Chapter 58 Brave Zhuzhu is not afraid of drinking medicine

Prince Duan quickly realized that Emperor Mingxi was suspicious of the third prince. After all, they were the only ones who had conflicts recently.

Moreover, after Emperor Mingxi doubted the third prince, he chose him between his son and his younger brother without hesitation.

Prince Duan was very moved by this.

In fact, it is impossible to say that Prince Duan did not think much about this matter. People like them, who were born and raised in the palace, would not think too much about anything when they encountered something.

However, Prince Duan is cautious in doing things.

Sheng Minglin reminded him last time that he thought it made sense, so he sent someone to pay attention privately. It's not that you can find out everything by paying attention, but if a person really has this intention, what more can he do?There should be some clues.

So he didn't think this matter had anything to do with the third prince.

But it is difficult to clarify this kind of thing. Prince Duan only said: "Brother, you don't have to think too much. This is just a coincidence. Zhuzhu has been blessed by your brother, so he can turn disaster into good luck and get help from noble people. What's the difference with others?" relation."

Emperor Mingxi patted the back of his hand: "Okay, you don't need to say more, I know it well. You have been tired for a day, so go back and rest early."

Prince Duan had no choice but to agree.

After leaving the palace and returning home, the couple was very tired. They called someone to change Zhuzhu's clothes. As soon as she touched her face, Princess Duan said in her heart: "Hurry up and call the imperial doctor!"

The imperial doctor hadn't left yet, so he hurriedly came over, touched it, and said quickly: "The little princess has a fever, but it's nothing serious."

So everyone in the room hurriedly gathered together to boil the medicine, and then woke Zhuzhu up to drink it.

Zhuzhu was sleeping deeply. Princess Duan held her in her arms and swayed this way and that, bending like a shrimp without waking up. When the medicine bowl was brought up, Zhuzhu's little nose wrinkled, and she was suddenly shaken. Bitterness woke up.

Prince Duan wanted to drink it while she was still asleep. Zhuzhu pushed the medicine bowl with both hands in a daze.

Prince Duan quickly grabbed her chubby hand and came around to feed her. Zhuzhu couldn't get her hands free, she felt sleepy and uncomfortable, and started to cry.

Xiaotuanzi has been struggling all day, and he doesn't have the energy to cry. He doesn't even open his mouth, so he hums softly. Prince Duan poured the medicine in the bowl for a long time without pouring it into his mouth, and he didn't dare to use too much force. After a while, I was so anxious that I was sweating all over.

Princess Duan couldn't help but said: "Is it okay not to drink?"

The imperial doctor said speechlessly: "My dear, if you don't drink, won't it be worse tomorrow?"

So the couple struggled for a long time and sprinkled the medicine all over themselves. Finally, Princess Duan remembered: "Let Minglin come. The last time Zhuzhu drank the medicine, Minglin fed it to her. Drink it smoothly." ”

The servant didn't care that it was late at night and hurriedly called Sheng Minglin.

However, he was called over after a while, and the servant cautiously stepped forward to report: "The young master is also a little feverish."

Princess Duan said quickly: "Hurry up and ask the imperial doctor to check your pulse."

"Mom, I'm fine." Sheng Minglin's face was burning red, but he was still calm. Seeing Zhuzhu's big eyes with confusion, he reached out and hugged her: "Zhuzhu, brother, give me a hug."

Zhuzhu finally woke up after being tortured for so long. She hugged him and snuggled quietly with him for a while. Then she raised her chubby hand, touched his face, and weakly comforted him: "Brother, don't cry."

"Well, Zhuzhu won't cry either," Sheng Minglin stretched out his hand to feel the imperial doctor's pulse, and said gently: "We are brave, not afraid of hardship, and drink medicine together."

The imperial doctor took a hand and said: "It's similar to the situation of the little princess. She has no water supply and is worried..."

Princess Duan interrupted him: "Can we drink the medicine together?"

When servants prepare medicine, especially for Zhuzhu, they will definitely prepare more. The imperial doctor thought for a while and said: "It's okay, it's also suitable for the disease." Princess Duan immediately asked someone to bring it, and Sheng Minglin held Zhuzhu in one hand. Zhuzhu raised his hand and drank the medicine. He gestured to Zhuzhu and said with a smile: "Zhuzhu, it's your turn. Zhuzhu is so brave. Zhuzhu is not afraid of drinking medicine, right?" "

Princess Duan hurriedly handed the medicine bowl to Zhuzhu.

The little dumpling was held up too high, and he was too embarrassed to act coquettishly. He couldn't help but flatten his mouth, feeling aggrieved, but he finally took the medicine bowl with both hands and drank it as soon as he closed his eyes.

Suddenly everyone in the room heaved a sigh of relief, and Sheng Minglin praised her repeatedly: "Zhuzhu is awesome! She is really a tiger girl!"

Xiaotuanzi looked at him with tears in his eyes, and finally couldn't help but fall on him, tears falling down: "Guo Guo, we are so good-looking, but we have to suffer so much injustice..."

Sheng Minglin almost laughed out loud, touched her little face, patted her gently, and then slowly changed to a horizontal hug.

Zhuzhu sobbed and fell asleep soon. Sheng Minglin stood up and wanted to hand her back to Princess Duan.

As a result, Zhuzhu's hand grabbed the hem of his clothes, and when she pulled him, she groaned. Princess Duan said, "Forget it, you all go to sleep in the blue gauze closet outside."

Sheng Minglin was about to refuse, but Princess Duan waved her hand directly: "Okay, you are so young and you are sick. I don't worry about going back. I can just take Zhuzhu with me and sleep for one night."

Prince Duan also said: "Go, it will be convenient for the imperial doctor to take care of you."

Sheng Minglin really didn't have the energy to say more to them, so he simply carried Zhuzhu over.

Prince Duan and his wife were also exhausted, so they packed up and went to bed hastily. They didn't sleep well all night.

Early the next morning, everyone woke up late. Prince Duan got up early. When he got up, he saw that everyone in the room was sleeping.

After asking the imperial doctor, he quietly got up and came out without waking them up.

He originally planned to ask Sheng Minglin to go to the medicine garden today to say thank you. Since Sheng Minglin was ill, Prince Duan simply sent the housekeeper and sent someone to the palace to inform him.

Sheng Minglin was really sleeping deeply until he felt a cool hand touch his forehead gently.

Sheng Minglin was confused and murmured: "Mother..."

The hand paused, and then patted him gently a few times, extremely gently.

Sheng Minglin woke up almost at the same time when he realized that he was awake. He was so embarrassed that he could only continue to pretend to be asleep.

Princess Duan didn't take it seriously, patted her a few times, and then quietly walked away.

She walked for a while, and then Sheng Minglin slowly opened his eyes.

Tuanzi curled up in his arms, with her little chubby hands folded there, sleeping soundly. Sheng Minglin reached out and touched her face. She felt that she was no longer hot. Feeling a little relieved, she stepped back gently, and then sat up. As soon as I sat up, I felt dizzy.

Zhuzhu's maid Lizhi stood close and quickly gave him a hand: "Master, be careful."

Sheng Minglin calmed down, then stood up and said, "I'm fine." He looked at Zhuzhu and said, "Zhuzhu doesn't seem to be too hot anymore. Where is mother?"

Lychee said: "Master is having breakfast. Young Master, just come over here and wash up."

After a pause, he then said: "It's not hot anymore, you and the young master are still hot!"

Sheng Minglin was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that his hands were hot, so he nodded, got up and washed up. Along with him, Zhuzhu also woke up in a daze, so the servants in the room waited on Zhuzhu to wash her face, a little bit Feeling energetic, he coaxed her to eat something and drink medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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