Emperor Mingxi hugged the dumplings and squeezed them around. After playing with them for a while, he said, "Does Zhuzhu'er want to go shopping with uncle Huang? Or go to a hot spring resort? Or find a place to play in the snow?"

Tuanzi’s little head was tilted, and he couldn’t make up his mind after thinking for a long time, so he said: “You are the Ming Lord, you have the final say!”

Emperor Mingxi laughed, "I have the final say?"

"Yes!" Tuanzi nodded: "Zhuzhu can play with you. You stay in the debt house every day and only do business, and you don't have time to play. So, wherever you want to go, Zhuzhu can go with you!"

Emperor Mingxi laughed again and said to them: "How about we, Zhuzhu'er, are annoying! Every word is annoying! That's okay, then this time Uncle Huang will let you play!"

Tuanzi nodded sharply.

Emperor Mingxi asked her again: "Who does Zhuzhu want to take with her?"

Tuanzi then crossed his fingers: "Bring daddy, bring mother, pot pot, pretty pot pot, four pot pot, star pot pot, seven pot pot..."

Emperor Mingxi said: "Seventh brother can't do it. Seventh brother is in the military camp. He is working hard to be a general. He can't come out casually."

Tuanzi suddenly nodded, accepted the explanation, and continued to wring his hands: "I also want Qin Guoguo, Tang Jiujiu, Lulu, and Dyi Guoguo, and Xiaoyi Jiji..."

Emperor Mingxi spoke again: "This careless brother can't do it either. He is very busy and can't go."

Cheng Chongjin's father, Cheng Fengqi, was an old scalper that the emperor loved very much. He was conscientious in his work, neither greedy for money nor power nor fame. He was sincere and sincere, and worked for the emperor without any hesitation.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Chongjin also had this style.

After he took over the glass matter, he went crazy with Tian Gang and Tang Shihua and worked day and night. Especially Cheng Fengqi felt guilty about his son and took the initiative to help. Bai Gong teaches the novices step by step.

So, in just twenty days, the production line was actually built, and the first batch of glass was produced yesterday. This efficiency surprised the prince, who was also very good at it.

Prince Duan explained it to them and sighed: "Young man, this is so useful!"

Emperor Mingxi also sighed like a black-hearted capitalist: "It's true! A capable young man, especially a useful father, who works for free without receiving a salary... I really like it no matter how much I see it!"

On a whim, he waved his hand: "Let's go and have a look!"

In fact, it won't be sealed until tomorrow, but before it was sealed, everyone already felt that they were not looking for trouble, so they just left.

The group of people quickly left the palace and arrived at the glass workshop. When they went in and took a look, everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

The entire process of glass production, such as crushing, mixing, etc., is all heavy manual work, and the subsequent molding requires more skills. However, the information provided by the system is very detailed, so Cheng Chongjin made a breaking tool.

As soon as I entered, I saw a group of people without hands or arms, stepping on the pedals under their feet, shouting slogans and stepping on them together. The sledgehammer would knock down and the crushing process would begin. The grooves underneath would also slow down. Slow rotation will result in more comprehensive crushing.

When they saw Emperor Mingxi coming, more than one person shouted: "General!" and then quickly changed their words: "Your Majesty!"

Emperor Mingxi couldn't help but was slightly startled. He handed the beads in his arms to Prince Duan, took a step forward, thought about it, and called out the man's name: "Zhao Feng? Zhou Xiaomao!"

Those two people were just small soldiers. He never expected that Emperor Mingxi would still remember their names. Tears filled his eyes on the spot: "General!"

Emperor Mingxi didn't mind the mess, so he shook their shoulders and talked to them.Prince Duan held his daughter and watched from a short distance away.

He and the imperial brother had seen this production process at the time, but they did not expect that it would be so shocking if it was actually made, let alone that this kind of thing could really allow disabled soldiers to make a living.

This is the most rare thing.

The Cheng family father and son walked over quickly from a distance. Both father and son had the same panda eyes and looked tired, but they were in good spirits. Especially Cheng Chongjin, who obviously had the excitement of burning youth.

The father and son, as well as Tian Gang and Tang Shihua behind them, all came to greet him. Emperor Mingxi patted Cheng Chongjin on the shoulder: "Very good, you are very good."

He patted Cheng Fengqi on the shoulder again: "There is someone who will succeed Aiqing!"

Cheng Fengqi smiled broadly and even said he didn't dare. Emperor Mingxi said a few more words to those people and then walked away. Cheng Chongjin introduced the entire production line to him.

The workshop has not officially started operations yet. It only produces flat glass like glass windows. Every link requires a lot of people. People with disabilities can find jobs here. Although the overall number of people employed is It’s not much, but it’s a great start.

Moreover, the market for glass is huge, and the workshops will definitely need to be opened again, and they can also recruit imperial merchants. As long as recruiting disabled soldiers to work is a condition for recruiting imperial merchants, the military morale of the army will be extremely stable.

Cheng Chongjin spoke fluently, and Emperor Mingxi couldn't help but nod his head in approval.

Tuanzi saw Guoyi Guoguo, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, and waited eagerly until the adults had finished speaking.

As a result, the adults never finished talking.

Cheng Chongjin noticed her and smiled at her while talking.

Tuanzi immediately laughed back, and whispered to his brother: "The pit of careless Guo Guo is finally used!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Probably because his great wisdom has finally been put to use."

Zhuzhu nodded fiercely and sighed: "It's a pity that Guoguo can't hang out with us. Zhuzhu wants Tang Jiujiu to be his cheating friend!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "It's okay. I'll have a chance next time."

The group of people stayed in the workshop for more than two hours before leaving. When they left, looking at the expressions of the Cheng family father and son, they knew that they would spend time in the workshop this year, and they would spend time in the workshop very happily. .

If you really don't ask him to do it, but ask him to play together, they will probably be unhappy!

Who could not love such a courtier/subordinate?
So early the next morning, Emperor Mingxi and his party left the capital.

Emperor Mingxi brought the queen. Over in the East Palace, the crown prince did not take her because she was happy, but the prince brought Wang Fengzhang and Lu Wuqi.

Of course, there is a family of four in Prince Duan's Mansion. Zhuzhu brought a bunch of little tails, Huo Chenzhao, Shen Lingjue and Shanda Huahua, and even Qin Jiangbai specially.

Shanda Weifeng was borrowed by the prince, and during the Chinese New Year, he went to play pinyin songs all over the world. He has not come back yet, and he has become the busiest one. Everyone is on vacation, but he is the only one who is still working overtime.

It was just that Shanda Huahua was too easy to recognize, so Shanda Huahua didn't go with them. Instead, she took Zhou Luli to go ahead and arrange the decorations at night. (End of chapter)

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