After returning to Prince Duan's Mansion, Sheng Minglin was of course not asleep yet, so he asked Zhuzhu's servants to help Sheng Zhenzhen wash up, get a set of Princess Duan's clothes for her to change into, and then put her on the tiger mat. Go up and sleep with Zhuzhu.

Sheng Zhenzhen still managed not to faint. Her eyes followed Qin Jiangbai. Qin Jiangbai turned around several times, but she still kept staring at him.

Qin Jiangbai was indifferent to outsiders, but in fact he was very soft-hearted towards his own people. He finally turned around and said to her: "Go to sleep first, and we'll talk about it tomorrow if you have anything to do."

Sheng Zhenzhen's eyes lit up, she tried her best to smile at him, and then she lost all her strength and fell asleep.

Sheng Minglin left Shen Lingjue here to look at Zhuzhu, while the others went to the study.

Huo Chenzhao spoke in detail again.

Sheng Minglin couldn't help complaining: "Fourth brother also said that Prince Xiang is a handsome man and has a bit of a celebrity character!"

After finishing speaking, he shook his head again: "But to be honest, everything must be done in moderation. If Prince Xiang's pursuit of Taoism is moderate, it will be unrestrained and unconventional. But if it is too much, it will become what it is now." so."

Huo Chenzhao nodded: "Indeed."

Sheng Minglin turned to ask Zhou Qingshi: "So, if you are bound by blood and were born at the same time and the same moment, you can replace it?"

Zhou Qingshi said: "The main ones are these two points, and there are other things, such as using talismans to assist, such as using the opponent's umbilical cord blood to touch the belly button, etc."

Shen Lingjue couldn't help but said: "Just these two points alone are difficult, right? Even if you drink that kind of birth-inducing medicine, can you still control it accurately and give birth at this moment?"

"It's not difficult," Sheng Minglin said, "Didn't you judge it yourself? Can Ainiang feel the existence of the 'bridge'? In other words, before the child is born, you can know when he will be born, and then let another The child is also stuck in this hour and moment, as long as he is born, it is easier to do as long as the mother's body is alive and dead."

It really is!Shen Ling could not help but be dumbfounded.

Sheng Minglin pondered for a moment.

In fact, the situation in front of me is also very simple.

Sheng Qianqian is Jiang Mingyue and Qiao, Qin Jiangbai is He Xingzhou, the unlucky guy whose destiny was stolen...

As for Sheng Zhenzhen, in fact, she is no different from Zhang Tingyu and the other four who died at the same time a while ago. It's just because she and Qin Jiangbai are twins, so stealing luck is more convenient and clever than that kind of stealing. , not only can you steal some at any time, but you can also take the blame for her in the end, eliminating future troubles.

Sheng Minglin said: "Sheng Qianqian is not important. What is important is where her mother is. Tomorrow I will accompany Brother Zhao and Brother Jiang Bai to the palace to plead guilty. By the way, we will interrogate Taoist Ye. There are some ambiguities in his words. , we have to ask him, how far apart can Yi Niang and Qiao be? How to contact him? I think Yi Niang must also be in the capital... We need to confirm two points, and these two points are actually one point. "

"First point, Mr. Zhou, you said that the eyes can only be kept in the eyes, and the eyes will turn into two deep pits. Taoist Ye confirmed this and said that this is called 'eye wisdom'. It sounds very true, but after all Is it true? Can you really only live in your eyes? If not? If the other party is not blind, how can you tell the difference? "

"Another point, is it really Yi Niang who replaced Sheng Qianqian and harmed Sheng Zhenzhen? Maybe it's some other evil way? This also needs to be confirmed. Can Daozhang Zhou find a way to tell it apart?"

Zhou Qingshi frowned and thought.

Shen Lingjue said: "Shouldn't we ask who Sheng Qianqian's biological mother is? Her biological mother must know something!"

Sheng Minglin shook his head: "I don't think this question is easy to investigate... Princess Xiang is not confused. If that person is the concubine in Prince Xiang's backyard, she sleeps with him and is pregnant for ten months, the time is too long, too It’s hard to hide it, and Brother Jiang Bai was sent out. Doesn’t this mean that there will be a child to explain? Even if it is said to be dead, Prince Xiang’s Mansion is not a small family, so it is impossible to throw it away secretly... It’s too much to do this It's easy to go wrong. So I think it should be someone from outside, maybe not even the outside room, just a one-night fling, so it's perfect." The little boy was still a little embarrassed to talk about this topic, and he coughed twice before continuing. : "But Prince Xiang himself may be able to remember a little bit. After all, even if you take medicine, it should be something that is not very good at doing that, right? You can't have no memory at all, right?"

While talking, he looked at Huo Chenzhao.

Huo Chenzhao, who is also a little boy, held his forehead and could only answer as a doctor: "It is impossible for him to have no memory at all. At most, he is confused. But after a long time, who knows whether he still remembers it?"

Sheng Minglin said: "We will know tomorrow. This issue is not very important to Yaoyuan. The other party has exhausted all its agencies and cannot leave such an obvious clue."

Huo Chenzhao said: "But the result may prove the character of Prince Xiang."

Sheng Minglin nodded.

Qin Jiangbai didn't participate in the conversation of several people, he was just lost in thought.

When the topic came to an end, everyone looked at him calmly.

Shen Lingjue held his shoulders and patted him a few times: "Brother, don't think too much. How can a brother who is so powerful and perfect like me not be worthy of ten relatives? You already have dozens of relatives, how many more and a few less? It doesn’t matter, we don’t care about them!”

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "I am quite happy. Brother Jiang Bai is just like the fourth brother. He is the biological brother of me and Zhuzhu."

Shen Lingjue was sour on the spot: "That's right!! Here's my natural brother-in-law! My brother-in-law!"

Qin Jiangbai was amused by them: "Don't worry, I'm fine, just let me take it easy."

A few people were preparing to go to bed when they suddenly heard a noise outside.

Huo Chenzhao listened carefully and stood up suddenly: "No, something happened over there, Mr. Bei!"

Because Bei Feihong was called over in the middle of the night, he only brought four royal guards. Including the guards from the Princess's Mansion, there were only ten people. Each of them controlled and guarded the people in Prince Xiang's Mansion. Bei Feihong only left one person to support him.

Bei Feihong asked Princess Xiang first.

But Princess Xiang was in agitated mood tonight and her answers were incoherent. Bei Feihong asked her to go down first, and then asked someone to bring Sheng Qianqian up.

When it was time to lead people, Bei Feihong came out first as usual and asked about the situation.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a cold light suddenly flashed in the slanting stab, and a man in black suddenly appeared, as powerful as the wind. When Bei Feihong turned sideways, his arm had already been cut by a sword, and a little blood spattered out. flower.

The Jin Yiwei next to him jumped, called out to Master Bei, and quickly pulled out his Xiuchun Dao to block the man.

Bei Feihong glanced sideways at his arm. The skin was only broken a little, but the blood flowing out was black, and the wound did not hurt.

poisonous!And it’s highly toxic!There is no time to detoxify!
Bei Feihong's heart suddenly felt empty... It turns out that death is so easy!
For some reason, at this moment, the image that came to his mind was that of the little princess, struggling to hold up a chicken leg with both hands and deliver it to her. (End of chapter)

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