Sheng Zhenzhen nodded, lowered her eyebrows and stopped talking.

She has been on the sickbed for many years, is weak and does not like to argue with others, so even if she is angry, she just pretends not to hear it.

She had discovered long ago that her sister didn't seem to like her very much, and...she didn't know if she had been ill for a long time and had random thoughts. She always felt that she wouldn't get sick if she blew the air or did anything else. She would only get sick when her sister was unhappy. When you are sick, you will always get sick for no apparent reason, and no matter how careful you are, you can't avoid it.

Sheng Zhenzhen sighed silently.

The group entered the palace.

At home, Princess Duan is also preparing to leave.

Although Emperor Mingxi said there was no need to rush, they couldn't really go there until the afternoon, so they heard that King Xiang's car drove into the palace. Zhuzhu also got up, so she packed up and entered the palace.

After entering the palace gate and leaving, Sheng Minglin went to the front to see King Xiang, and Princess Duan took her daughter to the harem.

As soon as they entered the Queen's Palace, Princess Xiang and her daughter stood up together and greeted them.

Naituanzi is a small one, and he is struggling up the steps with his short legs.

She was wearing a twilight princess uniform, with two hair buns on her head tied into the shape of antlers, small tassels lingering on her cheeks, big black eyes, and chubby little cheeks. She looked like a little adult, and she could tell at just one glance. Cuteness changes people's hearts.

Princess Xiang and Sheng Zhenzhen couldn't help but smile.

Princess Duan first bowed to the Empress, then bent down and said with a smile, "Sister-in-law, we haven't seen you for a long time."

Princess Xiang hurriedly saluted and said with a smile: "Brothers and sisters really haven't changed at all."

Princess Duan said: "Sister-in-law is the same as before."

"Don't mention it," Princess Xiang smiled bitterly and shook her head: "I am too old to look in the mirror."

Princess Xiang was also a beauty back then, but now she looks much older, and her hair has turned white.

The two held hands and talked, and Tuanzi was also pulled into the Empress's arms. She pointed over there with a smile and said, "Zhu Zhu'er, these are your two cousins ​​from Prince Xiang's family, Princess Sheng Qianqian of Chang'an, and Princess Sheng of Changning. Zhenzhen, Zhuzhu can call them Chang'an sister, Changning sister, Qianqian sister, Zhenzhen sister, it's all fine."

Tuanzi looked up at them with his little face raised.

Both of them are very good-looking, one is rich and the other is delicate.

But she didn't know why, but she felt that the sister in red was a bit scary.

And the sister in Qingyi was looking at her with bright eyes. She obviously liked her very much, and Tuanzi liked her too.

So Tuanzi complied with his wishes and went around in a circle, bypassing the sister in red, holding the hand of sister in green, and said in a sweet voice: "Hello, sister! I'll tie the beads!"

Sheng Qianqian and Sheng Zhenzhen's expressions condensed at the same time.

Sheng Qianqian felt ashamed, but Sheng Zhenzhen, when she held Tuanzi's little hand, suddenly felt her whole body light up, as if she had been wearing a heavy coat, her whole body was heavy and her breathing was not smooth. , but it seemed to be taken off at this moment.

Sheng Zhenzhen composed herself, knelt down and hugged Tuanzi: "Zhuzhu is good, Zhuzhu is so cute."

Tuanzi praised happily: "Sister is so beautiful too..."

And I don’t know why, it feels a bit familiar, but I can’t remember why it’s familiar.

Suddenly Sheng Qianqian said softly: "Zhuzhu, don't you like sister Qianqian? Otherwise, why are you ignoring me?"

She smiled reluctantly, looked lonely, and seemed a little sad.

But the smiles of the Empress and Princess Duan faded by three points at the same time.

Princess Duan is quite sensible, but the empress is too narrow-minded.If Zhuzhu doesn't like you, then there must be something wrong with you, so just accept it and say it out, what's the matter?Are you still arguing with a three-year-old baby?
The method of applying eye drops is so clumsy, how dare you dance with just a few steps?
Tuanzi was stunned for a moment, then waved his little hand honestly: "No, no, no, I don't like Sister Qianqian, Zhuzhu is just less afraid."

Sheng Qianqian's heart skipped a beat.

The auspiciousness is real!She can feel it!
Sheng Qianqian immediately stopped provoking and immediately looked for a way out: "It's my fault. I shouldn't have worn these clothes. It's too eye-catching and scared Zhuzhu. I'm sorry!"

Tuanzi said quickly: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Zhuzhu can bear it for a while and it won't matter."

The Queen and Princess Duan exchanged glances silently.

The last person who was treated differently by Tuanzi was Jiang Mingyue, right?It seems that there is something wrong with Sheng Qianqian!

The empress suddenly became frightened and immediately said with a smile: "Haha, it's okay. Zhu Zhu'er can play with whoever she wants. Sister Qianqian won't care. You and Sister Zhenzhen can go over there to play."

Silly Baitian Tuanzi nodded immediately and pulled Sheng Zhenzhen to the other side.

There was a couch over there. As soon as Sheng Zhenzhen sat down, Tuanzi immediately climbed up and asked her, "Sister, what do you want to play? Zhuzhu can play with you."

Sheng Zhenzhen originally wanted to say this, but Xiaotuanzi beat her to it. She couldn't help but chuckle and said, "Then, let's turn over the flower rope?"

Tuanzi nodded and boasted: "Zhuzhu is very good at turning flower ropes!"

So the servant brought the flower rope up, and the two of them turned over it. The queen and the queen saw that they were playing well, so they continued to chat.

Sheng Zhenzhen was flipping through the pages and saw that Tuanzi's little head was so close, and the little Liusu looked more and more cute, which made her heart itch. Seeing that no one was paying attention to them, she suddenly came over and kissed Tuanzi's little face.

Squeeze it, it's really soft and fragrant.

Tuanzi looked up in a daze, and Sheng Zhenzhen kissed her on the other side of her face. She also grabbed her little hand and kissed her twice on the back of her hand. Then she grabbed her other hand and kissed her twice, and then Suddenly he let go of his hand and leaned back softly.
At this moment, Princess Xiang looked back at her, smiled reassuringly, and continued talking to them.

Tuanzi was stunned for a moment after being kissed, and even more stunned when he saw the little sister changing her face.

Then Tuanzi asked: "Sister..."

"Shh," Sheng Zhenzhen pointed to her lips, shushed with a smile, and whispered: "My sister accidentally touched you just now, Zhuzhu, don't be angry."

Group: "..."

Although I am young, I have great potential.

So Tuanzi said with a smile: "Isn't it that Zhuzhu is too cute? My sister loves Zhuzhu? That's why she kissed Zhuzhu secretly?"

Sheng Zhenzhen didn't expect that a three-year-old baby could express herself so clearly and have such a smart mind. She couldn't help but pause for a moment, her face turned red, and she later realized that she really looked like a weird sister who eats children.

Then she used her small body to cover up and pinched her fat chin: "Yes, sister loves Zhuzhu so much. Why are you so cute? You are so chubby. Squeeze it well! It still smells good. So good. Dear! Baby, my sister really wants to steal you home!"

She kissed her again.

It’s rare to meet such a straightforward fan, Tuanzi felt embarrassed: “Zhuzhu also loves her sister, but, she can’t sneak her home. Zhuzhu’s father and Guoguo will cry, and Zhuzhu’s mother will beat her. people."

Sheng Zhenzhen suppressed a smile.

Why is this voice so cute? Her breasts are so chubby and soft. She doesn’t want to turn over the rope anymore. She grabs Zhuzhu’s little hand and asks, “Sister, can you suck Zhuzhu’s hand?”

Tuanzi: "Okay."

Sheng Zhenzhen immediately kissed the back of her hand again and again. (End of chapter)

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