After that, Shui Hua shut him out. Prince Xiang regretted offending her, but there was nothing he could do about it.

A few months later, one day, when he was traveling, he accidentally saw a familiar figure. He chased her all the way and found out that she was pregnant.

Shui Hua insisted not to enter the Xiang Prince's Mansion and only said that he would take good care of the child after giving birth.

Prince Xiang naturally agreed, and Princess Xiang was also pregnant at that time. Prince Xiang suddenly had a whim, thinking that he would hide it from Princess Xiang and pretend to be his biological son. With a father and a mother, he would naturally love him for the rest of his life. he.

So he bribed the doctor and asked him to say they were twins. At the same time, he told Shui Hua to give birth at the same time, and Shui Hua agreed.

Until the day of delivery, I never expected that Princess Xiang was really a twin... He was not a person who was good at details, and he and the doctor didn't know why they were so confused that they never knew they were twins.

At this time, he was also riding a tiger and couldn't get off. After giving birth here, he came here in a hurry and heard from the mother-in-law who was waiting for him that because he took the medicine too quickly and was born prematurely, Shuihua died on the spot, leaving only a baby girl.

Prince Xiang regretted it too much.

When he returned home, it happened that the baby boy in the twins was in some bad condition and saw that he was no longer alive, so he gritted his teeth and replaced the baby, and asked people to put the baby boy there for him to give birth to and raise. He heard that he died that night.

It happened that Princess Xiang gave birth to twins, which consumed so much energy that she fainted and fell asleep for several days.

Prince Xiang was the master of the family, so he beat up a few insiders and asked them to claim that they had two girls from beginning to end... and then slowly let them go, and the matter was kept secret.

Prince Xiang felt sorry for Shuihua and Princess Xiang, and became even more obsessed with Taoism.

It wasn't until this time that things came out that something was wrong... It seemed like he had always been in someone else's game.

Among the brothers of Emperor Mingxi, except Prince Duan who has been staying in Beijing, Prince Xiang is also the most favored among the vassal princes. The palace of Prince Xiang is so lucky. Coupled with Qin Jiangbai's own luck, Sheng Zhenzhen's Luck...if used to nourish Yi, it would be much better than Jiang Mingyue's.

After the interrogation, Bei Feihong only asked him: "Shui Hua Youxi, have you ever seen her belly with your own eyes? Touched it with your own hands?"

Prince Xiang said dejectedly: "No."

Bei Feihong asked again: "Have you personally inspected Shui Hua's body after her death?"

Prince Xiang said: "I took one look at it and didn't dare to look at it more. I didn't touch it or check it."

As she spoke, she felt very stupid: "But when she talked about Taoism, everything she said was meaningful..."

"So what?" Bei Feihong said lightly: "Even if he is full of Taoism, it doesn't prevent him from being a scumbag."


After everyone listened, they were speechless for a long time.

Sheng Minglin stood up for Qin Jiangbai's injustice and said coldly: "I'm sorry, princess, so I'm doubly obsessed with Taoism? What's the point? So, I exchanged your child for the child of a woman who doesn't count as a wife. I'm sorry for you. I didn’t make it up to you after that, but instead intensified my efforts to study Taoism and failed to fulfill my responsibilities as a father and husband?”

Qin Jiangbai was quite calm and said: "So, the child was not born by Shui Hua? Shui Hua is not dead?"

Bei Feihong said: "I'm just guessing. I think a young and beautiful person who is proficient in Taoism should be very rare. It is impossible to just give birth to a child and then die. So I tried to ask, and now it seems that it is almost the same. .”

Sheng Minglin also said: "So, Shuihua is not Ainiang."

Bei Feihong said: "I also asked Prince Xiang if he had ever seen a person with fleshy pits in his eyes, but he had never seen it before. I also asked Prince Xiang to draw what the water bloom looks like. When I left, the painting was not finished."

Several people nodded.

Sheng Minglin stood up and said, "Let's go to my house and see if there is any progress with Director Zhou. Let's have lunch together."

Everyone stood up and walked all the way home.

They said they were meeting Daozhang Zhou. As soon as everyone entered the house, they went directly to Yueyuan without thinking.Qin Jiangbai was a little timid about being close to home and slowed down his steps. Sheng Minglin pretended not to notice and walked upstairs.

Tuanzi turned his head and saw it, and immediately rushed over, hugged his legs, and climbed up his calves: "Guo Guo Guo Guo! You are back!"

Sheng Minglin picked her up with a smile and held her in his arms. Tuanzi held his face with both hands and kissed him enthusiastically.

Sheng Zhenzhen came out quickly and saw Qin Jiangbai there. She was immediately happy and said: "Brother."

Qin Jiangbai was silent for a breath and slowly raised his eyes.

The two of them stood together, and they really felt like each other. The similarity that could not be described in words was due to blood, even more so than the similarity between the eyebrows themselves.

When their eyes met, Sheng Zhenzhen's eye circles suddenly turned red, and she choked with sobs and called out again: "Brother."

She came over quickly, hugged him with her arms, and buried her face in his arms: "Brother, I miss you so much! You are finally here!"

The little breasted dumpling was made to cry by the atmosphere on the spot: "Woo, Guo Guo!"

She squeezed her little face on her brother's face and burst into tears: "Zhuzhu misses my brother too. He misses me so much when he's gone for a while!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and patted his sister on the back, waving to everyone, and everyone went down, leaving the space to the brother and sister. When they got around the corner, Sheng Minglin looked up and saw Qin Jiangbai raising his hand and gently holding her hand. Lived his sister.

Tuanzi cried until he burped: "Guo Guo, Guo Guo!"

Princess Duan smiled and said: "You little silly girl, your brother has not been replaced, why are you crying with me?"

Tuanzi cried: "Zhuzhu has Guo Guoji, Ke Ke, Ke Ke, one-year-old Zhuzhu, two-year-old Zhuzhu, none of them have Guo Guo! Guo Guo doesn't have one-year-old Zhuzhu, two-year-old Zhuzhu either." Hug! Zhuzhu is so sad!"

Sheng Minglin was caught off guard when he heard these words, and his eyes turned red on the spot.

Yes, if I had known today, I would have come to watch you grow up, watch you babbling, toddling, and calling you Guoguo.

Princess Duan smiled helplessly and patted their heads one by one, "A pair of little fools."

"Mother," Sheng Minglin said, "my son just feels that it is such a pity that he has lost three whole years of joy and happiness."

"Yes!" Tuanzi choked and commented: "It's like losing money! Lots and lots of money! I can buy lots and lots of candies!"

Princess Duan: "..."

At first, everyone was a little sad due to this atmosphere, but Tuanzi said this very sadly, and he couldn't be sad any longer.

Shen Lingjue said: "Okay, don't cry anymore! I'm still my grandpa after all these years. What did I say?"

Sheng Minglin was also laughed at by him: "Yes, Bibi Jiang Bai, Bibi you, I was happy immediately."

He hugged his sister and patted her: "Okay, Zhuzhu'er won't cry anymore. Although Zhuzhu who is one and two years old does not have Guo Guo, Zhuzhu who is three, four, five, one hundred and two hundred years old, We all have Guo Guo, and Guo Guo also has Zhu Zhu, so we are still very happy, right?”

Tuanzi was coaxed, nodded, wiped his tears, looked around, and began to bite his brother's ears.

Bei Feihong leaned against the door frame with his knife in his arms, watching them talk with a smile.

Although this warm and lovely scene has nothing to do with him, it does make him feel happy to see it.

As a result, the next moment, Sheng Minglin turned around: "Master Bei? My sister... stepped on your reverse scale?"

Bei Feihong: "..." (End of chapter)

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