Chapter 59 Bringing the beautiful pot home
As soon as she drank the medicine, Princess Duan breathed a sigh of relief and said to Sheng Minglin: "Zhu Zhu'er, you have been drinking medicine since you were a child to make people miserable. No matter how much you coax you, you won't listen."

Sheng Minglin said: "Zhuzhu seems to have a good nose, so she is particularly intolerant of suffering. She can smell the smell of medicine from a long distance."

"That's true," Princess Duan said with a smile, "Zhuzhu does have a good nose. There was a time when she couldn't remember faces, but she remembered people by their scent."

After saying this, she said: "Okay, stop talking, and you should go and rest quickly. The imperial doctor said that rest is the second most important thing after medicine."

Sheng Minglin was not polite and fell asleep again with Zhuzhu in his arms.

Because I had breakfast too late, I didn't even get up to eat lunch. I slept until the afternoon, and then I felt my body was light and my mind was back.

He woke Zhuzhu up again and had dinner. Zhuzhu's fever also subsided, but she was still listless, and her big eyes were lackluster when looking at people. Sheng Minglin coaxed her so hard that she only gave him half of her face. Bowl of porridge.

It's not even the hour yet, and Prince Duan and Princess Duan's meals haven't been served yet. They are sitting next to each other, handling their own affairs, and looking up at the brother and sister from time to time.

The butler came back and reported: "Both Huo Xiaolang and Zhou Xiaolang refused to accept the gift, so they forced the servant to take it back."

After all, the butler was there to say thank you. Since the two of them didn't want it, the butler couldn't forcefully put it down and could only take it back.

Prince Duan is not surprised.

As a powerful prince, of course he hopes to give some money in exchange for this favor. However, as long as these people are not stupid, they know that the favor of Prince Duan is worth more than any gold and silver treasure.

But is Prince Duan still afraid of owing favors?Anyway, no one can force him to pay it back.

Prince Duan nodded, and the steward stepped forward, hesitated for a moment, and then handed a piece of paper to him with both hands: "The young master Huo gave this prescription and said that he had checked the pulse of the young princess, and the young princess had blood. For symptoms of deficiency, it is advisable to take supplements with food.”

Prince Duan was slightly surprised and reached out to take it.

Zhuzhu was born prematurely and suffered from blood deficiency in the fetus, but because it was not too serious and Zhuzhu could not take medicine easily, she could only be delayed.

Although Prince Duan didn't think he could come up with any good recipes, he still took them and looked at them. They were all ordinary foods such as donkey-hide gelatin, fungus, red dates, etc. He said, "It's just right. Send it to Dr. Zhao for a look."

The housekeeper responded.

Sheng Minglin heard from the side and wanted to say that his medical skills were indeed very good, but he hesitated and still did not speak for him.

However, Zhuzhu cheered up a little and asked: "Pretty Guo Guo?"

"Do you still remember?" Prince Duan said happily: "That child is really beautiful."

Princess Duan looked at the account book and said casually: "Is she more beautiful than my brother?"

Zhuzhu shook her head seriously: "It's not a kind of beauty."

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but laugh, and asked: "When Zhuzhu wakes up there, that brother will be there?"

"It's not tied," Zhuzhu said: "In the beginning, there was a scary black uncle, and then the beautiful Guoguo came."

She told him the story in a sweet voice, and even told him that the two of them were talking while she waited nearby.

Sheng Minglin raised his eyebrows when he heard this, but Prince Duan smiled and asked, "What did they say?"

Zhuzhu's little head tilted to the left and right, thinking for a long time.

The main reason was that Zhou Xingguo spoke with an accent and she couldn't understand it. She only remembered a little of Huo Chenzhao's words.

He said: "Look for King Duan to turn over the plate!"

Everyone in the room laughed, treating it as a child's words. Only Sheng Minglin, who knew the inside story, had a vague suspicion in his heart.He was thinking that if something like this happened, Prince Duan and even the emperor would definitely investigate Huo Chenzhao. Although the investigation at this time could only be considered a superficial investigation, but... it was only relatively speaking, the investigation had been very detailed. , can his grievances be found out?
Then Zhuzhu said: "Dad, can we let Beautiful Guoguo go home and live there?"

"Go home to live?" The old father was unhappy: "I have my own family! You also have your own brother! You can't just ask someone to come and live with you as soon as you see a good-looking little brother or sister."

Zhuzhu asked: "Does it cost money?"

"Yes," Prince Duan deliberately said with a serious face, "It costs money, it costs a lot of money."

Zhuzhu gave up regretfully: "Then just ignore it!"

Prince Duan: "..."

He didn't expect his daughter to give up so easily, so he couldn't help laughing and winked at Princess Duan over there.

the other side.

Jinyiwei interrogated Changshou Po overnight.

The so-called method of borrowing people's lifespan by Changshou Po is actually very crude.

To put it simply, they first recognize their biological parents, then sew their birth dates into pillows, eat and sleep together for 81 days, rub the child from head to toe every day, and finally burn the birth dates and drink them, etc.

The whole operation is very sloppy, full of the rustic flavor of dancing masters, and it can only fool people who have never studied.

Emperor Mingxi was a little curious at first, but after hearing this, he became angry and said: "If this can extend your life, then..."

He shook his head and said nothing further.

The Dasheng Dynasty supported Buddhism, and even the emperor often summoned eminent monks, but this did not mean that he would easily believe in some mysterious and mysterious things.

Because, to put it bluntly, once an emperor regards Buddhism as a means of maintaining rule and a weapon to control the people, his respect for him will naturally decrease.

But although he doesn't believe it, many people do.

Moreover, the old witch really lived a long life, so Emperor Mingxi was afraid that someone would take her seriously, so he directly asked Jin Yiwei to keep these things secret, and only said that they wanted to kidnap Zhuzhu and pretend to be missing, so as to defraud money and so on.

However, even Emperor Mingxi did not expect that this time, it was Sheng Minglin who made great achievements. He discovered Liu Da and the path leading to the Zhou Family Medicine Garden.

But, again, the emperor was always suspicious, so whether it was "Huo Zheng", Sheng Minglin, or the third prince, Jin Yiwei checked them all again, and finally they were almost sure. This was a coincidence.

Emperor Mingxi said: "Brother Lin is indeed smart."

"Yes," the leaders of the Jin Yiwei were all the emperor's confidants, so the governor's words were straightforward: "Master Lin is calm and meticulous, and can see clues that others cannot."

Emperor Mingxi nodded and asked, "Is Zhuzhu feeling better?"

The chief eunuch Zheng Zhongshun reported quickly: "I heard that the fever has subsided a little."

He measured the emperor's intention and said: "Young Master Lin also has a fever, but the little princess just listens to him. No one else can coax her to take the medicine. Only Young Master Lin can coax her. He called him over in the middle of the night and coaxed the little princess to take the medicine." .”

Emperor Mingxi nodded: "He is a good boy, not like his unattractive mother."

Others did not dare to answer this, and Emperor Mingxi did not need anyone to answer him. He thought for a while and said: "Zhuzhu is really not going well these days. Go to Huguo Temple and ask Master Yanyi to go to Prince Duan's Mansion tomorrow morning and see. Look at the beads.”

Zheng Zhongshun quickly agreed and retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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