Princess Duan did not eat with them, but left after saying a few words.

The appetizers were almost ready, and Qin Jiangbai's brother and sister also came down. Sheng Zhenzhen's eyes were red and swollen from crying, but her face was full of smiles. She grabbed Qin Jiangbai's sleeves. Although Qin Jiangbai didn't smile, looking at his expression, After all, most people are happy.

After several people had dinner together, Zhuzhu wanted to take a nap, so Qin Jiangbai said to Sheng Zhenzhen, "You should also accompany Zhuzhu and rest for a while."

Sheng Zhenzhen responded obediently: "Okay, brother."

After they went upstairs, they got up to look for Zhou Qingshi.

Taoist Master Zhou temporarily lived in Sheng Minglin Courtyard. When a few people came over, the waiter came up and reported: "Your Majesty, the Taoist Master has not had lunch yet, so no one is allowed to disturb him."

Sheng Minglin nodded, then went over and knocked on the door a few times. Zhou Qingshi said, "Come in."

Sheng Minglin and others pushed the door open and went in. They saw Zhou Qingshi drawing something on the ground, sitting cross-legged on the ground, doing divination, looking tired, and it looked like he hadn't slept since last night.

Sheng Minglin said: "Taoist Master, there is no need to be too anxious."

After all, Yi is an unsolved mystery through the ages. There is not much experience from previous generations, and there is no homogeneous thing to practice with. We can only start from scratch and try everything, how to identify and how to deal with it, so it is not surprising to be a little slow.

Zhou Qingshi shook his head: "I can't tell whether the person who dealt with that girl has Yi. Yi is the energy of the five elements, and it is everywhere in the world. Therefore, if nothing can be found, it can be considered to be Yi for the time being. But, to deal with that girl The girl's method, whether it is to steal luck or transfer sin, is all about tricks, and is different from the method of harming others, so even if the other party is evil, it can't be used and it can't be seen."

Sheng Minglin nodded.

Zhou Qingshi continued: "In addition, I also discovered something... that is, that bridge, Qianqian, she also has a twin sister..."

Several people:"……???"

Taoist priest, smelly bloom, where are the matryoshka dolls here? ?
Zhou Qingshi said: "The more I calculate Qianqian's fate, the more I feel something is wrong. It's just like no matter how powerful a person is, he can't have four hands and four feet. So, one big blessing and two blessings, Even if the size is the same, there will be a very slight difference, the same is true for one sin and two sins, there will be a difference... In short, I think she also has a twin sister."

Sheng Minglin suddenly had an idea and said quickly: "Is it possible? Her sister is Yi Niang, so in terms of fate, they enjoy all the conveniences of twin sisters, and therefore, Sheng Qianqian is not only a 'bridge', but can also use some What's Wei's method? She does many things by herself, and it's more seamless, so she doesn't have to stay together every day? So it's hard to check and find people? "

Zhou Qingshi praised: "Yes, that's the case. That's what I guessed too."

Qin Jiangbai couldn't help but say: "This Shui Hua may be good at this. He is good at using the twins' fate to escape from heaven, so it is not an accident that he chose me."

Everyone nodded.

Bei Feihong said leisurely: "'Qiao' is dead, and Yi Niang will definitely die within ten days. Is this true? Did the person who attacked me yesterday want to kill me, or rescue Sheng Qianqian?"

Shen Lingjue immediately asked him: "Do you have enough manpower there?"

"Quite a few," Bei Feihong said, "I directly tied up Sheng Qianqian with an iron chain."

Qin Jiangbai said: "I..."

Sheng Minglin stopped him: "No!!"

Qin Jiangbai glanced at him, smiled and said nothing.Qin Jiangbai meant that he was going to pretend to be Sheng Qianqian in order to find out where they were lurking, but Sheng Minglin believed that they were not ordinary people. They didn't know enough about Wei and were not sure, so they couldn't take risks.

Zhou Qingshi said: "I can cast a spell on that Qianqian, and the other party can feel it. If she doesn't want her to die, she must be saved. As long as she is saved, I can calculate the approximate location. It would be great if someone can help, a caster Curse, another divination, the calculation is the most accurate. If I wait until I finish casting the curse and then divination, I can only make a rough calculation. Besides, I don’t know if she will escape."

Sheng Minglin raised his eyebrows.

I wondered if there was any spell-casting talisman or something in the system that could take the place of a person.

But I heard Bei Feihong say: "Let Taoist Ye cast the spell."

Everyone thought about it, and after a while, Qin Jiangbai said: "Maybe, it's really possible."

Taoist Ye's life is in their hands, and Zhou Qingshi is an expert, Taoist Ye should not dare to cause trouble in front of him.

Zhou Qingshi agreed: "It's definitely possible. I'll draw the talisman and let him cast a spell to activate it. If the spell he casts doesn't match the power of the talisman and seal, the talisman and seal will not fly. Only when the spell is cast correctly can the seal and talisman fly." , attached to that Qianqian, even a layman can easily see it! If he does something wrong, he will waste a few talismans at most."

Bei Feihong said coldly: "His life will be wasted."

Everyone laughed at this cold joke, and each laughed a few times. Sheng Minglin said, "Let's try it tonight."

Also at this time.

In a mansion not far from the palace gate, a beautiful woman was sitting on a rosewood beauty couch, slightly lost in thought.

At her feet, a beautiful maid was kneeling on the ground, gently tapping her legs with a beauty hammer.

The room was luxuriously furnished, with pearls as big as fingertips hanging from the flower-strewn soft curtains. On the table was a Ru kiln auspicious vase with a few branches of fresh plum blossoms inserted into it. I only took a few bites of the bird's nest that was brought to me, and then threw it away sadly. Arrived aside.

The maid came over quickly and reported: "Madam, please come over."

The woman frowned and stood up after a long while. All the women and maids in the room suddenly moved at the same time. Some were changing their shoes, others were wearing clothes. The maids in front of the door opened the curtains, and the woman walked slowly all the way. passed.

The boy in front opened the door. Inside, the girl sitting with her back to her was slim and graceful, with a slender waist. She looked like a peerless beauty. But when she came to her senses, her whole face and all the exposed skin were burned by fire. There were no traces of skin left on his face, and his eyes were burned into two fleshy pits, which were deep and large and looked extremely terrifying.

The woman's face looked completely normal and she said softly: "Aluo, why did you ask mother to come here?"

The girl's voice was hoarse: "Mom, I feel uneasy. Has something happened to my sister?"

The woman smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, Mom is here, nothing will happen to her... After tonight, Mom will bring my sister back. From now on, A'luo can always be with her, okay?"

The girl nodded, extremely obedient: "Okay."

The woman raised her slender hand, stroked the girl's head, and sighed deeply: "These people, sitting in a well and looking at the sky, really think that it is so easy to deal with Wei? We are not trying to take away their empire, but they insist on forcing us to have nowhere to go. Rongshen, Ah Luo, we will fight back hard tonight."

Her voice gradually became lower and she said to herself: "You forced me to do this." (End of Chapter)

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