Sheng Minglin smiled and shook his head: "These words are used to persuade young children like Zhuzhu, but they are not applicable to you... Books can't really teach people how to behave. Books can teach you some neat and beautiful rules, but you In fact, there is no way to make the world follow the rules. Just like Brother Zhao, he cannot make patients get sick according to medical books. This knowledge must be digested before it can be used. If you are knowledgeable but not wise, you will be a bit nerdy, no matter where you are. You can’t go far anywhere, especially not suitable for people like you who walk in front of the Imperial Palace or in the East Palace.”

Lu Wuqi was slightly startled.

Sheng Minglin continued: "There are many people who are good at diction, but your ability, Lu Wuqi, is irreplaceable. Therefore, what you need to learn now is practicality. As long as your writing skills are passable, there is no need to insist on excellence. The most important thing is Make the most of what you are good at, and let your skills be used by those in power. The more convenient you are, the better."

He patted the paper and said: "Words are just a carrier for your information to be presented on the desk of the superior. You don't have to pay attention to whether the words are beautiful or not, but you must learn how to express what you know in the most concise and pertinent way. Write the most practical words.”

Lu Wuqi nodded suddenly.

Sheng Minglin stopped talking and didn't say any more, letting him slowly find his own feeling. He opened the window and took a look.

There are ice carving craftsmen here who can make ice lanterns, which will not melt even if candles are lit inside. Zhou Luli invited people over in advance and asked them to make some. Using light stones instead of candles, more styles can be made. , from a distance, that side is as bright as day.

Sheng Minglin couldn't sit still anymore, so he came back and put on his cloak and said, "You two write first, Wuqi, if you have any questions, just ask Brother Zhao, and I'll go take a look at Zhuzhu."

After both of them agreed, Sheng Minglin walked out of the door and walked quickly towards the other side.

Before we arrived, we heard Zhuzhu laughing, looking like she was having a great time.

Sheng Minglin wrapped his clothes tightly and walked over quickly.

There is a small city wall with ice sculptures in front of it. After entering, there are many ice sculptures.

Perhaps because of Zhuzhu, the ice sculptures here are not very elegant, with simple and cute shapes. Just the tigers and condors are carved into several shapes, as well as small ice sculptures such as pagodas and horses. , crystal clear and very beautiful.

Walking further inside, there is a small house with ice sculptures. Zhuzhu, Wang Fengzhang, and Shen Lingjue are chasing each other inside and outside the house. The dumpling has obviously been playing for a long time. It is so hot that he has taken off his cloak and his face is red. , laughing happily.

Sheng Minglin was watching with a smile, but Zhuzhu had already caught sight of him and rushed over: "Guo Guo!"

When she raised her head, her mouth was filled with white breath: "Guo Guo, are you done?"

"That's right," Sheng Minglin pinched her little face, which made Tuanzi look alert. Then she shrank her neck and grabbed his hand: "Let's go play ice tray!"

Sheng Minglin said: "What ice tray?"

Shen Lingjue only wore a single robe and smiled with big white teeth: "Let's go, invite a few more people to play!"

This ice tray was originally an ice sculpture. It was actually a round disc, just like a millstone. After being swept off by Shanda Huahua's tail, Tuanzi found that it could actually slide very far on the ice, so he played with it for a while and just changed it. When he saw his brother coming, he couldn't wait to drag him to play.

Shen Lingjue pulled Qin Jiangbai and the prince together. Emperor Mingxi was in high spirits and stood up to do some exercise.

So in the end, weak chicken Zhuzhu and Sheng Minglin were divided into two teams. One team was Emperor Mingxi, the prince, Shen Lingjue, and Zhuzhu, and the other team was Prince Duan, Wang Fengzhang, Qin Jiangbai, and Sheng Minglin.

A venue was hastily drawn, and the two sides started fighting.When it was Emperor Mingxi's turn, he really kicked, but even after a few kicks, he would hit Tuanzi. He looked at the little man and laughed, ran over with his short legs, and kicked him hard.

What can I say, one loosens and one tightens, one opens and one relaxes, it's quite harmonious.

In the end, Zhuzhu was so exhausted that she couldn't bear to get down. Shen Lingjue carried her on his shoulders, and then called Zhou Luli to complete the fight and kick him together. At this time, the battle really became intense.

Emperor Mingxi was really capable. He was so courageous that he could slide on the ice as if he were flying. He also didn't like others to give in to him. Everyone was really playing and the kicks were so intense.

Although Zhuzhu didn't do it herself, she was sitting on Shen Lingjue's shoulders. She was about the same height as Emperor Mingxi and the Crown Prince. She felt very involved. She kicked her little feet excitedly, and her little voice was almost screaming, and the audience was full of people. She had the loudest voice. Princess Duan and the Empress who were watching the battle burst into laughter. Even the big tiger was inexplicably excited and howled along with her.

By the light of the ice lantern, everyone played football for more than an hour. Zhu Zhuer was not sleepy at all. She was tired from chattering and was still clapping hard.

As we were playing, it began to snow, getting heavier and heavier. After everyone had enjoyed themselves, they stopped and came back to take a bath and sleep.

Tuanzi was so excited that she couldn't sleep. She rolled around in her parents' arms, chirping and croaking, and made a fuss for most of an hour. Finally, Sheng Minglin couldn't listen anymore, so he came over with his clothes on and took her to his room before sleeping. .

It snowed all night and stopped in the morning. While Zhuzhu didn't get up, Princess Duan and the Empress also went out for a walk. They all also went to watch the play between husband and wife.

When the play was written on paper, it was just like that, but when it was put on the stage, with the humorous performances, especially the clown who played Han Meng, how could he act so cowardly and funny... Even the original author Sheng Minglin laughed Got a stomachache.

Huo Chenzhao was ordered to take care of the children at home, and Wang Fengzhang took the initiative to stay with her.

Li Baisui's family is a local snake. Now the news has been released, and road festivals have been held. People are talking about it outside. Wang Fengzhang read their articles and sighed: "Before I met you, I always feel that I am not bad at all, both in literature and martial arts. But when I read your articles... I really can’t write to this level in my life. That’s why there are people outside the world.”

Huo Chenzhao laughed and said: "How can it be so exaggerated?"

"It's not an exaggeration, it's the truth!" Wang Fengzhang said sincerely: "It's the truth!"

In particular, Huo Chenzhao's writing style is free and easy, yet at such a young age he can be both majestic and delicate, with a weight that feels light.

Just reading his articles, one might think that he is a young man who has lived his whole life without any worries about food and clothing, rather than a vengeful young man who has experienced great changes.

It can be seen that his temperament is like this, open-minded and bright. Even if he has experienced extreme pain and hardship, he will still be grateful and feel happy for the sunshine and warmth today.

This is the rarest thing.

Wang Fengzhang was filled with emotion and wanted to say a few more words, but he saw Huo Chenzhao tilting his head and said with a smile: "Zhuzhu is awake."

He put down his cup and went out to greet him. Wang Fengzhang quickly packed up his articles and followed him.

The two of them stood outside the door and heard the dumpling inside asking: "Where is Guo Guo?" (End of Chapter)

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