Chapter 57 Finally Made sense
Sheng Minglin chuckled in his heart, but still said calmly on the surface: "Didn't I say, three thousand worlds? In fact, there are more than three thousand, there may be tens of thousands of small worlds... Maybe every small world has There is Sheng Minglin, there is you, there is the emperor, there is Prince Duan, there is Zhuzhu... Occasionally we may stray into other small worlds, for example..."

He deliberately thought for a moment before saying: "For example, it is the 20th year of Mingxi here, and it is the [-]th year of Mingxi over there. Or let's say you see me, I am old, or still a little baby, or even, maybe That I am a big bad guy... It's possible that I accidentally entered another small world."

The seventh prince's expression gradually changed.

He actually doesn't understand these mysterious and mysterious things, but now, his heart is full of things.

He is not smart enough and has no one to discuss with, so at this time, any peripheral things will make him associate with those things.

The Seventh Prince turned pale and murmured: "Is it possible... that you can't come back if you go?"

"There should be very few, right?" Sheng Minglin said as if unintentionally: "Occasionally, the soul wanders into the common place, but if you go and don't come back, then, is there someone you miss very much? Nostalgic and doesn't want to leave? But in this case, that seven-year-old man over there Prince, are you dead... ahem, missing?"

The seventh prince suddenly stood up.

But isn’t it just missing?

He is dead over there! !

So he didn't come back at all, but came to another small world. He missed his mother too much, so he stayed here! !

The Zhuzhu here is not the same Zhuzhu who harmed him at all! !
It's so obvious!This Zhuzhu is obviously not the same as that Sheng Mingzhu!

Zhuzhu was good and soft, but he, what did he do!
The seventh prince's expression seemed to be crying or laughing, and he was almost stunned.

Sheng Minglin saw it in his eyes and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he believed it.

A stubborn person like the Seventh Prince would just believe it if he believed it. He would not be like that to someone like him.

For a person like him, even if he believed it, he would think twice about it, and even if he confirmed it, he would still feel awkward from time to time, but the seventh prince would not do that.

So as long as you make it clear, you don't have to worry about it in the future.

Sheng Minglin finally put his mind to rest, and the tight string in his heart relaxed. His eyes gradually became blurred, and he leaned back involuntarily, and then he knew nothing.

And here,
Prince Duan couldn't wait for Jin Yiwei to take the horse and ran all the way back to the hillside.

As soon as Princess Duan saw her daughter, she burst into tears.

When had her little dumpling, whom she raised so dearly, been so embarrassed, with dirty clothes, hair that looked like little hedgehogs, and patches of black and white on his face.

The mother and daughter hugged each other and cried hard.

The imperial doctor had already come over. He quickly checked his pulse and saw that there was nothing serious. Then he wiped his hands and face hastily, changed his clothes, and checked that there was no serious injury on his body.

After washing her face, she discovered that there were some faint bruises and crescent-shaped wounds on Tuanzi's face. It looked like they were pinched when she pinched her fingers. Her skin was white, which made the bruises particularly obvious. It looks like a little kitten with a discolored face, and a little cute.

Princess Duan couldn't help but shed tears again, she was really filled with hatred.

Seeing that his daughter was fine, Prince Duan also calmed down. The whole group had not eaten for two meals, so he ordered people to prepare food first, and everyone ate first.

The people who were released were also called back one after another.

Apart from anything else, as soon as the Xie family came back, they went straight to Zhuzhu.

Zhuzhu was originally stuck to Princess Duan like a small piece of mud. As soon as the little cousins ​​came back, they tore her off without any explanation. Many little arms were intertwined and they hugged her in the middle, crying non-stop.

Zhuzhu cried for several times. She was so exhausted that she couldn't resist the love of her little cousins. She could only open her little arms, and the whole dumpling lay in her arms, whining from time to time.

Finally, the little cousins ​​finally finished crying, and Tuanzi slowly recovered. He comforted the whole room of cousins: "Zhuzhu is fine, Zhuzhu doesn't hurt!"

She suddenly remembered and looked around with her big eyes swollen from crying, "Where is Guo Guo?"

Prince Duan was also stunned, "Minglin didn't come back?"

"I'm back, I'm back," the servant hurriedly came forward to report: "The young master fainted. He was just carried back by a royal guard. The imperial doctor has already gone over to diagnose and treat him." Prince Duan coughed, feeling a little embarrassed: " I’ll go over and take a look.”

Princess Duan cried so hard that her voice was hoarse, but she was so grateful to Sheng Minglin that she stood up and said, "I'll go take a look too."

She took two steps out and told General Xie: "Brother, keep your eyes on the beads and don't blink."

General Xie sighed, nodded, and then the two of them went out.

The house was so big, so the imperial doctor took Sheng Minglin's pulse directly in the yard. Sheng Minglin was actually tired and hungry, and he had woken up now. Prince Duan said, "Are you okay?"

Sheng Minglin nodded, Princess Duan bent down and wiped his face with a handkerchief, and choked with sobs: "Good boy, mother will remember everything about how well you treat Zhuzhu."

Sheng Minglin was much gentler towards Princess Duan: "Mother, you don't have to think too much, this is all the child's business."

Next to him, the Jin Yiwei Zhen Fu envoy came over and reported to Prince Duan in a low voice.

The black-skinned young man called himself Zhou Xingguo, and the young man called himself Huo Zheng. They were brothers, and the medicine garden belonged to the Zhou family.

Zhou Xingguo was going to the capital drug store to buy some medicine. When he walked there, he saw the man Liu Da was about to throw Zhuzhu down, so he went over to save Zhuzhu. Then when he checked that Zhuzhu was unconscious, he quickly turned back to the medicine garden and asked Huo Under treatment.

The confessions from both sides match up, so there should be no problem.

Huo Zheng?

Sheng Minglin listened quietly, and Prince Duan whispered to them to check more carefully, while he pondered for a while.

Sheng Minglin knew what he was thinking, so he took the initiative and said: "Since they saved Zhuzhu, why don't my son go there on his father's behalf tomorrow to thank them."

Prince Duan asked: "Can your body hold on?"

"Nothing," Sheng Minglin said, "I'm just hungry."

Prince Duan nodded.

It was very appropriate for Sheng Minglin to go. Although "Huo Zheng" saved Zhuzhu, given Prince Duan's identity, it would be inappropriate for Prince Duan to go in person.

Of course it's okay to send a servant, and it's not rude. But firstly, Prince Duan is following the path of politeness to a virtuous corporal. Secondly, they are also sincerely grateful. By sending a servant, it seems that they don't pay enough attention to Zhuzhu.

So it was decided for the time being, and everyone had a hasty meal, leaving dozens of Jinyi guards to deal with the aftermath. The others took the old woman and Liu Da back to Beijing.

It was already Haishi, and the city gates were closed, but Emperor Mingxi was worried and sent several groups of people over. At this moment, there was still a group of people waiting at the city gate, and now he opened the city gate and let them in.

Prince Duan and Princess Duan took Zhuzhu into the palace.

Zhuzhu was tired of crying and had already fallen asleep. Emperor Mingxi did not hug her. When he looked at Prince Duan's hand, he was so angry that he gritted his teeth and said angrily: "This guy is so brave!!"

Prince Duan comforted him: "Brother, don't be angry. Fortunately, there was no danger."

Emperor Mingxi stretched out his hand and gently touched Tuanzi's face, his expression still a little gloomy.

To attack a royal princess in the imperial city was really shocking to the emperor.

Prince Duan advised him again: "Ignorance is fearless. The old witch and Liu Da are both ignorant people. They don't know what superiority and inferiority are. But anyone with a little knowledge would dare to attack Zhuzhu. Why bother, my brother?" Get angry with such stupid people."

Emperor Mingxi nodded, touched Zhuzhu's head again, and said, "Okay, don't worry about me, I know everything."

He retracted his hand and said quietly: "Don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter!"

Prince Duan was stunned and looked up at him.

(End of this chapter)

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