Sheng Minglin's eyes flashed slightly.

Wu Anbo seems to be a rough guy, but being able to say such things proves that he still has a brain.

Although he has other children, He Xingzhou is the only son who can be put into important positions in the East Palace, and it is impossible not to fight for it at this moment.

Anyway, when Emperor Mingxi heard this, he couldn't help but sigh. He felt that he had been deceived, so he said: "Kill that woman... His title will be reduced. Let him keep the official title."

Bei Feihong said calmly: "Yes."

Then Qin Jiangbai stepped forward to report what happened yesterday.

Qin Jiangbai developed this habit when he was in Jinyi Guard. He would report every detail to the emperor. Even though he is now in Honghu Guard, he still does this.

The emperor was obviously used to him being like this, so he nodded and said, "I will also find a few smart people to serve me at home. If I can't get through, I can send you a message. If you are short of money, I will give you some. Don't make do with anything else. Now You have become a big official, and your fathers will follow you, and it is time to live a good life for a few days."

These words were so intimate that Qin Jiangbai quickly bowed his head in agreement.

Emperor Mingxi waved his hand: "Okay, let's all go down. You also go to the back to meet your aunt and cousins."

So several people responded in unison, and Qin Jiangbai and Bei Feihong left. Sheng Minglin hugged his sister and followed the eldest prince and the fourth prince to the queen's side.

Lizhi was originally from the palace and was very clever. As she walked, she told Sheng Minglin about the previous meeting.

As soon as everyone heard that Zhuzhu didn't like Sheng Qianqian... well, they immediately became vigilant.

Sheng Zhenzhen seemed to like Zhuzhu very much and kept kissing Zhuzhu's face and hands, so Princess Duan asked Zhuzhu to come over... Well, so you need to be careful about this.

So after entering the door and seeing Li, Sheng Minglin looked at the two of them carefully.

Sheng Qianqian looks bright and elegant, and there is nothing wrong with her at first glance.

Sheng Zhenzhen is pale and delicate, with beautiful features and eyes...huh?

Sheng Minglin took a closer look at her, and then realized that her eyebrows were very similar to Qin Jiangbai's.

It's just that although Qin Jiangbai has a handsome appearance and is as beautiful as a good girl, he is a man after all, and his face is still angular, while Sheng Zhenzhen is more delicate than ordinary women, and her eyebrows are also very weak, so she doesn't look like her at first glance. But if you look closely, the shape and outline of the eyebrows and eyes are really similar.

He suddenly remembered his previous speculation that Qin Jiangbai was also being robbed of his luck!

Thinking again, a long time ago, Qin Jiangbai once said that he always dreamed of a little girl beside him... People said that twins would have feelings for each other!

Sheng Minglin sang several big plays in just a short moment!
As soon as Zhuzhu entered the door, she was already jumping up and down to play with Sheng Zhenzhen. In front of everyone, Sheng Zhenzhen behaved dignifiedly, but when she held the chubby Tuanzi's hand, she couldn't help but squeeze it. After a few clicks, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Princess Xiang was relieved to see that they were having a good time, and then tentatively asked if Huo Chenzhao could be asked to come over and take her pulse.

"Okay," Princess Duan said with a smile: "Brother Zhao is now Princess Zhan Shi. He followed Zhuzhu into the palace. He should be outside now."

So Huo Chenzhao was recruited.

Now Princess Xiang didn't ask for anything, she just wanted her daughter to be healthy, so Sheng Zhenzhen didn't even wear a veil and just let Huo Chenzhao do it.

Huo Chenzhao had a small medicine man on hand, and he never slacked off. His medical skills became more sophisticated, and he felt something was wrong after just one stroke.

He changed the handle and apologized again. He looked up at Sheng Zhenzhen's face and frowned slightly.

He looked back.

Sheng Minglin noticed something. He took a few steps closer and heard Huo Chenzhao use his voice to enter the secret passage: "She is not sick. Can I tell the truth?"

Sheng Minglin raised his eyebrows and coughed. Huo Chenzhao turned his head and said directly: "She is not sick."

Princess Xiang was stunned: "What?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "The princess has no physical illness."

Princess Xiang was stunned at that time: "But Zhenzhen, she has been suffering from a strange disease since she was a child. She often faints, falls into a coma, and is dying. She had this problem just two days ago. How can she not be sick?"

The Empress said warmly: "Brother Zhao's medical skills are excellent, much better than those of Tai Hospital." Princess Xiang's face turned pale and she opened her mouth. Sheng Zhenzhen couldn't help but raise her eyes.

Sheng Minglin turned around and glanced at Sheng Qianqian. Sheng Qianqian looked concerned and still looked normal.

Sheng Minglin said: "I met Prince Xiang today. Prince Xiang studied Taoism deeply. From what Uncle Wang said, Minglin gained a lot of knowledge... We also have a Taoist priest named Zhou Qingshi in our house. If there is If we have the chance, I think we can have a good chat."

Princess Xiang is not stupid.

It's not like she hasn't prayed to gods and prayed to Buddha in recent years, but it was useless to pray to gods and prayed to Buddha, so she gradually gave up this idea.

But now that Huo Chenzhao spoke directly, Sheng Minglin only said it clearly. Princess Xiang hesitated for a moment, but she still accepted the words and said: "If your uncle, Wang Bo, knows about this, he will be very happy. He will immediately post a message to invite the person to say it." The chief is here."

Princess Duan comforted her: "Zhen Zhen is a good child. Good people have their own destiny, so you don't have to worry too much."

Princess Xiang responded with a forced smile.

Sheng Zhenzhen lowered her eyelashes, pressed her hands on her chest, and thought quietly.

Is she not sick?

Isn't she sick?

She once led Buddhist practitioners in the nunnery, but she fell ill within less than half a month and almost died.

Later, a nun took the initiative to come to the door, and she was right in her words. She seemed to be really capable. My mother was also very happy at the time. However, she accidentally learned that this nun was actually a man pretending to be a man, and she was almost taken advantage of. .

From then on, Princess Xiang simply avoided the gods and Buddhas.

However, it was clear that once, when she was wearing an amulet given by a senior monk, she felt much more comfortable, but unfortunately Sheng Qianqian accidentally broke it.

Sheng Zhenzhen suddenly took a few steps forward, gently hugged Zhuzhu, and then picked her up.

Princess Xiang was startled and rushed forward: "Zhen Zhen! Don't..."

Sheng Zhenzhen said: "Mom, don't worry. It's easy for me to hold Zhuzhu."

Zhuzhu is small and not heavy at all, but you know, before she could even walk with difficulty and couldn't hold a tea cup for a long time.

She turned around with Zhuzhu in her arms, her eyes bright and full of expectation, "Mother, as soon as I saw Zhuzhu in the morning, I felt relaxed and my breath was smooth! Zhuzhu is auspicious, and auspiciousness can destroy evil spirits."

Princess Xiang was stunned for a moment.

Because Princess Xiang was preoccupied, the Queen simply asked them to leave without leaving any food.

The three mothers took a carriage. As soon as they left the palace gate, Sheng Qianqian opened the carriage window and looked outside.

Princess Xiang subconsciously wanted to say stop blowing the wind, but then thought of what Huo Chenzhao said when she felt her pulse, and paused midway, feeling slightly startled.

At this moment, a figure suddenly passed before his eyes.

He rode his horse in, and their carriage went out, and they passed each other in the blink of an eye.

But at this intersecting moment, both Princess Xiang and Sheng Zhenzhen subconsciously took a breath, as if their heartstrings were struck by something, that kind of indescribable, extremely important but couldn't remember anything. The feeling made both of them stunned for a while, and then they leaned forward to look at each other.

But he only saw a thin and straight back.

Sheng Qianqian looked at the two of them quietly, her eyes flashing.

It turns out that blood relatives really have feelings when they meet?
But so what?

She turned her hand in her sleeve and put a bunch of small bells on it. Then she leaned against the window and said with a smile: "The capital is so nice! Sister, please come and see!"

Because after today, you will never see it again. (End of chapter)

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