Chapter 56: Both Civil and Military Personnel

It is common for marchers to build bridges, and Jinyiwei can also do it. Moreover, this is not a wilderness, so there is no need to cut down trees. We just go to the villagers to get some door panels, nail them up, and build them over the river.

Prince Duan lifted up his hem and was about to pass by. The Jinyi Guards Commander quickly said: "Your Majesty, it's not safe. Rong Chen will give it a try first..."

Prince Duan ignored him and rushed over at a trot. Sheng Minglin and the Seventh Prince followed suit. The three of them walked forward along the road, and the Jinyiwei hurriedly followed.

And now,

Zhuzhu is eating scrambled eggs.

The spoiled little princess has never tasted such unpalatable scrambled eggs. Not to mention the paste, the salt was not evenly distributed, and it often tasted so salty that it turned bitter.

But Zhuzhu was starving and timid, so she didn't dare to make a fuss in front of outsiders, so she ate it obediently, her throat hurting.

After finally finishing eating, Tuanzi sat there with her eyes filled with tears, waiting for them to take her home.

And the dark-skinned young man was still thinking about how to make her forget what the two of them just said. Although she might not understand, but what if!
So he interrupted frantically: "Zhuzhu, do you want to eat something else? Although our place is a medicine garden, there are many things that can be eaten as vegetables. Do you want to eat purslane? Do you want to eat dandelions?"

As he spoke, Zhuzhu kept shaking her head.

The three-year-old baby's emotions have almost reached the critical point. When the little head shakes, tears fall straight down. It looks pitiful.

The black-skinned young man became even more panicked and said quickly: "Then Zhuzhu, let's have some porridge. After finishing the porridge, we will leave and take you home right away!"

When Zhuzhuer heard this, she immediately turned to look at the porridge.

This is the kind of bowl used by adults. It is very big and filled to the brim. The dumplings are hot when held in both hands.

The dumpling flattened its small mouth in grievance, pulled up its sleeves to cover its hands, held it up tremblingly, and moved its small mouth to drink.

The big bowl completely covered her little face, and only her short hands and two hair buns could be seen. She tried hard to wrap the porridge, but the surface of the porridge was solidified, and she couldn't wrap it up even after a long time. Mouth.

The dark-skinned young man looked worried and couldn't help but give her a lift, "Put it up and drink..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Zhuzhu was scalded by the porridge below her and let out a low cry like a kitten.

Both of them were startled. They raised all four hands and quickly pulled down the bowl. They saw a crescent-shaped porridge mark left on both sides of the dumpling's mouth. The porridge was still slowly flowing down, which looked very funny.

The two couldn't hold it back: "...Poof!"

The milk dumpling couldn't hold back at that time.

Already feeling aggrieved, hurting, and being laughed at by her pretty little brother, the little princess burst into tears, "I want my father! I want my mother! I want Guoguo! Zhuzhu wants to go home..."

The two stood up at the same time, at a loss.

They didn't know how to coax the child at all, so they could only wipe her face in a hurry.

This is what Prince Duan and his entourage saw when they came to escape.

Prince Duan suddenly rushed this way, then quickly restrained himself, raised his hand and made two gestures, and the well-trained Jin Yiwei quickly dispersed, forming an outflanking trend.

Almost at the same time, the two heard the sound and quickly looked up.

The young man reacted quickly, picked up Zhu Zhu and stepped back. The young man stepped in front of the two of them.

Zhuzhu was a little frightened and her crying paused for a moment. Then she saw her father and suddenly opened her hands, "Daddy!!"

Prince Duan walked forward quickly, and the young man frowned, then took a few steps and sent Zhuzhu over.

Zhuzhu threw herself into her father's arms with a look of porridge on her face. She was so aggrieved that she burst into tears. Prince Duan couldn't help but burst into tears.

Seeing this scene, Sheng Minglin let out a long sigh of relief. Suddenly, his whole body became weak and he slumped to the ground.The seventh prince cried and laughed and sat down next to him.

Jin Yiwei had already surrounded the two people and asked in a low voice.

Although these two people are probably not bad people and have saved Zhuzhu, they still have to be cautious when it comes to Prince Duan's Mansion.

Prince Duan did not wait here for the result. He cried, hugged Zhuzhu and trotted away.

Sheng Minglin wanted to get up, but couldn't get up for a while. Seeing Prince Duan and Zhuzhu leaving, he glanced over here and was stunned when he touched the young man's face.

Huo Chenzhao?
Isn't this Huo Chenzhao?
In his memory of his previous life, Huo Chenzhao was the most beautiful girl in high school at the age of 15. Not only was he handsome, but he was also proficient in medicine, and he was said to be good at painting. He was surrounded by literati and his reputation was unparalleled.

Sheng Minglin has never seen his martial arts with his own eyes, but he is really amazing in writing. His writing is gorgeous, yet sharp, and his style is very distinctive. Sheng Minglin still remembers a lot of it, and he is very fond of it. admire.

Therefore, at that time, Huo Chenzhao was really the dream lover of countless girls in the capital. Many people wanted to get married to him, but he declined them all.

Because of his very special name, everyone speculated whether he was burdened with something.

After all, Shen Zhao or something like that can easily be associated with Shen Yuan Zhaoxue. Although it is possible that Shen is just a character, adding Zhao at the end is too coincidental. The more senior people are, the less they believe in coincidences.

Moreover, although Huo Chenzhao was young, he was very calm in his work. Emperor Mingxi was very optimistic about him. After he became an official, he first went abroad for three years and managed the lower county into upper county. After being recalled by Emperor Mingxi, he handled two more cases The missions were all done beautifully. The last time, I heard that before leaving, Emperor Mingxi asked him what the name meant.

Huo Chenzhao kowtowed and said, "Please come back and report."

Emperor Mingxi agreed.

In fact, to a large extent, this was equivalent to the emperor's promise to reverse his case.

After all, if the emperor likes you and wants to re-employ you, he will definitely ask the Jin Yiwei to investigate you. So it is very likely that Emperor Mingxi already knew about his affairs, but he probably involved too much, or for other reasons... So the emperor wants to See if you have enough value to let him reverse the case for you.

However, Huo Chenzhao died on the way back.

This young beauty who was born out of nowhere and astonished countless people, her life ended abruptly before she even reached her peak.

It is said that he was assassinated to death by someone close to him.

Everyone speculated that it was his enemies who did it.

Although many literati and even many women spontaneously mourned him, for the emperor, his value disappeared when a person died. In the end, his affairs were not revealed, and no one knew what his grievances were. Maybe What the emperor would do in private was unknown to outsiders.

In the last life, Huo Chenzhao and Zhuzhu didn't seem to have any intersection?
In this life, he accidentally saved Zhuzhu. Maybe his fate will be a little different.

He wouldn't mind helping him if he could.

The Seventh Prince came over and asked him in a low voice: "Shall we leave?"

Sheng Minglin calmed down and looked away.

He saw that the Jin Yiwei were far away and no one was paying attention to him. He didn't want to wait any longer, so he murmured: "I seem to have seen him somewhere."

The Seventh Prince was slightly stunned: "Who?"

He gestured over there: "Those two people?"

"Yes," Sheng Minglin said: "But this is not surprising. The Buddha said that one day and the moon illuminate the four heavens, covering the six heavens of desire..."

He only said half of what he said. Thinking of the seventh prince's cultural level, he quickly changed his words: "There are many, many small worlds in the world. You see, sometimes we feel that a person seems familiar, or a place seems to have been visited before, or the same We clearly remember where we put the things, but when we turn around, we can't find them... Do you know why?"

"Why?" The seventh prince followed his thoughts subconsciously, with a look of confusion on his face: "I really do this often! I clearly remember that I put things there, but when I turn around, it's somewhere else! Sometimes I can't even find it! "

(End of this chapter)

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