Chapter 60: Past and present life
The palace notified Master Yanyi and sent someone to inform Prince Duan's Mansion.

As soon as the palace people left, Princess Duan frowned, and Prince Duan asked, "What?"

Princess Duan whispered: "Isn't that old witch calculated by Master Yanyi? She turned out to be a harmful old witch! I think Master Yanyi..."

Before she could finish speaking, Prince Duan suddenly thought of something and stopped suddenly.

Princess Duan was even startled, "What's wrong?"

Prince Duan murmured: "I, I'm thinking, that Huo Xiaolang, his place is only three or four miles away from the old witch's place at most... Xinglin, he is a doctor! Could it be that what Master Yanyi said is basically Not the old witch, but this Huo Xiaolang?"

Princess Duan's eyes widened and she was stunned.

Master Yanyi is a monk from the Huguo Temple. Emperor Mingxi occasionally summons him, and he is considered a royal monk. Therefore, others dare not look for him easily. Even if they want to look for him, they have to ask the emperor first.

However, when Zhuzhu was born, the situation was not good, so Emperor Mingxi ordered him to come over and show Zhuzhu.

Master Yanyi is different from others. He is good at "Dharma's One Palm", also known as "Dharma's One Palm". In fact, it is mainly based on palm reading. He is said to be able to tell people's faults, worries, regrets, gains and losses, and have a clear eye for fire. A sure hit, extremely mysterious.

But before, this method was only secretly taught among the people. Later, when Emperor Taizu was conquering the world, he accidentally met an eminent monk and accepted his calculation once. He was astonished. Later, after the founding of the country, he invited him over. Master Yanyi.

Counting several decades, Master Yanyi is also nearly a hundred years old. It is said that he is still in good spirits, so he looks even more powerful.

Speaking of which, Zhuzhu was in a bad situation at first. After Master Yanyi came to see her, he said that she was too young and could not see many things. However, he also pointed out a way and told Xuanwu Gate to go southwest. It would take about five seconds. At ten miles, we stopped at the apricot forest.

At that time, they first saw an apricot tree, and then found out that an old man lived here. They immediately felt that they had found the right place, and they recognized their godfather.

But now I think about it again, how can a tree be called an apricot forest?
And Xinglin was referring to the doctor, and it was very possible that he was referring to the Zhou Family Medicine Garden!

Wouldn't it be more reasonable to say that Huo Xiaolang is Zhuzhu's turning point?Wasn't he the one who saved Zhuzhu this time?
Sheng Minglin listened to the two talking non-stop and couldn't help but interject: "If we talk about the distance, it should be less than five miles to Changshou Po's land, at most about four miles."

"Yes, indeed!"

The more Prince Duan thought about it, the more he was right, and he asked: "Has the imperial doctor seen that dietary supplement prescription? What should he say?"

The servants hurried to invite people, and Princess Duan murmured: "If this is the case, then Master Yanyi also said that there are disasters in Zhuzhu's fate, such as life in death, blessing in disaster, and so on. Isn’t it true that he is preaching Buddhist principles?”

Prince Duan quickly comforted her: "Don't worry, don't worry, we will ask in detail tomorrow."

"How can you ask in detail!" Princess Duan said angrily: "He only says a little bit every time! If he doesn't know something clearly, he won't tell me even if he asks!"

Sheng Minglin listened to the two people talking, slowly stepped back, sat on the couch by the window, picked up a book and read it, but he was thinking... there is life in death, blessing in misfortune?Then, the calculation is quite accurate.

I heard that Bodhidharma's golden palm is said to be "the palm is a wordless heavenly book, and the hand pinches the past and present lives"... So can he tell anything?
Also, is Zhuzhu’s disaster considered over?
Will there be people like him and the Seventh Prince in the future?

I'll have to find a chance to listen to it tomorrow.

The servants hurried back, and Doctor Zhao also came back. He saluted and said: "Your Majesty, I have already seen it. Although this recipe looks ordinary, if you think about it carefully, the compatibility is very exquisite. Moreover, the biggest advantage is that, If you make it according to this recipe, it will be sweet and soft, without any medicinal smell, and the little princess may like to eat it."

Lord Duan nodded slowly.

There is no shortage of Xiaofang Pulse experts in Tai Hospital, but no matter how good the medicine is, it must be taken to be effective.

Every time I take the medicine, I cry a lot and make myself sweat. I know it is not good for the body. Besides, the child’s belly is so big. Even if the medicine is taken as little as possible, drinking it will delay the meal.

Therefore, if you can make it delicious and effective, and take care of it slowly, even if the effect is not obvious, it will still be great.

Prince Duan was really interested. He turned around and whispered to Princess Duan: "Ask me tomorrow. If it's really him, I'll ask the emperor to investigate further to see if this person can be used."

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but look up at him again.

If Huo Chenzhao had been found out early, it would have been a good thing for him... Judging from the attitude of the previous emperor, this grievance at least has nothing to do with the people in the emperor's heart, such as Royal Duan Prince, but other than that, no matter what It is a high-ranking position, and in the eyes of the emperor and Prince Duan, it only depends on whether it is worth it or not.At night, Zhuzhu's fever did not return again. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the imperial doctor finally dared to go to bed.

Prince Duan did not let Sheng Minglin leave, and asked him to stay in Bishaqi for two more days until he was completely recovered from his illness before leaving.

Zhuzhu went to bed early and woke up early. She woke up early the next day. When she got up, she saw that her brother was still sleeping, so she obediently played by herself.

So when Sheng Minglin woke up and opened his eyes, he saw Tuanzi holding his two calves high and counting his toes with great interest, whispering for fear of waking him up. He was so well-behaved.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "Zhuzhu?"

As soon as Tuanzi turned his head, he was very happy. He turned around and hugged his face.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "I just touched my feet and then touched my face!"

Even though he said that, he didn't move away. Tuanzi's eyes rolled with laughter: "Beady feet don't stink!"

"Well," Sheng Minglin reached out and hugged her little butt: "Zhuzhu is a sweet baby... give me a bite for my brother."

He opened his mouth and pretended to bite. Tuanzi laughed and hid all over the bed.

The two of them quarreled for a long time before getting up. Not long after breakfast, Master Yanyi came over.

Zhuzhu had also changed her clothes and was being held by her mother. She stood there obediently to greet her.

Although Master Yanyi has no public identity, he is a guest of the emperor, so everyone must be polite.

Prince Duan personally brought the person in, exchanged a few pleasantries, asked him to sit down, and placed Zhuzhu on the small table in front of him. Master Yanyi raised his eyes with a smile, and carefully talked about the little Zhuzhu. Face.

Zhuzhu looked at him with a confused face, and looked at him with a pair of big eyes, and then tilted her head like a cat.

Master Yanyi gently straightened her face.

Zhuzhu was stunned for a moment, thought about it, imitated his movements, and held his face with her little hands to straighten him.

Prince Duan coughed and said, "Zhuzhu, don't move around."

Zhu Zhu's eyes widened and she pointed at him, implying that he moved first...but she didn't dare to speak.

"It's okay."

Master Yanyi smiled and said. He pushed his long snow-white beard aside, straightened his robe a little, and then stretched out his hand: "Princess, put your hand here."

Zhuzhu quickly put her hands up and looked at him with big eyes, almost writing "Good boy" on her forehead.

Master Yanyi smiled and said: "Just one hand."

He gently took away one hand, turned Zhuzhu's other chubby hand over, and held it in his palm for a closer look.

Zhuzhu didn't dare to express her anger. She only had big eyes, looking here and there, and she smiled blankly at her parents.

Prince Duan and his wife also held their breath and waited quietly.

Princess Duan quietly warned her daughter to be obedient with her eyes, and suddenly remembered... In fact, Master Yanyi is not good-looking, he is also very old, and he also has age spots, but Zhuzhu is not afraid of him at all.

But that old witch, Zhu Zhu, was terrified from the beginning.

So people say that children have pure hearts and know best about good and evil, which makes sense.

(End of this chapter)

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