After my brother was reborn and turned into a black man, he was so cute with the group's favori

Chapter 575: The chicken is flying, the dog is dancing, the baby is crying

Lychee helped her put on clothes and said with a smile: "The prince, the prince, the princess, and the emperor all went out to do business. Only Huo Shao and Wang Shao fought for a long time, and finally won, and they could stay and play with His Highness. "

Tuanzi nodded: "Zhuzhu also likes to play with them."

It's colder here than at home. I'm used to being warm at home, but it feels even colder. Tuanzi was dressed like a ball and walked out with difficulty on his short legs. He saw a large patch of white at a glance: "Wow! It's snowing! !”

Huo Chenzhao smiled and went over to hug her. Tuanzi suddenly thought of something and became excited and said: "Beautiful Guoguo! Fengfeng Guoguo!"

She held Huo Chenzhao's face with one hand and Wang Fengzhang's face with the other, and said excitedly: "We, the three of us have that one!! Do we have that one? Are we connected or not!!"

Two people: "...???"

Which one is there?At this time, Sheng Minglin is needed.

But they didn't.

So Huo Chenzhao said: "What?"

Zhuzhu said loudly: "That's it! Just... Zhuzhu told her parents last night that it was snowing and Fengfeng Guoguo had never played with building a snowman! Zhuzhu could take him to play with her! Beautiful! Guo Guo throws those snowball balls that fly a few times to show him! Then it starts to snow!"

Wang Fengzhang was moved while guessing: "Will all your wishes come true?"

"No!" The illiterate Tuanzi was extremely anxious: "If Zhuzhu wants to play with the beautiful Guoguo and Fengfeng Guoguo in the snow, just ask for it! If you have current debts, you can take the debt!" "

Huo Chenzhao finally understood: "Is there a connection between hearts?"

Tuanzi nodded fiercely: "Yes, yes! Just introduce it! Spiritual heart! We all have spiritual hearts, and there are many, many spiritual hearts!"

"Lingxi, rhinoceros," Huo Chenzhao explained: "Rhinoceros horns have textures, have many magical uses, and are very sensitive, so they call rhinoceros horns 'Lingxi'. Later, there was also the saying 'Heart has Lingxi, a little bit of communication', saying that our minds are connected."

Tuanzi continued to nod: "That's right! We are very savvy! We have psychic rhinoceros and ox horns."

Huo Chenzhao smiled and stopped correcting him: "Zhu Zhu'er is right."

So after Zhuzhu finished her breakfast, the three of them ran out to build a snowman. The big tiger also chirped and helped to build the snowman, and was very busy.

Zhuzhu considers herself to be the main force in making snowmen and works extremely hard.

But she wore a lot of clothes and struggled to walk. While panting from exhaustion, she did not forget to explain to Wang Fengzhang. It took the two of them together for more than half an hour to finally build a huge pile of snow that was as tall as one person. People, let alone Zhuzhu, even Wang Fengzhang feels a sense of accomplishment.

Huo Chenzhao was adjusting the seasonings and preparing to paint clothes for the snowman.

Because the paint used directly for painting will smudge, it needs to be mixed with a little sand or flour while the two of them watched.

At this moment, accompanied by the loud song "Twist your neck and twist your waist, let's memorize the rhyme table...", the giant eagle fell from the sky, kicked the snowman over with a sliding shovel, then opened its wings and swayed He made a cool gesture, raised his head to the sky, and shouted: "Gah!"

Zhuzhu's entire group was stunned.

She looked at the silly bird with "Master, I'm back" written all over its face, and then looked at the snowman who was kicked to the side, his head fell off and flattened. She was stunned on the spot and didn't know whether to cry.

The big tiger also tried his best. When he saw that the snowman was broken, he became angry and pounced on it with a roar.

Then, accompanied by cheerful music, a tiger and an eagle fought together. Both were huge in stature, and the fight was very destructive. In a matter of seconds, the snowman's body was broken into two halves.Tuanzi saw this in her eyes and finally couldn't help but burst into tears... Her whole group split apart. While crying, she yelled vaguely, "Don't hit it, it will hurt..." and at the same time, she yelled, "Wow." , Snowman, don’t wash it, Zhuzhu finally piled it up for you..."

Sheng Minglin did not go to dinner with the adults, but strolled back with Shen Lingjue. Before he entered the courtyard, he felt his body light up. Shen Lingjue dragged him up and down for a few times, and then he got here.

As soon as Tuanzi saw him, he burst into tears. The whole group fell over, hugged his neck and cried loudly. He was so wronged.

Sheng Weifeng couldn't beat the big tiger, and he had several pieces of hair bald. He felt extremely wronged, so he rushed over and stood next to him. His whole body trembled, his mouth opened, and he cried loudly in a very humane way. .

The big tiger was angry for a moment and had a fight with Sheng Weifeng. He also felt that he might have done something wrong. He came over with a flirtatious look and touched him on the other side. He opened his mouth from time to time and said: " Ouch! Ouch!!”

I just went out to play all morning, and as soon as I got home, I was faced with this scene of the prince crying: "..."

He quickly got into the mood and started mediating.

This situation cannot be solved by building another snowman. If you build ten more snowmen, it will not be the same one as before. Fortunately, this is not a problem for Almighty Brother.

Ten minutes later, more than 10 imperial guards were called over to pile up the snow. Then Huo Chenzhao took a knife and started making snow sculptures. Tuanzi took the mixed paint and squatted there in a small ball, sobbing and squeezing in the snow. Paint flowers on the wall.

Big Tiger and Shanda Weifeng each took their sides, fluttering around in the snow, not knowing whether they were helping or causing trouble. They wanted to participate.

But no matter what, a big tiger soon came out of the pile, with Xiao Zhuzhu sitting on top of his head, and beside him was Shanda Weifeng... As soon as these three came out, the big tiger and Shanda Weifeng stopped, and then slowly started to pile up. of.

Sheng Minglin was very like his father and never made mistakes on key matters. So when Emperor Mingxi and others came back after having a good meal, they saw a snowman corps piled up in the open space.

Tuanzi had long forgotten what happened. As soon as he saw them coming, he ran over happily, pulled their sleeves, and introduced them one by one.

The ones at the front were obviously Emperor Mingxi and the Crown Prince, both wearing armor and looking very majestic.

Behind him is Zhuzhu riding a tiger, and the people next to him are one after another. They all have their clothes and eyebrows painted, and you can vaguely tell who they are. It looks quite spectacular.

Even the Empress and Princess Duan were sculpted, their eyebrows and eyes were painted extremely delicately, and there were ugly little flowers on their bodies, probably painted by Zhuzhu, which made them very happy.

It feels happier to fight side by side without losing sight of men than to send your husband off to war.

Everyone was very happy and stood there talking for a long time before going back.

In the afternoon, everyone didn't go out. They dug a hole in the koi pond to fish. The next day, they found a place to play with sledges, playing all the winter games that Zhu Zhu missed.

After careful planning, they could only stay here for three days. Early on the fourth day, the group set off to leave.

When he left, he didn’t cover up his whereabouts seriously. The big tiger and the condor were waiting outside the city. When he walked to the city gate, he could still see many people gathered in front of the Li family’s shed. Men, women, old and young chanted Buddha’s words and prayed in unison. Together, they actually synthesized a harmonious sound.

Emperor Mingxi looked at it for a few times and said, "In this case, it can be regarded as a meritorious deed."

While talking, he met the big tiger and the grand majesty. Suddenly, a man stood out from the crowd in the Li family shed. He quickly knelt down and saluted silently. Emperor Mingxi chuckled and said, "He is quite a smart man."

As he spoke, he stepped back, and the people outside quickly closed the car door.

Zhou Luli raised his hand to signal to start, and while turning his head, he saw that the crowd behind him was getting shorter one by one. After a while, the sound of the mountain shouting "Long Live the Mountain" came from far away. (End of chapter)

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