Chapter 64 Stealing my great wisdom

The young man apologized and said with a smile: "Master, I went out to do some shopping today. There was a thin young man hanging around at the corner gate. When he saw the servant waiting to go out, he came over to inquire about the master. He also wanted someone to take him with him. I would like to ask the young master to go out... I thought about it and told the young master."

Sheng Minglin nodded and rewarded him with a small silver crown.

It wasn't that he was generous, this was specially prepared for him by Princess Duan. Each one weighed six cents and was beaten into the shape of a small ingot. It was specially used to reward servants. Although he thought it was a bit much, he was a child. I can't go out and buy another batch of small ones myself, so I can only make do with them.

The boy accepted the reward and thanked him again and again.

Sheng Minglin pondered and walked forward slowly.

It's not surprising that Chen Qingyu came to the door. Sometimes a gambler is really fearless.

It is estimated that he has come more than once, but Zhuzhu said that he is not allowed to come again. The servants around Zhuzhu must have given instructions to the concierge, so the concierge will not communicate... No matter how young Zhuzhu is, her words are No one dares to take it seriously.

Therefore, this boy must have been instructed by someone to come over and tell him that he would sell well.

Probably because of the rumors about Qilinzi, I thought he was a serious master, so...

Before he had finished thinking, the princess's maid, Jinyi, caught up behind him: "Master, the young master is looking for you."

Sheng Minglin was stunned for a moment: "Isn't Zhuzhu already asleep?"

He deliberately waited until she finished taking the medicine before leaving.

But he still turned around and followed Jin Yi for a few steps before he heard Tuanzi crying. He was used to hearing it, and he knew it was fake crying.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the door, Tuanzi put down his chubby hand. There was no tears on his face, and he happily reached out to him: "Guo Guo hug."

Sheng Minglin smiled and hugged her, and asked, "Why are you crying if Zhuzhu doesn't sleep well?"

Tuanzi nestled in his arms: "Zhuzhu wants Guoguo to cuddle up and sleep."

"Okay," Sheng Minglin said with a smile, "then my brother will teach Zhuzhu how to read. If Zhuzhu knows how to read, my brother will sleep with Zhuzhu in his arms."

As he said that, he put Tuanzi on the bed and took out the book from his sleeve.

He was still wearing the overcoat for visiting guests, and did not lie down on the couch. He just sat on the edge of the bed, patted her gently with one hand, opened the book with the other hand, and read in a calm voice: "In the early days, Zheng Wu Gong married Yu Shen, saying Wu Jiang..." Annotation of "Zheng Bo Duan Yu Yan"

At first Tuanzi asked a few questions, but after reading for a while, her eyes slowly closed and she fell asleep.

Sheng Minglin smiled and put away the book, waited for a while, and saw that she had really fallen asleep, then quietly got up, and was about to say a word to Prince Duan before leaving, when he saw Tuanzi suddenly crying twice, two He pushed it twice randomly with his little hands and cried: "Don't drink it, don't drink the medicine, it's bitter... wu wu..."

She slowly lowered her hands and fell asleep again.

Several people were dumbfounded.

Drinking medicine these days is almost killing me, and I dream about drinking medicine.

Princess Duan asked in a low voice: "Has that recipe been made?"

"It's done," Mammy Zhou replied in a low voice: "It was a little hard at first, so the kitchen made it again a few times, and now it looks good."

Princess Duan said: "Bring it to her tomorrow and let her have a taste. If she can eat it, don't keep drinking the medicine."

Prince Duan said directly: "Now bring it up and let me have a taste."

The servant responded, and Sheng Minglin returned to his yard. After a while, he also brought a plate over.

This cake is pretty good. The chef creatively divided it into three layers. The outer two layers are jujube flavored and darker in color. I don’t know what the inner layer is but lighter in color. I cut them into small strips. Look. It looks pretty good, soft and sweet, and the taste has changed. It tastes good. I think Zhuzhu will like it.Sure enough, when breakfast was served the next day, Zhuzhu ate a few pieces without realizing it, and Princess Duan breathed a sigh of relief.

Over there, Sheng Minglin went over to talk to Xu Heshu, and then he was going to go out to meet Chen Qingyu.

The words they said before have been lingering in his heart, and he was ready to ask him what happened back then.

He also walked through the corner door. Sure enough, as soon as he came out of the corner door, he saw Chen Qingyu sticking his head in the corner. When he saw him, he jumped over like a rabbit and was overjoyed: "You are finally willing to give up!"

Sheng Minglin's expression turned cold and he was about to speak when he suddenly heard someone behind him say: "Guo Guo! Guo Guo!!"

Sheng Minglin felt dizzy on the spot and turned around quickly. Sure enough, he saw Xiaotuanzi running towards him, hugging his legs and calling sweetly: "Guo Guo!"

Sheng Minglin hurriedly said: "Zhuzhu'er, my brother has something to do here. Can I play with you when I get back?"

Naituanzi raised her little face and said, "Zhuzhu wants to accompany Guo Guo."

Lychee said: "Master, the queen has ordered the master not to go out."

Upon hearing this, Naituanzi quickly took back her little feet that were stepping on the doorstep, stepped on both feet here and there, and said confidently: "Zhuzhu didn't go out!"

Lychee quickly smoothed her hair and said, "Master, you are so good. Your Majesty will be happy to know this."

Zhuzhu still hugged her brother and asked, "Where are you going to play Guoguo?"

"Brother is not here to play," Sheng Minglin said helplessly, "Brother has something to do."

Chen Qingyu kept stretching his head, and when he saw the two brothers and sister making out, he became more courageous, and came up to him and said, "Little princess, your brother is here to find me!"

Zhu Zhu didn't dare to move her feet. She leaned forward with her whole body, hugging Sheng Minglin with her arms, tilting her head to look at him, her little brows furrowed.

The little dumpling with small breasts was fluffy and looked soft, well-behaved and harmless. Chen Qingyu had been blocked by his servants for so many days and wanted to save face, so he boldly reached out and touched the head of the dumpling: "You are good... …”

Sheng Minglin was furious and slapped his hand away: "Bold!"

Chen Qingyu was startled,
Tuanzi was also shocked.

Nai Tuanzi is used to being touched on the head. Although he is not happy to be touched by bad people, he doesn't think it is a big deal.

But when he saw his brother being so angry, Tuanzi blinked and immediately shared the same hatred with his brother. He shouted to Chen Qingyu: "Don't touch my head! You think I'm incompetent! You just want to steal my great wisdom!!"

She thought she was super fierce.

In fact, it's so small, and its boobs and hairy look is really cute.

Sheng Minglin's anger subsided immediately. He pressed her little head with one hand and rubbed it gently. He said: "Zhuzhu is good, go back to play with Brother Qi first. Brother has something to do here. I will play with Zhuzhu when I get back." .”

Zhuzhu looked at Chen Qingyu again, and held his hand like a young adult: "But Zhuzhu is worried about it. What should I do if the bad guys bully Guoguo?"

"No." Sheng Minglin coaxed her softly: "Brother is very powerful and is not afraid of bad people."

Chen Qingyu was a little unconvinced and said: "Little Princess, I can be considered your uncle..."

At that time, Li Zhi choked and said: "Our master's uncle is General Xie. What the hell are you? You dare to ask for marriage from our master!"

(End of this chapter)

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