As the carriage moved forward, the three small bells on Sheng Qianqian's wrists jingled, and the sound was actually quite loud.

After ringing a few times, she would hold it gently with her hand. After a while, she would let go of her hand, and the bell would ring a few more times... as if she was talking to someone.

As soon as she returned to her temporary residence, Princess Xiang hurriedly went to find Prince Xiang.

Prince Xiang was reading in the temporary study room, and without saying a few words, the two of them started to quarrel.

Princess Xiang was so angry that she cried.

Prince Xiang is addicted to Taoism. Although he can't count on him for everything, he doesn't make any fuss like others. It's quite worry-free. But only when it comes to his little daughter, the two of them have to fight every time. Quarrel.

He believed that if his younger daughter was sick and weak, it meant that she was not close enough and should not force her. He should let nature take its course and let her go calmly.

But this is her daughter!The meat falling off her body!How can she not force herself?
The more Princess Xiang thought about it, the more she hated her, and she said loudly: "How can a person like you, who doesn't even care about your own flesh and blood, deserve to talk about it? You can't even 'kiss' one's own relatives, how can you do 'not just kiss one's own relatives'?" , not only the son is the only son'? What is the way of nature? Naturally, the disease is not treated? Naturally, as a father, he watched his daughter die? Then why do you still want to eat? Why did you starve to death unnaturally? Leave calmly? "

Prince Xiang was stunned for a moment: "What you said makes some sense... Eat when you are hungry and treat when you are sick. This is natural... You are right. You are right. Although it is very sincere, it is also true. It makes perfect sense! I need to think about it hard."

As he spoke, he took a pen and started recording, while mumbling something.

Seeing him like this, Princess Xiang was so angry that she cried again, feeling very desperate.

He has been like this for so many years. There is no point in arguing, and it is useless. Even if Zhen Zhen's life is in danger, even if she is hysterical, he doesn't care, he only cares about his "big road"! !

Princess Xiang cried until her heart broke.

Sheng Zhenzhen stood in her room, listening to the crying in the distance, tilting her head slightly, thoughtfully.

For some reason, she felt that her sister would stop her mother from inviting a Taoist priest, but she didn't.

She felt that she might be a villain, but she felt cold in her heart for no reason.

And my mother takes care of the house in an orderly manner and is very comfortable going out to socialize, but it is only strange about her father's affairs.

She doesn't understand the feelings between elders. She just thinks that her father has been like this for so many years. He has his own set of ideas. He is extremely stubborn and seems impossible to change. So why do he keep going again and again? Argue with him?Why not just pretend he doesn't exist?

Just like now, it's okay for my father to post a post to invite that Taoist priest, but isn't it the same if my mother posts directly in the name of Prince Xiang's Mansion?
Or maybe her mother would bring her directly to the house, so what's wrong?
It was originally a very simple and easy thing, why waste energy arguing with dad?Wouldn't it hurt your health to cry like this for nothing?
Sheng Zhenzhen let out a long sigh.

The personal maid Duofu persuaded her in a low voice: "Princess, you have been standing for a long time. I will help you sit down and have a rest."

Sheng Zhenzhen slowly put her hand on hers: "But I'm not tired. I'm not tired at all today."

She was supported by her, and she walked slowly to sit next to her, and said at the same time: "Go and watch over there, and let me know when mother comes back to the room."

The maid quickly responded.

So when Princess Xiang returned to her room, Sheng Zhenzhen went over and gave her some gentle words of advice.

Princess Xiang just cried.Sheng Zhenzhen then said: "Why don't we just post the post and visit her... Today Zhuzhu even said that she wanted me to go and play with her!"

Princess Xiang looked at her daughter and hesitated to speak. After a while, she nodded: "That's fine."

Sheng Zhenzhen advised her: "Mother, you don't have to worry. Although Minglin is young, he has a good reputation and is not someone who talks nonsense. Since he said it, this Taoist priest must have some skills... and my daughter is used to it. Even if it really can’t be cured, I won’t think about it, mother, just don’t worry.”

She was so transparent and sensible that Princess Xiang burst into tears and held her hand: "Zhenzhen, Zhenzhen!! My Zhenzhen is so good, who is harming you..."

Princess Xiang's post was sent to Prince Duan's Mansion, and Princess Duan also replied to the post, agreeing that Princess Xiang and Sheng Zhenzhen would come to visit early tomorrow morning.

At this moment, several groups of people around Prince Xiang were staring at him. The prince knew that they were worried, and he would ask people to come over from time to time to talk.

In fact, there was nothing to say. The four members of the Xiang Prince's family rested in their rooms all afternoon without going out.

Sheng Minglin had a big drama hidden in his heart and hesitated whether to tell Qin Jiangbai.

If he was sure, of course he would tell him, but now he was just imagining it, so he didn't dare to say it, so he only told Huo Chenzhao and Shen Lingjue quietly.

Huo Chenzhao only said: "Anyway, I can confirm that the princess is not sick."

Shen Lingjue said: "It's not impossible. The place where Jiang Bai was thrown is not far from King Xiang's fiefdom. It's a pity that I didn't see Sheng Zhenzhen, otherwise I would definitely be able to tell! No matter what I say, it's true. He knows a little bit about the art of disguise, and he’s very knowledgeable about bone physiology!”

Huo Chenzhao asked: "Is it possible for them to meet me? Maybe they will feel friendly once they meet?"

Sheng Minglin said: "So what if you feel friendly? There is no evidence."

Having said that, he also felt that it was best to meet her. After all, if there was a problem with Sheng Qianqian, it would be easiest for Princess Xiang to find out something was wrong if she lived with her.

Several people discussed and discussed, and Shen Lingjue went to the palace specially to ask the prince to find out their birthdays and horoscopes.

Sure enough, both Sheng Qianqian and Sheng Zhenzhen were destined to have prosperous fortunes. Logically speaking, they should have a smooth life, so things like Sheng Qianqian's troubled marriage and Sheng Zhenzhen's lingering on the sickbed were all wrong.

The three of them were like people who suspected that their neighbor had stolen an axe. The more they thought about it, the more they felt that their guess was correct. Now they were just waiting for Sheng Zhenzhen to come to the door tomorrow and let Zhou Qingshi do the math.

Sheng Minglin was still thinking about it at night and didn't fall asleep for a while.

Just when I fell asleep, I heard someone knocking on the window twice.

Sheng Minglin was startled. Before he could decide whether to pretend to sleep, he heard someone say from outside: "Minglin, it's me."

Sheng Minglin sat up suddenly: "Brother Jiang Bai? What's wrong?"

Qin Jiangbai opened the window and jumped in, saying: "Tonight, I don't know why. I feel frightened, as if something very bad is about to happen. I turned around a few times and couldn't find anything. No, I asked Ling Jue to dispatch a hundred guards to guard my yard, but I was still frightened, I don’t know why..."

He pressed his chest: "It hurts here. It's a heart-wrenching, painful, breathless feeling. It seems like a very important relative is about to be lost." (End of Chapter)

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