Sheng Minglin suddenly interrupted him: "What time is it?"

Qin Jiangbai was stunned for a moment: "It's almost time."

Sheng Minglin didn't even have time to put on his shoes, so he went barefoot to the ground and shouted out the window: "Huo Chenzhao! Huo Chenzhao! Wake up Daochang Zhou!"

There was a short whistle in the distance, mixed with a grand and majestic rattle.

Sheng Minglin turned around and put on his shoes, grabbed Qin Jiangbai's arm directly, and said clearly in a clear voice: "I suspect that Sheng Zhenzhen from Prince Xiang's Mansion is your twin sister. It's just a suspicion. There is no evidence yet. Just give it a try... But No matter what, you should go to Prince Xiang’s place now and ask Dao Zhang Zhou to see if something happened to Sheng Zhenzhen. You have to hurry! The sooner the better, Zi Shi should be in danger! You have to get there before Zi Shi!"

Qin Jiangbai was stunned for a moment.

He had never even heard Sheng Minglin's reasoning at the earliest time. This news was too sudden for him.

Sheng Zhenzhen is his sister, doesn't that mean Prince Xiang is his father? ?
Sheng Minglin didn't explain much. He had read the book of words written by Taoist Ye. He was often used by evil heretics to harm people. This should not be a fabrication... So there is no time to explain now. In fact, there is no way to explain. Everything is It was just a wild guess on his part.

Theoretically speaking, if Qin Jiangbai is really the son of Prince Xiang, Prince Xiang, his wife and Sheng Zhenzhen are his closest relatives.

Sheng Minglin didn't know why he felt that something must have happened to Sheng Zhenzhen. It was probably because, for Sheng Qianqian, the death of Prince Xiang or Princess Xiang would affect her, but the death of Sheng Zhenzhen would not affect her much.

Hearing the sound outside, Sheng Minglin patted Qin Jiangbai's arm hard and pushed him out: "Quick! Don't miss anything!"

Sure enough, although Qin Jiangbai's mind was still confused, his body flew out without hesitation and quickly met Huo Chenzhao and Zhou Qingshi.

Sheng Minglin heard Huo Chenzhao whistle twice again, which meant that they had gone. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, went back to his room, put on his coat, and sneezed twice in succession.

Shen Lingjue jumped in and said, "What's going on?"

While telling him, Sheng Minglin sneezed twice more and said, "Ling Jue, go see if my parents have been woken up, tell them so that they don't worry, and then send a few people over. See if you can help, and send word back if anything happens. I'll go check on Zhuzhu."

Shen Lingjue responded and left.

Sheng Minglin went over and looked at his sister.

Zhuzhu was still sleeping soundly, but he was not at ease, so he called out to the big tiger, carried Zhuzhu into its den, and asked Shangsheng Weifeng to patrol above.

After making arrangements, I looked out of the window on the second floor. I could vaguely see Shen Lingjue flying around in the darkness. After a while, he flew back and hung on the window: "What should I do? I'll go over there and take a look." ?”

"No," Sheng Minglin said, "You guard Zhuzhu, and don't leave anyone here."

Shen Lingjue responded, jumped in, and said, "Don't worry, King Xiang doesn't have any troops, Brother Zhao can handle it all by himself, and it won't delay things."

Sheng Minglin nodded and looked at the time. It was almost time. He hoped he could make it in time.

He looked out the window in silence.

Shen Lingjue saw that he was shivering because he had suddenly risen from the bed and was blown by the wind, so he put his hand on his back and patted him gently. A steady stream of heat poured out from the bottom of his palm and quickly spread throughout his body.

Sheng Minglin felt that his whole body suddenly felt warm, and he couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. His whole body stretched, and he smiled and said, "Thank you, my dear, I'll make a big ginger soup."

Shen Lingjue was amused by him. After thinking about it, he couldn't help but sigh: "I hope our baby, Xiao Tiantian Qin Guoguo, will go well."

The two of them simultaneously thought of Qilao Fen in their previous life, and couldn't help sighing: "It must be his turn to have all the hardships and be rewarded."

the other side.

Huo Chenzhao and Qin Jiangbai held Taoist Zhou's arms one by one and swept along. In a blink of an eye, they arrived at the mansion where Prince Xiang lived temporarily.

Huo Chenzhao listened carefully and found that there seemed to be nothing unusual in each room.

Zhou Qingshi got down to the ground, muttering to himself, measuring with his feet, and calculating back and forth. A guard watching the night had already spotted them, and said, "Who is it!" while rushing over.

Qin Jiangbai felt his heart beating like a drum and knocked the person away. Before he could speak, Zhou Qingshi had already said: "Over here!"

This house is not big, and the whole family lives here. Zhou Qingshi quickly walked to the door of a room and opened the door directly.

A woman's exclamation rang out immediately, "Who?"

Huo Chenzhao quickly took out a bright stone, walked over quickly, and took a photo of it on the couch. The girl on the couch had a pale face, her eyes were wide open, her forehead was covered with sweat, and her eyes were filled with tears. She tried desperately to make a sound, but she couldn't make any sound. Not coming out.

Qin Jiangbai also rushed over. The moment their eyes met, Qin Jiangbai froze at his feet.

For many years, the blurry little girl in the dream seemed to suddenly become clear. When she grew up, she just stared at him blankly.

Sheng Zhenzhen was also stunned.

In her short life, she had experienced this feeling many times. Her body was getting heavier and heavier, as if her spirit could not control her body, as if her soul was about to leave her body, but it had never been as serious as this time.

She couldn't move a finger or make any sound. She thought she was going to die this time, but she didn't.

Someone fell from the sky and appeared in front of her, and for some reason, he felt extremely familiar and close.

It's strange. She has been with Sheng Qianqian for so many years, and she has never felt like this before, this feeling of being connected by blood, of flesh and blood... She looked at him without blinking, and at that moment, it was like she was with another person. After a long absence, she burst into tears and completely forgot about her physical pain.

When Huo Chenzhao saw that the person was right, he immediately went over to check his pulse. Zhou Qingshi was one step slower than him. He went over to take a look and said, "Not good!"

The personal maid was so anxious that she bravely stepped forward and pushed them: "Who are you? Don't touch the princess!"

"Don't make any noise!" Huo Chenzhao fended her off and said, "We are saving her."

Zhou Qingshi drew a talisman in the air, lightly tapped it on Sheng Zhenzhen's face, and stared at it without blinking. The room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, and even the maid subconsciously held her breath.

After a long while, Zhou Qingshi said: "Someone is taking away her life... No, no, no, someone is transferring many sins to her! That's why she died suddenly!"

He pulled open her quilt, quickly took out the cinnabar from the pouch at his waist, bit his finger, and drew talismans on her clothes with blood and cinnabar.

This action was actually very offensive. Sheng Zhenzhen's eyes were wide open and she couldn't move at all. She just stared at Qin Jiangbai beside the bed without blinking.

It was eerily quiet in the room, but there was a lot of noise outside.

The woman ran over with her hair disheveled, grabbed Qin Jiangbai, and tried with all her strength to pull him aside: "Who are you! How dare you..."

Qin Jiangbai turned around suddenly, and Princess Xiang also stopped suddenly and looked at her blankly.

The bright stone was as bright as day, illuminating his eyebrows and eyes that were very similar to Sheng Zhenzhen's, and an unusual sense of familiarity hit her face. Princess Xiang opened her mouth twice, but no sound came out.

In the distance, the sound of the midnight watch began to sound.

Dang--dang, Dang!

Sheng Zhenzhen's whole body trembled, her face suddenly turned gray, and blood overflowed from the corners of her lips.

Zhou Qingshi said anxiously: "No, it's too late! It's too late!"

Before he finished speaking, Qin Jiangbai suddenly stepped forward, pulled off the amulet on his chest, and pressed it on Sheng Zhenzhen's neck. (End of chapter)

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