The Chinese New Year was only a few days away, so I couldn't go too far, so I went to Hejian Mansion.

Along the way, there were children singing Pinyin songs everywhere. The group was so excited that they immediately leaned on the window and sang along.

With her small voice, the louder she sounded, the less her words were in tune. She couldn't keep up with her energy and had to take a break every now and then, which made several adults smile.

Princess Duan suddenly thought of something and whispered: "Son, son!"

Sheng Minglin turned sideways and leaned in, and Princess Duan said, "This winter, I didn't even say "uh-huh" once. Do you understand?"

Zhuzhu didn’t catch a cold even once?Get ill?

Sheng Minglin smiled and nodded: "I understand, but why don't you just say it?"

Princess Duan said: "You can't say good things. If you say them, they won't work. You don't even know this? If you don't believe me, ask Brother Zhao."

Huo Chenzhao: "..."

I am a doctor, not a Taoist priest.

But he nodded immediately and said with a smile: "That's right."

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but said: "I haven't done anything like that. It seems that practicing inner breath is useful."

"Of course it will work," Huo Chenzhao said: "Although I can't fly over the edge so quickly, my body will definitely get better slowly, which is much better than taking medicine to nurse back to health."

Lu Wuqi participated in this kind of activity for the first time. He was so excited that he couldn't sit still. He went out to chat with Shen Lingjue and Qin Jiangbai for a few words, and then jumped back to talk to them.

He rode the horse as if it were for fun. He leaned half of his body in, leaned against the window with his arms folded, and said to them: "By the way, do you know that Wu Anbo... is Mr. Jiang, and He Xingzhou, his biological father?" Do you know him?"

Sheng Minglin glared at him: "Of course I know, tell me quickly."

Lu Wuqi said: "After hearing that his wife died, he came to a realization and let out all the concubines in his backyard who wanted to leave. He gave money to the An family and then divided the family. He Xingzhou was not the eldest son, but he was the only one. His legitimate son, Mr. Jiang divided the family property into two parts, one large and one small, He Xingzhou took one large share, the eldest son of the concubine received half of the other share, and the other children shared the other half."

"Later, when He Xingzhou returned to Beijing, Mr. Jiang visited He Xingzhou's family. He found He Xingzhou and said that he had neglected his duty and was unworthy of being a father, so he gave these things to him. If he wanted to use them, he could use them. If he didn't want to use them, he would donate them to the charity. He can recognize him as his father if he wants to, and he won't force him if he doesn't want to... He said that after the year when the emperor goes on an expedition, he will go with him. If he doesn't come back then, he will kowtow in front of his mourning hall. If he can Come back and let the father and son get along slowly."

He said vividly: "I heard that He Xingzhou cried at that time, knelt down, kowtowed, and called daddy... The father and son held each other's arms and cried, which was very tearful."

Sheng Minglin laughed and complained to him: "You stood next to him and watched?"

Lu Wuqi chuckled and said, "That's not true, but I'm not allowed to check this gossip hot spot? What if someone wants to know the follow-up?"

Then he commented: "To be honest, a warrior can do things more efficiently than a literati. If it were a literati, he would show off and come to thank the He family for their upbringing, and then call him back with great principles. The father and son pretended that nothing happened... I feel a little uncomfortable thinking about it."

Sheng Minglin nodded.

Literary people do do this, and it is not wrong to do so, but the fact that Wu Anbo separated his family is indeed very popular.Dad is a filial piety and cannot ignore it, but these brothers and sisters of the He family have no friendship with He Xingzhou, but He Xingzhou has become promising again. When something really happens, it will be neither good nor bad to help, and it is not good not to help. Now the family One point, everyone has his own share, no matter how much it is, that's it. When trouble comes, He Xingzhou will just stretch out his hand, be broad-minded and ignore past grudges, and others will be grateful.

Princess Duan asked in a low voice: "How is Jiang Bai doing?"

Lu Wuqi immediately looked out with a sly look...

In fact, his ears were also good, and he knew how far away Qin Jiangbai was, but he still acted like this, and then whispered: "I heard they got along well! Princess... No, it's his mother and his sister , are all very attached to him, taking care of everything from clothes to food, etc. He is also very grateful to his fathers, almost trying to please them."

"Should we say it or not, Brother Jiang Bai is a bit of a person. What is that word that Ming Lin said? He is a bit sultry. He doesn't say anything and can do anything. When he grows up, He is the most squeamish person, but he is actually not squeamish at all... However, others do everything for him thoughtfully without him having to say anything. He can also notice it and be grateful. This changes people's hearts. I see. It’s pretty good.”

"Besides, Jiang Bai is the head of the family in that family. His mother has some ideas, but I can't say that she is very powerful. She is obviously very powerful, but she is used to relying on Prince Xiang. Now she relies on her son. She likes to find big things. My son can make up his mind, and Brother Jiang Bai can make up his mind. I think he quite likes getting along like this, and his mother and sister are also happy..."

He suddenly paused, blinked twice, and quickly changed his words: "Do you know that in Mingjin County, Hejian Prefecture, which is the small county we are going to, there is a centenarian who died a few days ago? Well, he was born on the eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, and he died on the day of his birthday. He was exactly one hundred years old, and his birthday was also a memorial day. Many people said why he couldn't stay up for a few days, survive until the Chinese New Year, and receive auspicious blessings. …”

As he was talking, Qin Jiangbai came over and said with a smile outside the window: "Minglin, the emperor asked you to go over and talk. The princess and the queen also asked you to go over and talk."

Princess Duan and Sheng Minglin both responded with a smile, and everyone gathered up.

Tuanzi threw himself into his brother's arms without hesitation and was carried out of the carriage. He even opened his hands to hold Qin Jiangbai's head and whispered in his ear: "Qin Guoguo, Lulu Gangchai secretly talked about you." !”

Qin Jiangbai smiled, imitated her tone, and whispered: "I know!"

Lu Wuqi heard this: "..."

He secretly pointed at Tuanzi, who snickered and pretended not to notice.

Because he was traveling incognito, the carriage the emperor was riding in was not too big, and there were too many people to squeeze in, so the only people in the carriage were the emperor Duan and the prince. Now Sheng Minglin and Zhuzhu came.

Huo Chenzhao did not follow him into the carriage and changed horses, but Lu Wuqi was called in.

But what kind of creatures are some fans? That is, the room is full of people. I hide in the corner and secretly watch the idols shine... This is the happiest thing. Talking face to face is a bit exciting. over.

So he blushed and stammered.

Sheng Minglin smiled, got up and pushed him into a corner. After starting the conversation like this, he took the lead and he could talk.

Although Lu Wuqi is young, his job is to sell news. He has traveled around the world since he was a child, and his footprints are all over the world. Moreover, the concerns of people like them are completely different from those of Mingxi Emperor Duan, which sounds very strange. interesting.

The two places covered about [-] miles. Everyone hurried on the first day and arrived at noon the next day.

In order to give Zhuzhu a sense of novelty, the house where she stayed this time was a rare Lingnan garden here. It is not particularly big, but there are many strange stones, and even the pavilions are embedded with strange stones. There are views every step of the way, and the layers are hidden, which is unique. , Zhuzhu liked it very much, and Emperor Mingxi and Prince Duan also looked at it with special interest.

Zhuzhu got tired in the car, played for a while, and went to bed after dinner. Emperor Mingxi, Prince Duan, and the Crown Prince went out for a walk incognito. (End of chapter)

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