Chapter 65 It’s all your mother’s fault

Chen Qingyu didn't dare to argue and took a step back with a smile.

Sheng Minglin rubbed Tuanzi's head again, bent down and kissed her face: "Good boy, Zhuzhu, please go back. Brother will be back soon."

Tuanzi saw that the atmosphere was not quite right, so he let go and backed away obediently, still looking at him eagerly.

Sheng Minglin waved to her, turned around and left. Chen Qingyu reached out to hook his shoulder angrily, but he quickly moved away.

Zhuzhu groaned and wanted to chase after her again. Nanny Ning quickly took a step forward and said, "If Master is worried, why not ask Peanut and the others to follow?"

When Zhuzhu heard this, she immediately turned around and said, "Hurry up and protect your brother."

Immediately, the four boys chased after him.

Sheng Minglin originally only brought two boys with him, but since Zhuzhu sent the people over, he didn't care and took Chen Qingyu directly back to his grandfather's yard.

Then after sending all the servants away, Sheng Minglin said, "You come to me again and again. What's the matter?"

Chen Qingyu seemed to hesitate for a moment, then he knelt down and cried bitterly, "Minglin, please help me, they will really kill me, I really have no choice... Minglin , we are a family, it is impossible for Prince Duan to treat you as his own son, I am the only one who truly cares for you..."

Sheng Minglin let him cry for a while and then said, "What do you mean by this? What do you mean by not treating me as your own son?"

Chen Qingyu hesitated.

Sheng Minglin said: "You don't want money anymore? I won't give you a penny unless you make it clear."

Chen Qingyu gritted his teeth and stood up suddenly: "Just say it!! This is all your mother's fault!! If it weren't for your mother, I would be an official young master now, with power and money, and I can't spend it. It’s over! This was all ruined by your mother! This is all what you two owe me!!”

He vented his anger for a while, and then he started to say: "Back then, your mother fell in love with Prince Duan, and she was like a demon, and she didn't care about anything..."

He started talking from beginning to end.

Sheng Minglin was listening quietly at first, but the more he listened, the more horrified he became.

He never expected that this was actually the case.

At that time, Prince Duan and the current Princess Duan, Xie Anning, were in love with each other. Their families also agreed, and they only needed a marriage decree.

But his biological mother, Mrs. Chen, was in love with Prince Duan. She expressed her love several times and tried all kinds of tricks like falling into the water, but he was rejected by Prince Duan. In the end, because she made too much trouble, he even gave her a shameless slap on the spot and ordered her to He knelt in public for a quarter of an hour.

Later, Mrs. Chen actually set up a trap in the queen's palace, drugged Prince Duan, and had a physical relationship with him.

This move was truly audacious, even if he was looking for death.

However, Grandpa Chen was once the master of Emperor Mingxi, and he risked everything to plead for her. Perhaps in order to avoid the emperor's embarrassment, Prince Duan finally agreed to the marriage.

Later, my grandfather asked for the bones, but the emperor agreed directly without trying to persuade him to keep them. This was obviously because he was angry.

Then my grandfather sold most of his family property to do charity, leaving only a small house and living in seclusion since then.

As for the Chen family, although they are married, Prince Duan is not coming home.It is said that he desperately sought errands from the emperor and traveled all over the country. Often before this errand was completed, another one would be assigned. He would not return to the capital even during the New Year, and even if he did come back, he would only go back to the palace.

Mrs. Chen has become a joke. Although she has the name of Princess Duan, she cannot go out to socialize at all.

Later, Mrs. Chen held the young Sheng Minglin at the entrance of the palace and blocked Prince Duan, but Prince Duan directly asked Chang Sui to pull her away and left without getting off his horse.

In a rage, Mrs. Chen knelt directly at the gate of the palace and asked for an order to reconcile.

It is said that after kneeling for less than two-quarters of an hour, a eunuch came over and asked her if she really wanted to reconcile. When Chen said yes, the eunuch issued a decree on the spot, allowing them to reconcile.

And before she returned home, the housekeeper of Prince Duan's Mansion had already packed up all her dowry.

Mrs. Chen was very angry, but had no other choice. She hugged Sheng Minglin and left. I heard that she had a quarrel with Grandpa Chen, and then she used her dowry to buy Zhuangzi and live there.

A few months later, when Prince Duan returned to Beijing, Mrs. Chen asked Chen Qingyu to come over and send a message, saying that she was seriously ill and could not live for a few days, and begged him to see her so that her son could be returned to him.

In fact, this is of course false. Mrs. Chen is just certain that Prince Duan will not allow the royal family's blood to leak out.

But unexpectedly, Prince Duan was an unconventional person and said directly: "I don't care about her and her son's life or death. Let them die as far away as possible." Then he ordered someone to beat Chen Qingyu and drive him back. .

After that, Prince Duan stayed in the capital, and then began to please the current Princess Duan, Xie Anning.

Xie Anning never married after Prince Duan got married, and this incident was not due to Prince Duan changing his mind, so the two quickly reconciled, and the emperor decreed the marriage. Prince Duan has almost never left Beijing since they got married.


Even though Sheng Minglin had made some mental preparations, he was completely dumbfounded.

He tried hard to find some loopholes or exaggerations in Chen Qingyu's words, but found that there were none... He was telling the truth.

He never expected that this would actually be the case.

What did his biological mother think?

Drugging Prince Duan in the palace? ?Has she ever thought about her grandfather at all?
If it were another emperor and you brought unknown drugs into the palace, even if the drug failed, it wouldn't be surprising if the nine tribes were killed! !
Including blocking the road at the entrance of the palace, begging for divorce like a child, and taking him away to try to blackmail Prince Duan, etc... It was all full of reckless madness and emotion, with no balance or thinking at all.

Does love really make people become like this?
Chen Qingyu looked at his face and sneered: "You think this is over? It's still early! When the princess was pregnant with the child, she took advantage of Prince Duan's absence in the capital to block the road and provoke Princess Duan! Later, the princess was frightened and gave birth to a miscarriage. Well, she hanged herself when she got back! She was done with it, but she never thought about the living people!"

"Stop talking about me, and even you, since Prince Duan said those words, she has never hugged you again! She seems to be annoyed when she sees you! She doesn't like men, but she thinks you are useless! When I went to see you, you were still breathing! You were almost starving to death, just like Mao Huazi, you had no energy to cry. Can you believe it? This is also called being a mother! If I hadn’t held you in my arms Your grandpa, how could you grow so big!"

The more he talked, the more he hated her: "She's been like this since she was a child! She doesn't care about anything! For a man, she doesn't even care about her face, and she's not even afraid of death! She's not popular at all! But she's not afraid of death, and we still want to live!"

Chen Qingyu paused for a moment: "So do you understand? The family property is not for her to deal with! I ask you for it, what's wrong? This is what you two owe me! I am the only son of the Chen family! The family property should be mine!"

Sheng Minglin said nothing and was completely stunned.

Chen Qingyu glanced at him and softened his voice: "Don't feel bad. After all, I am still your uncle. It's too late for Prince Duan to hate you, so how can he really treat you as his son? But we are actually relatives, as the saying goes. Mother and uncle, if you have a mouthful of food from me, you won’t be hungry..."

(End of this chapter)

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