Chapter 62 Most of it depends on him

Naituanzi has four uncles and eight cousins.

The oldest cousin is 15 years old and the youngest is seven. It can be said that they basically cover Zhuzhu’s entire social age circle, which is enough for her to show off.

However, the Xie family is very strict in educating their children and does not allow their grandchildren to take leave easily, and even taking a bath is useless, so Zhuzhu cannot easily see her cousins.

Although we met two days ago, Zhuzhu had just been rescued and was so uncomfortable and scared that she didn't say a few words at all. So when we saw her today, Zhuzhu was so happy that Little White Teeth even laughed out loud. , jumping up and down in Daddy's arms, jumping into the arms of the little cousins.

Although the Xie family's little cousins ​​were all brats, they were very attentive when taking care of their sister, so Prince Duan didn't feel worried at all, so he put his hand on their arms.

A group of children huddled together and entered the hall holding a small dumpling made of pink and jade.

Zhuzhu was very polite and called everyone once: "Hello grandpa!! Uncle! Second uncle! Hello third...fourth uncle!!"

Everyone who was called smiled and nodded in agreement.

Except for Third Uncle Xie who didn't come today, everyone else is here. It's really not like this during the Chinese New Year.

When Prince Duan pursued his wife twice, he often dealt with these uncles and buddies. He became very familiar with them, so he sat down and talked with them.

Princess Duan has already told what Master Yanyi said, and everyone decided to keep it a secret as much as possible. Even if it wasn't kept secret, the only people who could figure it out were the emperor and the queen, but if this kind of thing spreads, it will do more harm than good to Zhuzhu.

The adults were discussing in low voices, and the children in Zhuzhu's group were also chirping.

The little cousins ​​asked all kinds of questions: "Have you entered the palace? Met the emperor?"

Under the guidance of the elders of the Xie family, consciously or unconsciously... all the children in the capital worshiped General Xie, but the younger sons of the Xie family worshiped Emperor Mingxi.

But worship is worship, and the children who have not been officially taken out to socialize have really never seen Emperor Mingxi in person. Every time they hear that Zhuzhu has seen him, he is extremely envious.

Zhuzhu used to be afraid of Emperor Mingxi and would only look at him from afar when entering the palace. But now, she is not afraid anymore. She has a lot to say, so she proudly tells it to her cousins.

The cousins' eyes lit up when they heard this: "Wow!"

"What can I do to see the Emperor?"

Naituanzi thought for a moment and stretched out a chubby hand: "This hand has just been touched by Uncle Huang! Let me touch it for you, as if you have touched it too!"


Suddenly, several children came up to touch them. After touching them all, Xie Qilang remembered and said, "Did you not wash your hands after touching them?"

When Tuanzi heard this, he was also stunned: "It has been washed."

Everyone looked at each other.

Maomao Mao Mao tilted her head and thought for a moment: "It doesn't matter! If you want to tell Uncle Huang, just tell Zhuzhu." She pointed to her small mouth: "The words will not be washed away, Zhuzhu." Zhu can help you tell it!"

The young men cheered up, and then almost said in unison: "Can we go to Mobei next time?"

Zhuzhu followed behind, chirping.

Prince Duan and others heard it and did not stop it. Even if Zhuzhu really remembered and relayed these words, the emperor would only be happy and would not feel offended.

At this moment, the seventh prince came quietly.

Ever since he came back the day before yesterday, he had been wanting to apologize to Zhuzhu.

However, Zhuzhu and the others did not go to school yesterday because they were sick, and they still took leave today.

The seventh prince couldn't help it, and secretly took a leave of absence, wanting to come over and have a look.The servants brought him over. The seventh prince looked inside and saw that the room was full of people.

A large group of children surrounded Zhuzhu, three floors inside and three outside. A few adults outside were sitting drinking tea. They were all tall and burly. In comparison, General Xie was handsome. A bit elegant, but the aura is the strongest.

In short, when the Seventh Prince took a quick look, his legs felt weak and he hesitated to go in.

But General Xie had already seen him, put down the tea cup and stood up: "Your Majesty, Seventh Highness."

The other people's faces all turned around, and then they each put down their teacups to salute.

The Seventh Prince sneered hastily, not daring to ask them to salute at all. He rushed in as fast as he could, and rushed behind the group of children, saying, "You guys talk! I'll take a look at Zhuzhu!"

Prince Duan said with a smile: "Qi Lang, please sit down first, they will have to make a fuss for a while."

The Seventh Prince waved his hands repeatedly, "No, I won't sit down! You can talk to me and ignore me."

As he spoke, he noticed something. As soon as he raised his head, he saw more than one unkind gaze sweeping over him. When they met his eyes, the young men bared their teeth and said, "Your Majesty the Seventh Highness."

They had heard that if it hadn't been for the Seventh Prince, Zhuzhu would never have suffered this crime!
They are not unreasonable, they have to force him to coax Zhuzhu to play, but if you don’t like playing with Zhuzhu, then don’t drag Zhuzhu out of the fence!
Zhuzhu is only a little older and very timid. If you don’t drag her out, how could anything happen to her if she is in the fence?
Taking a step back, since you have dragged them out, can you send Zhuzhu to the servant?Can you even shout for someone to pick you up?

Throwing a three-year-old baby on a hillside by himself, even if he doesn't meet any bad guys, it's still a big deal if he encounters a bug or bumps into him, right?

It doesn't work that way!

Regardless of his intention or not, anything that happens to Zhuzhu depends on him!
Therefore, the Xie family members were all holding back their anger, but they did not dare to express it due to his status.

The seventh prince was originally not good at sociability and had a guilty conscience. When they saw him, he couldn't even raise his head. He managed to keep his voice steady and whispered: "Zhuzhu, I'm sorry for that day."

Zhuzhu was a person who would forget everything once he put down his claws, but for some reason, when he saw the Seventh Prince, he miraculously remembered what happened that day, and said loudly: "You are the big bad guy! Zhuzhu will never do it again." I’m done with you!”

Over there, several adults exchanged glances and pretended not to hear.

The Seventh Prince humbled himself: "I'm sorry, it's my fault! Don't be angry."

In fact, if the Seventh Prince had Sheng Minglin's ability, he would probably be able to coax him over with a few playful words, but he apologized honestly. Children are the creatures who know how to push their limits.

Then Zhuzhu said with a face: "Huh! You elbow! Zhuzhu won't play with you!"

The seventh prince's face turned red and he didn't know what else to say.

Then Xie Liulang said with a smile: "Your Highness Seventh, Zhuzhu and I are the best friends. Otherwise, I heard His Highness Seventh is good at martial arts. Let's go to the martial arts training ground and have a few moves. If you beat me, I will help you coax Zhuzhu." ,OK?"

This trick is actually quite straightforward, and most people won’t fall for it.

But compared to coaxing children and fighting, the seventh prince is good at it!
So he agreed without hesitation: "Okay."

A few people didn't expect it to be so easy. They exchanged glances with each other, and immediately everyone left in a hurry.

The adults over there didn't stop him at all.

After they all left, Uncle Xie asked, "You don't need to ask anyone to watch?"

"No need," General Xie said calmly: "All of them together are no match for His Majesty the Seventh Highness. It just so happens that they have a long memory and know that there are people who are better than others. Don't think that they are the ones who have learned kung fu for several years." He is an unparalleled hero, and even before his hair has grown, he is looking forward to fighting Mobei every day."

If he didn't say this, everyone wouldn't be very interested. Once he said it, even a few adults became interested and put down their tea bowls: "Let's go over and have a look."

So everyone, including Princess Duan, went over.

(End of this chapter)

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