Chapter 63: Defeat all the invincible opponents of his age
When the adults passed by, the children were already fighting.

The seventh prince is now ten years old, and he is the same age as Xie Wulang, Liulang, and Qilang.

So in order not to look like a bully, Xie Qilang went up first.

The sons of the Xie family were all enlightened at the age of five, but the difference between them and the Seventh Prince was that they all mainly studied martial arts. If they failed in martial arts, they would consider studying literature.

So they have been practicing hard for five years. In their small circle, they are considered invincible against all their peers. They are all very confident, and with the idea of ​​venting their anger on their sister, they do their best as soon as they get up.

Then, it was explained in person what "one force can defeat ten societies" means.

Zhuzhu was beside her, trying her best to cheer up her little cousin.

But after Xie Wulang and Xie Qilang were quickly defeated, Tuanzi also realized something was wrong and stared with wide eyes.

The boys of the Xie family exchanged glances, and 14-year-old Xie Erlang stood up.

He can be regarded as a young talent, with good kung fu and a calm demeanor. He doesn't make any rash moves after he gets up, and he plays steadily and steadily.

However, for a person like the Seventh Prince who was born with great strength, it was useless to fight steadily, so Xie Erlang was defeated with only a dozen moves.

The little cousins ​​of the Xie family all looked suspicious of life.

The Seventh Prince hasn't had enough of fighting yet.

And he didn't have the idea of ​​giving in to them. He smiled with big white teeth and looked at them, thinking only that if I win, you should quickly say good things to me...

But this look, in the eyes of the Xie family's little cousins, looked like a triumphant one.

Xie Qilang has an impatient temper and gets angry at the sight of him. He wants to speak as soon as he takes a step forward.

Xie Dalang stepped forward in a few steps, kicked him back, and then saluted with a smile: "His Majesty the Seventh Highness is truly a powerful warrior. I can't even match him."

While the half-year-old child was learning to talk, Naituanzi was still standing there with his mouth wide open, staring blankly, completely unable to accept this fact.

The seventh prince returned the gift and looked back and forth.

But the little cousins ​​looked almost the same, and he didn't recognize which one was speaking just now, so he said directly to Xie Dalang: "I won, then, who of you is going to coax Zhuzhu?" As he said this, he looked at Zhuzhu.

Xie Dalang choked.

You know, fighting is different from fighting!

His turbulent style of play made them lose so ugly. What a way to show his favor... In short, it has no meaning at all! !

But he couldn't clarify what he said, so he subconsciously looked at Zhuzhu.

Zhuzhu came back to her senses when they looked at her, and her little mouth closed immediately.

Then she thought for a moment, turned around and ran back to the adults. She grabbed the hem of General Xie's clothes with one hand and the hem of Uncle Xie's clothes with the other hand, and then pulled them with all her strength.

The two adults were not sure what she meant, so they followed her.

Then Zhuzhu stood between the two uncles, arms crossed, looking like a villain, and said fiercely: "Biao Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo You haven't defeated their father yet! Mother said that it's called beating. Here comes the young one, here comes the old one!”


The seventh prince didn't care and said, "Okay, after the fight, we will make peace, right?"

Zhuzhu thought for a moment, then looked back at her grandfather.

The Duke of Guo was also a fierce general when he was young, but now he is old and his hair and beard have turned white.

Tuanzi thought that maybe even if his uncles lost, they wouldn't be able to let their father beat him, so he turned back and nodded: "That's right! If you win, uncle will make up."

The Seventh Prince paused and stared: "How, how can I defeat General Xie?"

He finally became wise and bent down to discuss with Zhuzhu, "Let's just fight and make up if we lose, okay?"

Zhuzhu thought for a while and felt that she was not at a disadvantage: "Okay then."

The adults listened to their discussion with a smile, and then Uncle Xie went to the weapons rack, picked out a gun, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, Seventh Prince, let's do a few tricks at will." The Seventh Prince said, "Okay."

So everyone quickly dispersed, and the two started to fight.

When these two people fight, you can see the obvious difference with the children.

My little cousins ​​were also watching with awe. After all, you can't learn from a natural giant, but you can learn Uncle Xie's style of play.

Moreover, because Second Uncle Xie fought very methodically, he could also see the Seventh Prince's immaturity and occasional lack of reaction in his moves. If a fight really broke out, this would be his chance to win.

So Uncle Xie also gave him guidance while beating him.

The children kept jumping and cheering, and the two of them played for more than half an hour before they stopped. The seventh prince's face was filled with surprise and joy, and he said: "Thank you."

Uncle Xie smiled and said, "Your Majesty, Seventh Prince, you're welcome." He raised his hand and threw the gun back to the shelf.

Zhuzhu was hugged by her father. Her big eyes were almost sore and she couldn't understand. When she saw it, she stopped and asked quickly: "Uncle, who won?"

Uncle Xie smiled and said: "We are not fighting, we are discussing. There is no winner or loser."

Zhu Zhu’s eyes widened and he nodded understandingly: “So uncle lost.”

Uncle Xie: "...??"

He said speechlessly: "Uncle didn't lose? Didn't I say I lost?"

"Alas!" Tuanzi sighed, frowned, and was dejected: "Mom, when you talk about winning, you just say wining. But if you say something weird, it's losing... Zhuzhu understands everything. of!"

Everyone: "..."

Everyone looked at Princess Duan silently.

Princess Duan coughed and quickly interrupted: "Okay, okay, now that the beating is over, everyone should go back quickly, this one is covered in ashes!"

My dear sister, what can I do?

The uncles could only nod, arrange their clothes and leave as if nothing had happened.

The Seventh Prince chased after him for a few steps: "Zhuzhu, then, are we ready to get together?"

He was an honest man, but he didn't apologize enough, and his heart felt like it was hanging in the air. He hadn't slept well for two nights, so he looked at Tuanzi with a sigh of relief.

Tuanzi was a little unwilling.

But her uncle had lost the battle, so she had no reason to default on the bill.

So Tuanzi said with a fierce look: "It's done!"

The seventh prince breathed a sigh of relief and said seriously: "It's all my fault. I will never hurt you again. If I hurt you, just hit me and I won't fight back."

Zhu Zhu's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his little hand: "Then let's pull the hook. You can't refuse to pay back the debt, and you can't fight. Don't fry."

The Seventh Prince quickly stretched out his hand and was surprised: "Lagou. Don't worry, I will definitely not fry it."


After thinking for a while, a few people realized that what Zhuzhu said was that soldiers never tire of deceit. Besides, if you refuse to pay, you should refuse to pay. Don't add "not to pay back"!
But looking at the expressions of the two people, the seventh prince obviously didn't notice anything was wrong... Forget it, maybe there is a special way of communication between illiterate people.

The Xie family left after dinner, and the Seventh Prince also came to have dinner with them. Sheng Minglin said a few words and then went back to his room, but was also called back to have dinner with him. The atmosphere was quite harmonious.

It wasn't until the Xie family left and Sheng Minglin was about to return to the yard that a young boy came over cautiously to salute and said flatteringly: "Master, I have something to report."

Sheng Minglin was stunned when he didn't recognize him.

Princess Duan is a bit unreliable in terms of educating children, but she manages the family well. Prince Duan is also good at details, so the rules are in order in Prince Duan's house. This is the first time he met someone who came to hand over a small talk, and he was a little curious. , asked: "What's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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