Chapter 61 A strange combination of circumstances and Qilinzi

In fact, it didn't take long, and Master Yanyi didn't make too many moves. He put down Tuanzi's little hand and said with a smile: "The biggest disaster for the little princess has passed. From now on, although there will still be twists and turns, there will be no more." Even if there are such unexpected disasters, and more than that, she can also help others to resolve their misfortunes, and all the relatives and friends around her can benefit from her."

Everyone, including Prince Duan, took a breath.

It’s no wonder that Princess Duan complained before. When Master Yanyi spoke before, he really spoke as preciously as gold. He only spoke a few words in a long sequence like this time and said them so straightforwardly. He had never seen anyone say it. think.

Not only is he free from illness and disaster, but he can also eliminate disasters for others, and his relatives and friends around him can all benefit... This comment is so awesome!

If he were not the emperor's biological brother, it was even possible that Zhuzhu would be taken into the palace immediately!

Eliminate misfortunes and benefit your loved ones around you!This kind of thing is something that I would rather believe!

Prince Duan looked calm and asked, "Are there still twists and turns?"

Master Yanyi said: "Don't worry."

Does that mean it's not serious?

Prince Duan said again: "Master, there is one more thing. We may have found the wrong person before. This time, Zhuzhu disappeared and had to be helped by a little miracle doctor. The medicine garden of that miracle doctor is just southwest of Xuanwu Gate... "

He briefly explained the matter and then said, "Now that Zhuzhu's disaster has passed, will this person still find a way to get to Zhuzhu?"

Master Yanyi smiled and stopped talking. He touched Zhuzhu's head and walked out.

Although Prince Duan was sorry, he was not surprised at all, so he sent him out personally.

Master Yanyi walked by with a fluttering beard, his eyes glanced at Sheng Minglin, and suddenly paused to look at him.

Sheng Minglin's heart skipped a beat, and he was really afraid of what he would say, so he lowered his head and saluted respectfully.

Prince Duan said with a smile: "Master, this is my eldest son Ming Lin. Master, do you want to take a look at him?"

Master Yanyi said nothing.

Sheng Minglin waited for a moment, then slowly raised his eyes, and saw Master Yanyi's eyes staring at him calmly. The feeling was more like tranquility than compassion.

He couldn't help but calm down.

After a long while, Master Yanyi suddenly turned his head and said to Prince Duan: "The person you mentioned is of great help to the fate of the princess. If he is picked up at that time, he can ward off disasters. If he is picked up at this time, he will be able to help the gods." ."

Prince Duan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Master Yanyi turned back, looked at Sheng Minglin, and said: "This time, due to a strange combination of circumstances, I got the Qilin son. The prince has benefited from your wife."

Sheng Minglin's heart was pounding as he watched his father send him out.

He didn't expect this master to be so powerful.

Prince Duan might still not understand his words, but if he was asked to listen, it would be equivalent to saying everything.

Since that Huo Chenzhao was both civil and military and extremely intelligent, if he had been placed next to Zhuzhu two years ago, then his behavior after rebirth might not have been hidden from his eyes. The hostility he showed towards him, if Huo Chenzhao loved and cared for him, Zhuzhu, even just to protect Zhuzhu, would definitely not let them interact more.

Without contact, he would not be able to see through the difference between Zhuzhu and Sheng Mingzhu, and would always be hostile to her... Correspondingly, many things would change.

In the end, even if he is good at reading, how can a person full of hatred be called a Qilinzi?

Before he could finish his emotion, Princess Duan grabbed his shoulder and shook him twice: "Minglin Minglin!!"

Sheng Minglin was startled: "Mother." Princess Duan lowered her voice: "What do you mean! What does he mean! Please explain to me!"

Sheng Minglin raised his eyebrows.

Prince Duan has not come back yet, but Princess Duan is impatient. Mainly because Zhuzhu is also nestling at his feet, staring with big eyes, waiting for him to speak.

But in fact, what Master Yanyi said was very straightforward!
Sheng Minglin had to explain to them again.

Princess Duan asked: "What does it mean to be helpful to the gods?"

Sheng Minglin said: "I am also thinking about this sentence. For example, a person with outstanding humanistic talents or outstanding martial arts can be called a good talent, but few people call it magical... Only some wizards, like some Talent, for example..."

He couldn't think of any examples at the moment, and after a while he said: "For example, Master Yanyi today is very miraculous."

Zhuzhu actually understood, waving her little hands wildly, "Zhuzhuchai, don't be a monk, bald head doesn't look good!"

Sheng Minglin laughed and said, "I'm just giving an example."

But I heard Prince Duan walk in and say, "Maybe he is a miracle doctor. If he is really powerful, he can be called a miracle."

He picked up Zhuzhu as he spoke: "I'll take Zhuzhu into the palace."

Princess Duan asked: "Do I want to go?"

"No need," Prince Duan said, "I'll just go and be back soon." He hugged Zhuzhu and left.

Sheng Minglin once again lamented that his father was thoughtful in his work.

Today, Master Yanyi was originally brought here by the emperor's people. He made an exception and said so much. The emperor must have known it, so Prince Duan immediately carried Zhuzhu into the palace to show it to the emperor... Even if the emperor was unhappy, , similar to "Auspicious luck is not in my house"?
It should be gone in an instant.

However, Emperor Mingxi seemed to be a temperamental person. He might just think, "My brother is really thinking about me" or something like that, right?
This is indeed what the emperor thought.

The people in the palace reported it, and Prince Duan brought Zhuzhu into the palace. The two brothers looked at Zhuzhu's little fleshy face for a long time as if they were seeing each other for the first time.

Zhuzhu looked at this and that in confusion, then her two chubby hands came up and pushed away at once. She said with a fierce little voice, "What are you looking at? Zhuzhu will kiss you!"

Emperor Mingxi laughed so hard that he took Tuanzi over and put it on his lap. He said, "Zhuzhu is my little auspicious sign. Can I make you a princess to protect the country?"

"Brother Imperial, why bother," Prince Duan said with a smile, "Zhuzhu is still young, so we might as well talk about it later."

Emperor Mingxi thought for a while, but did not persist, and said: "Master Yanyi really said a lot today, Qilinzi, this evaluation is quite high."

"Yes," Prince Duan said, "Minglin is a good kid. So I thought about it and submitted a letter asking him to be crowned the crown prince. Would the emperor say that would be okay?"

Emperor Mingxi nodded: "Okay."

Prince Duan added: "In addition, brother Huang will help me conduct a thorough investigation of those two people. If there is nothing wrong, I will find a way to bring them to the mansion."

Emperor Mingxi was very happy that his younger brother would not see him outside, so he agreed with a smile, teased Zhuzhu for a long time, and left them to have lunch before Prince Duan took Zhuzhu back to his house.

As soon as I entered the house, a large group of people came over to greet me, and several voices came and went: "Zhuzhu! Zhuzhu'er is back! We've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Zhuzhu was about to doze off, but she suddenly woke up, looked back, her eyes lit up, and she opened her hands enthusiastically: "Biao Guo Guo~~"

(End of this chapter)

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