Chapter 55 You Follow Me

The Seventh Prince suddenly raised his head and saw clearly that it was him. He subconsciously wanted to say something but swallowed it back.

Sheng Minglin said angrily: "I usually go crazy and get angry at every turn. How can a dignified man bully a three-year-old baby in vain! Now I have done something wrong and I don't know how to make up for it. Is it useful to sit here and regret it?" Can you do something right?"

The seventh prince whispered: "You, you don't know, you don't know anything!"

He wiped away his tears and said: "I searched, I searched several times, but I didn't find it, and I don't know what else I can do! I don't know what I should do right! I'm a Bastard, but I really didn’t want to let Zhuzhu...I feel uncomfortable, what should I do!"

He was incoherent, tears streaming down his face, and he suddenly raised his arms to cover his face, whimpering like a puppy.

Sheng Minglin took a long breath, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Follow me!"

After he finished speaking, he walked forward, and after a while, the seventh prince followed him while holding back his sobs.

Sheng Minglin ignored him and observed carefully, stopping from time to time to experience it carefully.

He was thinking that the servants of the family and the Jin Yiwei had searched for things on the surface several times. What he needed to do now was to find those small corners that they had no time to pay attention to.

If it was a coincidence, Changshou Po's godson must have been here before, and there must be an intersection between him and the subsequent "accident". Therefore, this intersection is what he is looking for now.

This intersection...must be nearby!It must be on the way!
Because only on the road, someone will "pass by", which is a "coincidence"!
He searched the road inch by inch, and then his eyes focused!
He saw a mark where his feet had been stepped on, quickly squatted down, took a closer look, and then suddenly leaned out.

The seventh prince was startled and grabbed him: "What are you doing?"

Sheng Minglin grabbed him: "Go down and take a look! There seems to be someone down there! Go down and take a closer look!"

The seventh prince was very obedient. He looked down. Although he didn't see anyone, he still jumped down, and then climbed down using his hands and feet.

In fact, this side is not high, it is just a mountain path, but it is a bit steep. The seventh prince reached the bottom in a short while, holding on to the mountain wall with one hand, looking left and right, and then he was shocked and said: "There is really someone!!"

Sheng Minglin was about to lie down half of his body: "Who is he?"

There seemed to be a hollow below. When the Seventh Prince buried himself in it, he could only hear the voice coming out: "It's a man, about 40 to [-] years old. He seems to be dead... No, he's not dead. He's still alive."

Sheng Minglin was overjoyed and said anxiously: "Don't touch him yet."

Then he turned to the boy and said, "Quick, go and report to father!"

The young man seemed to be flying away. After a while, Prince Duan flew all the way and came over in person. Even Princess Duan ran down.

He brought the Jin Yiwei with him, and suddenly several Jin Yiwei flew down. Some people dragged the man up, while others checked the surrounding traces.

Prince Duan recognized him at a glance: "That's him. Wake him up!"

Jin Yiwei stepped forward and stomped on the man's chest. The man groaned, his body arched, and then he slowly opened his eyes.

Jin Yiwei shouted and asked: "Where is the little princess!!"

When the man saw so many people in front of him, his whole body trembled and he came back to his senses instantly: "The little princess... was snatched away."

Jin Yiwei had no trouble at all, and the man just poured beans through the bamboo tube.

He originally wanted to find an opportunity to catch Zhuzhu, but Zhuzhu happened to fall down, so of course he hurried over to catch her.

As a result, when she was nervous, she covered her too hard, and Zhuzhu stopped moving.

Even when the man came out and called her, she didn't wake up. She thought he had smothered the child to death. She was so frightened that she wanted to throw the child away quickly, and then he ran for his life.

But he had never done such a thing, and he was afraid. He stood on the side of the road with his eyes closed and was about to throw it down. A young man riding a horse passed by and stopped him. He grabbed Zhuzhu and asked him who he was. Not a kidnapper.

The man was in a panic and didn't know what he said. The young man looked at Zhuzhu, his face changed, he scolded him for being unconscionable, and then he kicked him off his head.

He was in great pain at the time, but he was afraid that he would chase him down and hit him again, so he instinctively rolled inside.But the man did not come down to fight again. He heard the sound of horse hooves disappearing quickly, and he fainted.

Prince Duan and Princess Duan held each other's hands and turned pale as they listened.

Zhuzhu was rescued, but Zhuzhu seemed to be in bad condition.

Prince Duan opened his mouth, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions, let alone think about it in detail. Layers of cold sweat broke out all over his body.

At this moment, Sheng Minglin said: "What direction did the horse come from and where did it go?"

Prince Duan glanced at him subconsciously.

The young boy's complexion was extremely pale, and his eyes were burning with ink, but he was surprisingly calm and looked at the man without blinking.

The man pointed quickly: "Where it came from. Where it went, I, I didn't see it."

Sheng Minglin didn't even hear what he said, and went directly to where he said he was coming from, with the Seventh Prince following closely behind.

Prince Duan also quickly separated people.

The Jinyi guards were all on horseback. Passing by these two young men, they said warmly: "Master Lin, may I give you a ride?"

"No need." Sheng Minglin said, "I can just walk. I want to look for any small places that are easy to overlook."

When he said this, Jin Yiwei thought it made sense, and he separated a few people to walk. Although this road was only a mountain road, there were supposedly no forks in the road, but what if it happened?
It was already afternoon, and few of them had eaten. Sheng Minglin was already weak and exhausted, but he still held on and walked forward slowly.

The seventh prince suddenly took a step forward and said, "I'll carry you on my back!"

Sheng Minglin said: "No need!"

The Seventh Prince said: "Stand high and see far!"

Sheng Minglin let out a sigh of relief and let him carry it.

Jin Yiwei searched all the way, and soon he was in front of them. Sheng Minglin was not in a hurry.

They may all be good investigators, but because of this, sometimes their ideas will be affected by inertia, and he doesn't know anything, so he just looks at it with ordinary people's eyes, but it is easier to find coincidences... After all, it took him so long to find it. When people see it, it shows that the person who rescued Zhuzhu is also an extraordinary person.

I don’t know how long I walked, but the sky was getting dark. Sheng Minglin suddenly saw something and said, "Stop!"

The seventh prince stopped suddenly.

Sheng Minglin looked to his left without blinking, then slowly turned back and looked here.

There is a small river there, probably about three feet wide. On the grass across the river, there is a faint trace, like a path, extending into the distance.

However, there is no bridge on the river, and there are no traces of a bridge. Why is there a "┳" shaped road facing the river?

It can’t be fishing?
Sheng Minglin frowned and looked back and forth.

Someone behind me suddenly said: "What are you looking at?"

Sheng Minglin recognized that it was Prince Duan, but he did not turn around and said slowly: "I'm wondering whether a horse can jump across this width."

Prince Duan said: "If someone rides on it, they can only jump two feet at most, and there is no way to run up here, but..."

He looked at the road carefully: "But if you meet a kung fu master, it's not impossible to use your energy to lead the horse."

He turned back and called people: "Build a simple bridge, we want to cross it!"

(End of this chapter)

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