courtyard and you can live there first."

Qin Jiangbai nodded and made arrangements as fast as he could. Shen Lingjue also followed to help. Sheng Minglin hugged his sister and built a yard in the corner for them to live temporarily. They didn't need to pay attention to it at ordinary times, otherwise they would On the contrary, I feel uncomfortable.

Qin Jiangbai moved very quickly. In less than half an hour, he had brought several fathers into the house. After settling down, he hurried out to make arrangements there.

Sheng Minglin saw that several old people were not in high spirits, so he didn't leave in a hurry and arranged for someone to bring food to them.

Tuanzi was quite happy and entertained them seriously: "Don't be afraid, Zhuzhu is in debt! Zhuzhu is great! Zhuzhu will protect you! There are also Qin Guoguo, beautiful Guoguo, Xingxing Guoguo, Shangshengfeng and Da Huahua, we can elbow the bad guys together!"

Several old people forced a smile and responded repeatedly. Tuanzi thought of her hospitality necessities and said enthusiastically: "Do you want to touch the big flower? The big flower is so easy to touch!"

Da Huahua was used to it, so she stepped forward gracefully, and the old people stretched out their hands to touch her.

There was silence in the field, and an old man suddenly couldn't hold back his sobs. His cry made other people unable to hold back. More than one person quickly turned away and shed tears.

Tuanzi was startled, looked at Shanda Huahua, then at his brother, and murmured: "Jie, what's wrong with Jie?"

An old man whispered: "We...we are his burden!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, the other person couldn't help but burst into tears: "Now that Yao'er has become a high official, it would be great to marry a wife and have a baby... We are all beggars, and none of us are human beings. I know, how embarrassing..."

Xiaotuanzi had never felt such heavy sadness before, and hugged his brother's leg in a daze.

Sheng Minglin said sternly: "If one day, Jiang Bai is convicted for some reason, and you have to accompany him to behead his head, will you dislike him for causing you trouble?"

A meal for several people.

Sheng Minglin said: "You can't do it! So, Jiang Bai can't do it either! You are relatives, sharing weal and woe. When he is happy, he wants to share it with you, and when he is unhappy, he also wants you to comfort him. When you are here, Jiang Bai can Have a family! If a person is born in this world without relatives around him and has no roots, then he will still be lonely no matter how high he is."

"Besides, what's wrong with being a burden? This is just an accident! Even our Duke's Mansion has been attacked before. No matter who is involved in such a method, it is impossible to guard against it. You really don't have to think too much."

Because of what happened in the previous life, these seven old people have a halo in Sheng Minglin's heart. Although they come from humble backgrounds, their relationship with Qin Jiangbai is sincere. They beat the drum with the heart of death. Such a friendship , even true relatives may not be able to do it.His voice was gentler: "Uncles, people have weaknesses, but weaknesses are also the warmest bonds. You have never been a burden to Jiang Bai, but don't look for trouble anymore."

Several old people were crying and nodding.

After hearing this, Tuanzi seemed to understand, and supported in a low voice: "Qin Guoguo has so many fathers, how wonderful it is. When he cries, he has many fathers to comfort him. When he has a great relationship, he also has many fathers to praise him... …”

Before Mr. Qin's tears dried, he couldn't help but laugh and said, "The little princess said it is."

Sheng Minglin didn't stay long, let them eat by themselves, and came out with his sister in his arms.

When I came out, I found Qin Jiangbai outside with a complicated expression.

Sheng Minglin stopped to talk to him, and Shen Lingjue hugged Zhuzhu and left.

Tuanzi glanced at it from a distance, plucked his eyes with his little hands, and asked him: "Xingxing Guoguo, what kind of tears are soft tears?"

"Weakness?" Shen Lingjue said with a smile: "Have you ever heard of dragons having reverse scales? It's a dragon. It has a scale that grows upside down. This is the dragon's weakness, the dragon's reverse scale. When you touch that reverse scale, The dragon will be in pain and get angry..."

Tuanzi suddenly said: "Wow..."

After grinding for more than an hour, Zhou Qingshi finally finished drawing the amulet, so Sheng Minglin and others, including Qin Jiangbai, put the amulets on the jade plate and took the one painted by Zhou Qingshi for the time being.

Even the Seventh Prince who was outside asked Shanda Weifeng to change his clothes temporarily and then change them back in the morning.

So in the morning, the jade talismans of their group had backfire effects.

In the morning, Qin Jiangbai pretended to come out of the house. Jiang Qingyang and others were divided into various rooms, covering themselves with quilts and pretending to sleep. The grand majesty was hovering very high in the sky, and they were very excited.

At about two o'clock in the morning, a man in black jumped in silently from the back wall.

Everyone was in high spirits, especially the grand majesty. They quickly flew lower and looked around.

But after waiting for a long time, no second person was seen. The man in black had already jumped into the room and started to chop with a knife.

Those who were squatting could only jump up to parry.

But the man in black is very good at martial arts. The man squatting there is no opponent and can only call his companions.

Normally, by this time, the man in black should have noticed something was wrong and ran away quickly, but he did not run away and continued to kill him, and then he was caught by Jiang Qingyang and others together.

The grand majesty is furious!
Because he was worried about having an accomplice, Sheng Minglin specifically warned it, and it never came down. It was just waiting for the accomplices outside to take action to arrest the person... As it turned out, the man in black had no accomplices!He's the only one!

So Shanda Weifeng waited for a long time in vain and did nothing!
Sheng Mingfeng immediately flew back and said something like "Zhizhiquagua".

Sheng Minglin didn't understand either. Fortunately, the people over there came over quickly and reported it.

At this moment, several carriages entered the capital.

Sheng Qianqian opened the curtain and looked outside, her brows furrowed and her face full of anxiety.

The shadow never came back.

Shadow's kung fu was so good, and he was so unexpected, it was impossible that he couldn't kill a few old beggars... Could something go wrong again?
So, how could she not be anxious?
If Qin Jiangbai continues to be so prosperous, everything will go wrong for her!
The girl opposite was leaning against the window. Her features were picturesque but weak and pale. She called out softly: "Sister, who are you looking for?"

Sheng Qianqian casually threw down the curtains, "Just looking at the scenery, the capital is indeed very prosperous, but my sister must be careful, don't get sick again, and worry my mother." (End of Chapter)

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