Sheng Minglin also heard it. He opened the window and looked back, but he could no longer see clearly.

He pulled back and continued talking to the system.

It was too early, Zhu Zhu'er hadn't gotten up yet, but he told Zhu Zhu'er in advance last night, so he called the system when he got on the road.

He mainly thought of one thing.

The common people are very simple. They are accustomed to looking for spiritual sustenance. After blessings are given on New Year's Eve, there is no need to think that they will definitely want to offer auspicious offerings.

Zhuzhu doesn't need incense. Rather than letting them worship randomly or being used by others, it's better to prepare it for them in advance.

So Sheng Minglin went to the system yesterday to order some small flags.

He didn't know what materials would be available in later generations. Anyway, he wanted something with a good color, not easy to break, and cheap.

In the end, the system provided a small flag that was said to be waterproof, sunproof, never fade, and only the size of an adult's palm. It also came with a small pole, and 1 flags equaled [-] points.

Dasheng has a total population of several million households, but now they are just making a mockup and don't really need to prepare them for the whole world, so Sheng Minglin discussed with Emperor Mingxi and only bought 100 million.

After buying a bag of one hundred small flags, Prince Duan helped to draw up the quantity needed for each county. Sheng Minglin, Shen Lingjue, Huo Chenzhao and several others counted the flags in person for a long time.

Those who are nearby are sent to the Jin Yiwei to send them off, and those who are far away are asked to send the Jin Yiwei to send them off. Now every county has sent Jin Yiwei to send them off. After New Year's Eve, the meaning of the national flag pattern will be explained and promoted.

Sheng Minglin also hurriedly copied some articles about the burial, and asked people who went to pick up some large places to post them to build momentum first.

There was no idle time along the way. It was already 29 when we got back to Beijing, and the next day was New Year's Eve.

On New Year's Eve, because the time of offering sacrifices to heaven was changed, the entire process of the palace banquet was changed.

Zhuzhu also put on a complicated and beautiful princess dress for the first time, paired with a small phoenix crown.

The phoenix crown has been as simple and compact as possible, but after all, the identity is there, and fake gems cannot be used. It still looks quite luxurious, making Zhuzhu look like a child who has secretly worn adult clothes, and his neck is not straight. It is beautiful and elegant. Fun.

In order to prevent Zhuzhu from being unable to hold on, and to grasp the process of worshiping heaven in time so that he can click on it in time to take effect, and to prepare for emergencies, he had to keep Sheng Minglin and Huo Chenzhao around him who could transmit messages into secrets... As the Ministry of Rites Prince Duan, the minister's biological father, took great pains.

The heaven-sacrifice ceremony was held in the Fengtian Hall. The emperor led hundreds of officials to salute. The unranked officials and minor officials were all outside the hall. The ladies and ladies followed the queen in the Jiaotai Hall.

Only Zhuzhu was given a place alone in the palace, a short distance away from everyone else. Sheng Minglin, Shen Lingjue, and the Seventh Prince stood in a triangle, while Huo Chenzhao stood beside and behind her.

The ritual of offering sacrifices to heaven was complicated. Emperor Mingxi led hundreds of officials to welcome the gods step by step, kneel down, offer incense, lay jade and silk fabrics, enter the altar, and the ministers knelt down and read blessings.

The blessing text alone was read for more than half an hour. Huo Chenzhao put one hand behind Zhuzhu, supporting her to stand upright. When Si Zhu finished reading, the music started again, and the little Zhuzhu followed Emperor Mingxi on his knees for three times in a decent manner. Nine knocks...

Perform the first offering, the second offering, and the final offering.

After the final gift, the minister of Guanglu Temple must offer blessings, wine, and blessings, and the emperor will kneel down to receive the blessings, bow three times, return to the position of worship, and kneel three times and kowtow nine times.

It was during this stage that Prince Duan added a stage where everyone closed their eyes and knelt together to receive the blessings from God.

Zhuzhu also needs to click on the system interface to confirm at this time for the reward to take effect.

The time was just right. After receiving the blessing wine and blessings, it happened to be at the beginning of Xu. Everyone lowered their heads with piety on their faces. Over there, Huo Chenzhao used sound transmission to enter the secret and said to Zhuzhu: "Zhuzhu, you can order it. .”

Xiaotuanzi was actually nervous all night, so he nodded obediently.

Sheng Minglin looked at the system interface that opened automatically in front of him, nodded slightly, and felt relieved.

The next moment, he felt light all over his body.

Even though he was not suffering from any illness, he felt that his body was so comfortable at this moment. Moreover, for the first time, he could clearly feel that the Qing Gong veins that needed Huo Chenzhao's help from time to time to operate successfully... seemed to have an immediate effect. miraculous effect!
.........At this time, somewhere in Dasheng, a group of children and grandchildren were surrounding an old woman's bed.

The woman was a widow who had worked hard for her children all her life and supported a Jinshi and a businessman. The sons finally grew up and the family's life improved, but the woman couldn't hold on any longer and fell ill in bed.

The children and grandchildren were all filial and attentive, but after two years of delay, the end was still approaching. He still had a breath of life, but he invited a miracle doctor to force him to last until this time, but he saw that he could no longer hold on.

On New Year's Eve, other families were laughing and laughing, but this family was crying. Suddenly, they heard the sound of the bell tower outside in the distance. The eldest son shed tears and rushed forward: "Mother! Mother, wake up! Mother is blessed by auspiciousness!" ! Auspicious blessings!"

The old woman had been breathing out more and taking in less air. After hearing this, she didn't know where she got the strength. She suddenly opened her eyes and muttered silently.

I don't know how long it took, but just when the old woman couldn't hold on any longer and her eyes were about to dim again, a sudden warmth hit her whole body. She felt her heart began to beat again, her legs gradually gained strength, and she couldn't breathe anymore. The breath coming from my chest became smoother and smoother.

When everything was over, everyone came back to their senses and looked at each other. The old woman who had been lying down for two years actually slowly sat up, and she didn't even feel that it was hard!

Everyone burst into tears of joy.


Liu, the county magistrate of a certain county, was the one who scoffed at the imperial edict and decided to write a petition for impeachment later in the year. He was also the one who felt that everyone was confused and only I could see the truth. He was escorted by the royal guards and finished everything, but he felt unhappy in his heart. Convinced.

On the eve of the New Year's Eve, I stayed with my family to watch the New Year's Eve. The clock of Xu Chu sounded in advance. My wife and son all put down their chopsticks, knelt down towards the capital, closed their eyes and prayed devoutly. Only Magistrate Liu disagreed and continued to eat and drink. He kept mocking his wife and children for their long hair and short knowledge.

Then, as soon as Xu Chu arrived, suddenly, an inexplicable feeling came over him.

He just felt a warmth all over his body. The headache, shoulder pain and arm pain caused by sitting at the desk for many years of studying were clearly and palpably gradually becoming relaxed and soothing. His whole body felt warm and comfortable, as if he was bathing in the sun. , soak in the hot springs.

Magistrate Liu was shocked.

Then he quickly came to his senses, crawled to the ground and knelt down next to his wife and children, kowtowing and saying, "Long live the emperor, long live the emperor, the princess, a thousand years, a thousand years, a thousand years..."

The warm and comfortable feeling slowly receded. After a while, the wife got up and was pleasantly surprised: "My waist doesn't hurt at all! I feel strong all over!"

My wife caught a cold when she was giving birth to her eldest son. She has suffered from back pain for so many years. The pain is especially severe when she catches cold... Especially when she is busy at the end of the year, the pain makes her unable to straighten her waist. But now her face is glowing and her back is straight. She is obviously healed.

Magistrate Liu stood up slowly, his intestines turning green with regret.

Although his head and shoulders no longer hurt, if he had prayed devoutly earlier, would he have been transformed? ?Will you have a photographic memory?

He really regretted it.

And he secretly swore that next time, if the court issued any decree, he would never dare to question it again!He will definitely cooperate fully!


Similar scenes are playing out across the country...

It is worth mentioning that because the Chinese New Year is approaching, there are still several small countries in the capital coming to pay tribute, such as Luzon, Japan, Borneo, Sumatra, Manlajia, Ryukyu, Harlequin...etc., they In the capital, I also heard rumors of blessings on New Year's Eve. Some envoys even prayed devoutly at this time, but they did not receive blessings.

20% doesn’t sound like much, but it’s actually quite a lot, because people don’t have 100% awareness of their bodies. The simplest example is that when your stomach doesn’t hurt, you can’t feel where your stomach is.

So 20% is really a lot.

This night, countless people regained their lives.

At this time, everyone in the palace was doubtful and doubtful, all of them were convinced.Everyone started the palace banquet with a dreamlike mood. (End of chapter)

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