The next moment, Bei Feihong let out a long breath, quickly pulled out the Xiuchun knife, slapped the blade on his arm, turned it back and forth, soaked in some poisonous blood, and then charged forward with the knife.

The opponent's kung fu was very good, but Bei Feihong's sword skills were crazy and he only attacked but did not defend. In a few seconds, he cut him with a knife.

The man in black choked his movements, and Bei Feihong took advantage of this opportunity to strike twice with two more slashes. The wounds were not deep, but poisonous blood flowed out in the blink of an eye.

Only then did Bei Feihong retreat and lean against the wall. He looked at the man in black falling to the ground and raised the corner of his mouth.

In fact, he can be considered a good person. He doesn't even need help from others to take revenge.

It sounds troublesome, but in fact it only takes a moment.

Several guards in royal robes hurried over. Seeing this posture, they exclaimed in surprise: "Master Bei!"

Jin Yiwei had life-saving medicine with him. Someone had already taken out a bottle and fed it to him. Bei Feihong smiled slightly and said, "No, this is too toxic. Don't waste the medicine."

Jin Yiwei fed the medicine into his mouth. Bei Feihong clicked his tongue, swallowed it, and lowered his eyes.

The man looked down at the wound and saw that the skin and flesh of the wound had turned black. He said anxiously: "It seems useless, what should I do?"

Another person said: "I'll invite Huo Chenzhao!"

He rushed to Prince Duan's Mansion.

Huo Chenzhao also rushed over immediately. Huo Chenzhao had a small herbalist test the medicine. His medical skills were the best in the world, but he was not a god after all. The toxicity was so severe that he almost saw blood sealing his throat. Even after taking Jin Yiwei's life-threatening medicine, he still couldn't. There is no way around it.

Huo Chenzhao performed the acupuncture quickly, feeling very guilty.

Shen Lingjue followed and was shocked when he saw the driving situation and quickly went back to report the news.

Sheng Minglin hesitated for a moment, then carried his sister to the study room, woke her up in a low voice, and called up the system.

If Zhuzhu's magical power had not been exposed before, or if Zhuzhu and them hadn't met Bei Feihong yet... He might not have saved her. But now, if he didn't save Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu wouldn't be happy if he knew about it, and they would feel guilty. Uncle Huang will also feel uncomfortable.

The existence of the system is to use divine power to help when human power cannot.

He redeemed a universal antidote pill from the system mall, priced at [-] points, and asked Shen Lingjue to give it to him.

At this moment, Bei Feihong was still conscious.

He is an expert on poison, so he judged that he would die at the first opportunity, so he ignored it and avenged himself first...

So at this time, he also knew that Huo Chenzhao could not save him and he would die soon.

Bei Feihong was half leaning on the bed and looking at him with a smile.

Huo Chenzhao spent eight percent of his energy on acupuncture, and the remaining two percent kept talking to him... Since he didn't have time to think too much, he just said what Zhuzhu said.

Bei Feihong disagreed.

Little silly girl, Mr. Bei is not a chestnut. Mr. Bei is a stone. Whoever dares to step on him will have his head broken even if he is shattered to pieces.

His eyelashes gradually became weak.

At this moment, Shen Lingjue jumped in, opened the box directly, and handed it to Huo Chenzhao.

The room was filled with the fragrance of elixirs, and Bei Feihong suddenly opened his eyes.

He saw Huo Chenzhao stunned and hesitated to speak, but in the end he said nothing, picked up the pill and put it into his mouth.

The fragrance filled his mouth, and he could almost truly feel that his heartbeat was getting stronger and stronger, and his internal organs and lungs, which had been eroded by the poison, seemed to have been washed and became clean and fresh again...

There were several exclamations around him. Bei Feihong turned his head and saw a few drops of sticky black blood dripping from the wound. The blood that flowed down became bright red, and the flow became slower and slower.

Bei Feihong was shocked.

The next moment, he hurriedly said to his subordinates: "Don't say a word about today's matter to outsiders!"

The subordinate was stunned for a moment and then replied hastily: "Don't worry, sir, we will know the severity later." After Bei Feihong finished saying this, he suddenly realized that in just a moment, even his own strength had returned!

He looked at Huo Chenzhao, his eyes widened, but he couldn't say a word.

If there was a medicine to bring the dead back to life, do you know how crazy people would be!

Bei Mou is such a shitty life, are you stupid? How could you use such an important thing... to save me? ?
A busy night.

Early in the morning, Sheng Minglin entered the palace with Huo Chenzhao and Qin Jiangbai.

Although the emperor has to go to court and is not free at the moment, coming early is a matter of attitude. They broke into the Prince of Xiang's Mansion at night. This matter can be big or small.

But no matter what, when Emperor Mingxi went down to court, he would ask the three of them to go in. Huo Chenzhao explained in detail.

Emperor Mingxi was surprised. He got off the throne and looked at Qin Jiangbai a few times. He was very happy and patted him on the shoulder: "Not bad! I can tell at a glance that you are our own child! Other people's children are not so good!" "

Sheng Minglin kept smiling: "..."

Yes, you are the emperor, you are right, you are most right!
Qin Jiangbai didn't know what to say for a moment, so he just said: "Your Majesty, this matter needs to be investigated in detail."

"Well, let's check," Emperor Mingxi said, "Is Feihong okay?"

Huo Chenzhao said quickly: "Master Bei is fine, he is still with Prince Xiang."

"Okay," Emperor Mingxi said, "then go and try whoever you want to interrogate yourself. You don't need to worry about who is responsible for it. The trial will be over as soon as possible and you will be able to celebrate the New Year."

Several people responded, retreated, and then went to interrogate Taoist Ye.

Qin Jiangbai is a tough person. Even though he has just experienced a huge change in his life, he still has a clear mind when judging people.

But Ye Daoren insisted that what he said before was true. The furthest distance between Yi Niang and Qiao was only half a mile, and they could not be separated for more than three days.

He also insisted that Yi can only be kept in the eyes, and he had never heard that it could be kept elsewhere.

So, after spending half a day, I gained nothing.

At this time, Prince Duan's Mansion.

Zhuzhu was leaning on the big tiger behind her and holding the little sister in front of her. She slept soundly until just then, she opened her eyes in a daze.

Sheng Zhenzhen was actually awake and had strength in her body, but she was so absorbed in thinking that she didn't move.

Tuanzi opened his eyes and took a look, and said, "Wow!"

Then she got up, looked at her face, and said, "Wow!"

Sheng Zhenzhen couldn't help but laugh, and just as she was about to speak, she saw Tuanzi lying down again, leaning against her arm, closing his eyes and becoming motionless.

Princess Duan was also there. She came in when she heard the sound and said with a smile, "Zhuzhu is awake?"

Tuanzi said, "I'm not awake yet."

She smiled happily and rubbed her little face: "Zhuzhu went to bed with her sister. The dream was so beautiful. Zhuzhu didn't want to let her go so she woke up so early."

Sheng Zhenzhen was stunned by the sweetness on the spot, so sweet that she didn't know what to say.

But Princess Duan listened to her daughter's sweet words every day, and she had already resisted. She answered the question very smoothly: "It's so beautiful to sleep together. Isn't it also beautiful to have dinner together? Wouldn't it be even more beautiful to play together? Let's get up. , why not try another way to be beautiful?"

Tuanzi closed his eyes and said nothing. Princess Duan leaned over and whispered: "You are Dahuahua's father. If you peed on Dahuahua's mat..."

Before he finished speaking, Tuanzi sat up and stretched out his hand: "Zhuzhu, get up! The current debt will be taken up!"


I think it would be good if we evened it out and divided it into a chapter for tomorrow, don’t you think?It's not that I owe chapters every day, I just think it would be better to read four chapters tomorrow... (End of this chapter)

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