Zhou Qingshi said: "Her luck has been stolen her whole life."

Several people were startled at the same time and turned to look at him. Zhou Qingshi, who always spoke straightforwardly, explained: "Twins born at the same time, in the eyes of some evil monks, the fate is most likely to be confused, so it is very easy to steal life and luck. It’s easy to hide it from God, no special day or hour is needed.”

Princess Xiang reacted for a while before she came to her senses. She couldn't believe it: "You mean Qianqian..."

She stopped suddenly.

Zhou Qingshi continued: "Today, someone brought the sin to her. As the saying goes, she is full of evil. Someone used magic to hide it from God, making God think that this person is full of evil, and then she will die silently, without illness or disaster. If Shi The technique has been successful, even if you ask me to do a divination, I will only calculate that this person died as a result of retribution, and it is difficult to detect anything wrong. It is really very clever."

He paused for a moment: "Such a superb technique, only twins can achieve it so seamlessly."

Huo Chenzhao said: "What the Taoist Master means is that twins born at the same time, with a little manipulation, can easily be mistaken by God for being the same person? Usually if you want to steal luck, you steal luck, but at this time, this sin, Is it actually the sin of the other twin?”

Zhou Qingshi nodded.

Huo Chenzhao further said: "So, her poor health should be because her vitality and luck were stolen, right? The other party has kept her alive, probably just for today, to use her life to eliminate these sins?"

Zhou Qingshi still nodded.

Huo Chenzhao asked in a deep voice: "Then what? Are the twins real and fake? How can they pretend to be twins?"

Zhou Qingshi was stunned for a moment, looked at Qin Jiangbai, and then shook his head: "This... this is not a question of pretending to be twins, but a question of how one person can perfectly disguise himself as another person. This situation has nothing to do with Jiang Mingyue's is different, Jiang Mingyue's is just a trick, it's easy to figure out, but his... Anyway, I didn't find anything wrong."

He paused and then said: "If we have to achieve this situation, which I can't even calculate, it is very difficult. At least two conditions need to be met. The first point is that the person being replaced must be born at the same time and moment; the second point is that the person being replaced must be born at the same time and moment; Yes, there is a blood bond."

Huo Chenzhao asked in surprise: "What does blood bond mean?"

Zhou Qingshi said: "Same father or mother."

Huo Chenzhao was stunned.

Qin Jiangbai was also shocked.

Only Princess Xiang was slow for a moment, suddenly came to her senses, and said sharply: "Sheng Qianqian?"

Her mind was in confusion for a moment, and she moved her lips several times without knowing what to say. She could only instinctively say: "Call Sheng Qianqian! Call her!"

Sheng Qianqian was called over soon, and she said in panic: "Mother, I don't know what is going on!"

In this short period of time, she had obviously thought of a solution, and cried delicately and weakly: "Mother, I just heard a few words, but I really don't know what is going on! This is Several people suddenly broke into our house in the middle of the night and suddenly said that my sister was in trouble, even though she was obviously fine!!"

"Then they kept fussing and said such strange things. I was really scared. I suddenly remembered those things back then... I really don't believe in any monks, Taoists or nuns at all! They are all liars!"

Princess Xiang also thought of the fake nun who disguised herself as a woman, and couldn't help but tremble all over her body. She is still scared to this day.

Sheng Qianqian continued to cry: "And, for some reason, when I saw this person..."

She glanced at Qin Jiangbai with tears in her eyes, then looked away in fear, and said in a trembling voice: "When I saw this man, I had an indescribable feeling, as if he was my closest relative. This feeling, It's too sudden, and it's too strange, why do I feel this way! I don't even know him! What on earth have you evildoers done to me!"

Princess Xiang's mind was in confusion, and she didn't know who to believe for a moment, so she subconsciously looked at Prince Xiang.Prince Xiang had already stood up. He started to look at this side blankly, obviously confused.

Sheng Zhenzhen was so anxious that her forehead was covered with sweat. She tried her best to speak out: "You, liar, said...contradiction, bad!"

What she means is that since you call them liars and also say that they can control your thoughts, isn't this contradictory? You are a bad person.

It's a pity that I can't say it at all.

Sheng Qianqian cried sadly: "Sister, I know you have been jealous of my good health and being able to walk around since you were a child... But this is not something I can have the final say! Why are you still angry with me at this time! This is a long story. The preface does not match the postscript. One moment, it is said that only twins can steal luck, and the next moment, it is said that I am not a twin, so doesn’t that mean that my destiny is also stolen? Then we sisters are so unlucky! We haven’t done anything, How can there be so many strange things coming to our house!"

Not at all!Sheng Zhenzhen clenched her fists in anger.

Huo Chenzhao looked at the farce in front of him, took a long breath, went out and ordered the guards to call Bei Feihong over overnight.

Anyway, he was in charge of Yaoyuan's case, so this matter must be involved, so let him finish the trial slowly.

Otherwise, standing here, they would have thought that Qin Jiangbai was so indifferent to Prince Xiang's palace. He was said to be the emperor's brother, but he was just an idle clan member. Qin Jiangbai was a third-rank official who held real power in the emperor's heart!
Bei Feihong came soon.

Huo Chenzhao walked over and talked to him in detail.

Bei Feihong looked calm and nodded.

Huo Chenzhao immediately turned around and said seriously: "Since you don't know the heart of a good person, let's just leave. Princess Changning, do you want to come with us?"

Sheng Zhenzhen blinked hard and nodded. She stretched out her hand and said to Qin Jiangbai, "Brother, hug me!"

Princess Xiang said anxiously: "Zhenzhen! You...you can't take her away."

Sheng Zhenzhen was really anxious, but she also really didn't have the strength to say to her, "Silly!"

Qin Jiangbai was silent for a moment, and then he really stepped forward and hugged Sheng Zhenzhen. At that moment, the malice in Sheng Qianqian's eyes almost overflowed. Huo Chenzhao looked at her intently, and she stopped suddenly in fear.

Huo Chenzhao put the quilt on Sheng Zhenzhen and explained meaningfully: "I am inviting the princess back to save her. When the princess is done, she can come to the palace to pick her up. Don't worry."

As he spoke, he lifted Taoist Zhou with one hand and pushed Qin Jiangbai away regardless of Princess Xiang's obstruction.

Sheng Zhenzhen, a girl with a smart mind, took it back and slowly explained that this was not for Prince Xiang's palace, but for Qin Jiangbai.

Princess Xiang obviously still has feelings for Sheng Qianqian, so if she can hear her nonsense, let her see it with her own eyes and slowly wake up.

As for Prince Xiang, whatever.

So a few people just left.


Ah ah ah, friends in the comment area, don’t be impatient, I’ve added three chapters.I have filled in the missing chapters and added 3100 five-star reviews. I have not forgotten it. At most, it has reduced my procrastination... I will continue to code today, it will be late. (End of chapter)

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